[Reviews - 60] Printer

What if you could see before and after canon, and fill in the blanks?


The In Between Days universe follows six principals in that series, and their counterparts, as the Enterprise NX-01 travels the galaxy and its preliminaries and aftermath are also shown. The six principals are: Leonora (Norri) Digiorno, Douglas JH Beckett, Dr. Pamela Hudson, Melissa Madden, Charlotte Lilienne O’Day and canon character Malcolm Reed. The longer books are listed in chronological order, with teaser copy and dates, but only with a link to where a book is already posted.

In Between Days

The title In Between Days refers not only to a Cure song of that name, but also the time period roughly between the Terra Prime/Mirror Universe episodes on ENT and the These Are the Voyages episode which ended that series. 

As always, I thank you for reading, reviewing and inspiring.

Rated: M
Categories: Enterprise, Mirror Universe, Alternate Universes, Expanded Universes, Crossovers Characters: None
Genre: None
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: In Between Days
Chapters: 112 Completed: Yes
Word count: 72962 Read: 327142
Published: 01 Feb 2012 Updated: 04 Dec 2014

1. Detroit Rock City by jespah [Reviews - 2] (910 words)

In 2005, nobody believes Leland Loomis when he claims to have seen lizard people and a guy with a ray gun.

2. A Single Step by jespah [Reviews - 2] (2761 words)

Lily Sloane Cochrane and Zefram Cochrane meet a mysterious alien in 2117.

3. The High Cost of Dissidence by jespah [Reviews - 2] (1623 words)

In the Mirror, one casual slip of the tongue spells disaster for Lili’s counterpart and her family. Takes place in June of 2118.

4. Flip by jespah [Reviews - 0] (2373 words)

In 2127, Lili O’Day gets a chance to cook for the head of the Mars Culinary Institute.

5. Atlas by jespah [Reviews - 1] (1065 words)

Sergeant Jay Hayes arrives on Titania with his MACO unit, on April 27, 2133.

6. Party on Risa by jespah [Reviews - 1] (378 words)

Travis goes on vacation on Risa and dances with a mysterious alien woman. Takes place in February of 2152.

7. And the Livin' is Easy by jespah [Reviews - 1] (413 words)

Response to a prompt about this seasons (this is summer); a missing scene from Two Days and Two Nights.

8. If You Can't Stand the Heat by jespah [Reviews - 0] (10 words)

Chef William Slocum and the NX-01’s first Botanist, Naomi Curtis, fight off a Darvellian invasion.

9. Cobbled Together by jespah [Reviews - 1] (602 words)

Malcolm bets on pineapple. Takes place on September 21, 2152.

10. Concord by jespah [Reviews - 0] (1 words)

Malcolm is caught in a temporal interphasic rift in 2153.

11. Voracious by jespah [Reviews - 2] (1413 words)

Written in response to a weekly prompt about making a good impression. Chef and Lili meet in 2153.

12. Harvest by jespah [Reviews - 2] (1318 words)

In 2153, Lili is introduced as the Enterprise’s new sous-chef and Jay is introduced as the new CO of the MACO contingent.

13. Before the Fall by jespah [Reviews - 2] (2440 words)

On June 12, 2153, Lili and Will compete in an Iron Chef-style competition.

14. The Continuing Adventures of Porthos - The Future Cat by jespah [Reviews - 0] (12 words)

When temporo-spatial anomalies hit the NX-01, Porthos takes an involuntary trip to the Enterprise-D. Can Spot help get him back in time and space?

15. Protocols by jespah [Reviews - 2] (1248 words)

This one was written as a response to a prompt about arts and crafts.

16. Theorizing by jespah [Reviews - 0] (5 words)

On October 12, 2153, Captain Jonathan Archer and Doctor Sam Beckett reciprocally leap in time, in this Quantum Leap crossover.

17. A Perfect Note by jespah [Reviews - 0] (5 words)

Striking out has a more permanent effect on a crewman than would normally be expected. Takes place on October 28, 2153.

18. The Mess by jespah [Reviews - 2] (712 words)

On November 22, 2153, Lili reacts to meeting She Who Almost Didn’t Breed in Time.

19. Gratitude by jespah [Reviews - 0] (948 words)

On November 22, 2153, Lili and Frank Todd talk about She Who Almost Didn’t Breed in Time and what it means for Lili to be a killer.

20. Gossip Gossip by jespah [Reviews - 0] (587 words)

On November 29, 2153, Rona Moran reports on the goings on aboard the NX-01

21. Onions by jespah [Reviews - 2] (563 words)

Written in response to a prompt about crying. Takes place on December 24th of 2153.

22. Penicillin by jespah [Reviews - 2] (865 words)

On January 2, 2154, Lili gives Jay a little something for his cough.

23. Demotion by jespah [Reviews - 2] (787 words)

On January 8 of 2154, Jay Hayes is forced to discipline Corporal Daniel Chang, and busts him to Private.

24. Detached Curiosity & Idle Speculation by jespah [Reviews - 3] (448 words)

On January 14, 2154, Dave Constantine and Frank Todd talk about the other version of the NX-01.

25. Conversations with Heroes by jespah [Reviews - 0] (7 words)

On March 19th, 2154, filmmaker Carlos Castillo interviews members of the NX-01 crew about their impressions and memories of the Xindi War.

26. The Way to a Man's Heart by jespah [Reviews - 0] (10 words)

A June 2154 celebration of diversity leads to an act of kindness.

27. The Puzzle, A Tale Told in Pieces by jespah [Reviews - 0] (6 words)

In June of 2154, Travis Mayweather is removed from his bed for an odd alien experiment. Can he work together with other species? Are any of the people he's been kidnapped with even real?

28. More, More, More! by jespah [Reviews - 0] (7 words)

On July 10, 2154, the NX-01 and the NX-02 meet for a party as the captain is compromised.

29. Letters from Home by jespah [Reviews - 2] (439 words)

Written in response to a prompt of the same name. Takes place in 2154. This one was written as a riff on the mail call scene in the film Stalag 17.

30. The Adventures of Porthos by jespah [Reviews - 0] (8 words)

When the Azezans come calling, only one member of the crew realizes there’s something amiss.

31. Throwing Rocks at Looking Glass Houses by jespah [Reviews - 0] (13 words)

On January eighteenth of 2155, a power vacuum is filled in the Mirror Universe.

32. Paving Stones Made from Good Intentions by jespah [Reviews - 0] (36 words)

Written in response to the January 2012 monthly Pathways challenge.

33. The Further Adventures of Porthos - The Stilton Fulfillment by jespah [Reviews - 0] (13 words)

On March 12th of 2155, Porthos overdoes it, with a little help from a Caitian girl.

34. Bribery by jespah [Reviews - 2] (1194 words)

In 2155, Treve and his siblings are introduced to Polloria.

35. The Light by jespah [Reviews - 0] (30 words)

Written for Trek United's Hailing Frequencies Open/Twelve Days of Christmas project in 2010.

36. Waiting by jespah [Reviews - 2] (629 words)

Written in response to a weekly free write of the same name.

In January of 2157, Andrew and Karin have their third date while Azar and Ethan look on.

37. First Born by jespah [Reviews - 0] (5 words)

Richard Daniels’s careless decision by inaction rips through the timeline in both universes. Takes place in January of 2156 and October tenth of 3101.

38. Red by jespah [Reviews - 0] (819 words)

Melissa and Norri meet, on May 11, 2157.

39. An Announcement by jespah [Reviews - 3] (929 words)

In May of 2157, Leonora Digiorno returns from her vacation on Ceres and informs her family that she’s met someone special – Melissa Madden.

40. Reversal by jespah [Reviews - 0] (46 words)

My first true full-length novel.

41. Apple by jespah [Reviews - 2] (874 words)

Written in response to the Temptation prompt, this ficlet takes place during the longer work, Reversal, the day after the day of all-orange food, which is October 29th of 2157, so Apple takes place on the 30th.

42. Local Flavor by jespah [Reviews - 0] (6 words)

On November 16, 2157, Lili and Doug spend their first day on Lafa II.

43. A Kind of Blue by jespah [Reviews - 0] (12 words)

The color blue does not have to mean sadness.

44. Dear Naurr, Dear Lili by jespah [Reviews - 0] (9 words)

On February 17, 2158, Lili gives a little advice to a new chef.

45. Gainful by jespah [Reviews - 2] (1662 words)

On April 6, 2158, Mary Reed gets a job.

46. The Tribe by jespah [Reviews - 2] (1112 words)

On April 6, 2158, Mary Reed has an interesting commute on the way home from her new job.

47. Brown by jespah [Reviews - 2] (1428 words)

Written in response to a weekly prompt about pests. Takes place in the MU, in May of 2158.

48. Bomb(e) by jespah [Reviews - 0] (14 words)

On June 3rd, 2158, Naurr makes a bombe glacée and fools a mysterious boarding party into believing it’s an actual bomb.

49. Friday Visit by jespah [Reviews - 2] (1829 words)

Written in response to a weekly free write prompt about TGIF. Takes place in 2158. This acts as a sequel to Reversal and a bridge to Together.

50. Dishing it Out by jespah [Reviews - 0] (10 words)

In 2158, the Temporal Integrity Commission sends Lili Beckett and Naurr to correct a megaotric event involving the Empress Hoshi Sato and some unauthorized cookbooks.

51. Intolerance by jespah [Reviews - 0] (64 words)

Written to try to give Malcolm Reed more depth. This one is probably the closest rated to MA.

52. Barely Tolerable by jespah [Reviews - 1] (97 words)

In July of 2158, Captain Archer laments the fact that he’s got to keep his hands to himself. Takes place during the events of Intolerance.

53. Pacing by jespah [Reviews - 2] (656 words)

In later 2158, Doug purchases his gift for Lili, for their second Christmas together.

54. The Gift by jespah [Reviews - 2] (409 words)

Written in response to a prompt about holiday gift-giving. Takes place on December 25th, 2158.

55. Voice of the Common Man by jespah [Reviews - 0] (9 words)

On April 19 of 2159, Lili and Doug vote on Lafa II for the first time.

56. Together by jespah [Reviews - 0] (98 words)

Written to try to resolve a conflict that had arisen once I was done with Intolerance. Probably the most loving of the longer stories.

57. Broken Seal by jespah [Reviews - 0] (21 words)

Written in response to the Silence Monthly Challenge

58. Movie Night by jespah [Reviews - 1] (1016 words)

In November of 2159, Malcolm takes Melissa to Movie Night.

59. Equilibrium by jespah [Reviews - 1] (1060 words)

Lili, Joss and Doug share a dream on December 26, 2159.

60. The Cure is Worse than the Disease by jespah [Reviews - 0] (54 words)

In February of 2160, the Columbia makes first contact with the Daranaeans.

61. Ceremonial by jespah [Reviews - 0] (877 words)

On April 9, 2160, Charles, Beth and Charlie become citizens of the Mirror Lafa System.

62. Where No Gerbil Has Gone Before by jespah [Reviews - 0] (10 words)

Whatever happened to … Stella

On April 25, 2160, Chip Masterson reveals all.

63. Tumult by jespah [Reviews - 0] (1717 words)

On May fifth of 2160, Lili and Doug arrive on Ceres for Tommy’s birth, on May sixth.

64. Achieving Peace by jespah [Reviews - 0] (1364 words)

On August 4, 2160, peace is achieved between the Coalition of Planets and the Romulan Star Empire, and Laura Hayes is there.

65. Shell Shock by jespah [Reviews - 0] (16 words)

At the conclusion of the Romulan War, all fingers point to Starfleet when a crime is committed in nearby Mill Valley. Takes place in August and September of 2160.

66. There's Something About Hoshi by jespah [Reviews - 0] (6 words)

In November of 2160, First Contact with the Arisians has a strange effect on Hoshi.

67. The Conspiracy by jespah [Reviews - 2] (1534 words)

New Year's Day of 2161 brings a fresh threat to the Empress and her family.

68. Gilded Cage by jespah [Reviews - 0] (1030 words)

On January 7, 2161, the Empress confines Aidan to quarters.

69. Temper by jespah [Reviews - 0] (78 words)

A return to resolve unfinished business on both sides of the pond, and to introduce a character bridging the way to the next series, Times of the HG Wells.

70. Coveted Commodity by jespah [Reviews - 0] (8 words)

Written in response to the January 2012 Trek BBS "Bright New Day" challenge. Takes place in May of 2161. Because Temper has incoherent time, this does not break fanon, although it does bend it a bit.

71. Fortune by jespah [Reviews - 0] (120 words)

A swing for the fences type of story, intended to wrap up the series, but the characters had other things in mind.

72. Day of the Dead by jespah [Reviews - 0] (11 words)

The worst horrors aren’t found on a movie screen. Tripp Tucker finds himself whisked to an unfamiliar time and place during Halloween, the Day of the Dead and All Souls’ Day, 2161.

73. To Wish, To Want, To Desire by jespah [Reviews - 0] (439 words)

On January 11, 2162, Treve and Pamela talk about their expectations for a relationship.

74. On the Radio by jespah [Reviews - 0] (7 words)

They never said your name, but I knew just who they meant.

Hoshi and T'Pol go through Tripp's things and are both affected, but in different ways.

75. We Meet Again by jespah [Reviews - 0] (741 words)

Just after the NX-01 is decommissioned in 2162, Travis heads to Philadelphia to mourn Tripp Tucker and think about his next career move.

76. Saturn Rise by jespah [Reviews - 0] (6 words)

Are some things unforgivable? Are some people irredeemable? In May of 2162, Malcolm takes Lili to meet his parents as Pamela takes Treve to meet her sister, Lisa.

77. The Play at the Plate by jespah [Reviews - 1] (660 words)

In the Mirror, Andy meets Melissa, on July 9, 2162.

78. Legends by jespah [Reviews - 0] (3 words)

On August eleventh of 2162, the Calafan High Priestess Yipran chooses her successor at the Festival of Lo.

79. All You Need is Love by jespah [Reviews - 0] (407 words)

Written in response to a prompt with the same name, this ficlet takes place on October 31st, 2162.

80. Complications by jespah [Reviews - 0] (330 words)

The first time for Pamela and Treve proves to be a bit more complicated than anticipated. Takes place in the early morning of July 13th of 2163.

81. The Best Things Come in Pairs by jespah [Reviews - 0] (692 words)

For Treve and Pamela, on July 12th of 2163, a poker game turns into something more. 

82. Gremlins by jespah [Reviews - 0] (742 words)

On August 28, 2164, Malcolm and Doug investigate a mysterious pinging sound.

83. Take Back the Night by jespah [Reviews - 0] (8 words)

When The Cure is Worse Than the Disease was released, a number of people asked me for a sequel. I had not originally intended to write one, and had thought of it as an Alien of the Week story and little more. But I fell in love with the Daranaeans, and so the idea for this story came about, mainly inspired by the Babyface/Eric Clapton song, Change the World.

On April 19, 2165, the Enterprise and the Columbia go to Daranaea.

84. Temptation by jespah [Reviews - 0] (5 words)

Response to a prompt of the same name. Takes place on November 5, 2165.

Cria’s plans for an afternoon with her friends go a little awry when someone gives into temptation.

85. Some Assembly Required by jespah [Reviews - 0] (7 words)

Written as a bit of literal holiday fluff for the 2011 holiday season.

The December 2165 holidays are celebrated on the NX-01 and on Daranaea.

86. The Facts by jespah [Reviews - 1] (1007 words)

Tommy Digiorno-Madden gets an eyeful when he’s sent home early from school one day. Takes place on September 11, 2166.

87. Linfep Linfep Linfep by jespah [Reviews - 0] (1417 words)

On October 1, 2166, Lili explains the facts of life to the kids.

88. Biases by jespah [Reviews - 1] (1263 words)

Written in response to a weekly prompt with the same name.

Takes place on May 18th of 2172.

A bit of No Irish Need Apply, in the 22nd century.

89. Consider the Lilies of the Field by jespah [Reviews - 0] (928 words)

In June of 2175, Joss takes Jia to his senior prom.

90. In Memory of Kelsey Haber by jespah [Reviews - 0] (9 words)

In October of 2175, the crew of the USS Zefram Cochrane tries to remember a troubled crewman who none of them really ever knew.

91. The Pivot Point by jespah [Reviews - 0] (1466 words)

On January first of 2176, Susan Cheshire makes a decision in both universes.

92. About Nine Months by jespah [Reviews - 0] (7 words)

From October of 2176 to June of 2177, the short life of Kevin Madden-Beckett.

93. Debate by jespah [Reviews - 0] (657 words)

Written in response to a prompt about politics.

In 2177, the Daraneans debate whether Prime Wives should be given the right to vote.

94. Half by jespah [Reviews - 0] (1811 words)

In 2177, Shran goes into hiding briefly, on the Cochrane.

95. There's Something Else About Hoshi by jespah [Reviews - 0] (1466 words)

In 2179, twenty years after the events depicted in There’s Something About Hoshi, Hoshi Sato Kimura and her family return to Aris.

96. Flight of the Bluebird by jespah [Reviews - 0] (8 words)

In 2180, fifteen years after the events depicted in Take Back the Night, Malcolm Reed is back on Daranaea with his new ship, the DC-1505 Bluebird. How much have things changed? How much have they stayed the same? Is this generation fulfilling its promise? Part of the Daranaean arc.

97. Equinox by jespah [Reviews - 0] (5 words)

Malcolm sacrifices everything to be with Lili.

98. Confidence by jespah [Reviews - 0] (756 words)

On September 2, 2182, Inta is admitted to Oxford to study art.

99. The Rite by jespah [Reviews - 0] (1074 words)

In 2183, Lili, Malcolm and Declan attend Alia Shapiro’s Bat Mitzvah and there’s a little misbehaving going on.

100. Finnan Haddie by jespah [Reviews - 0] (1179 words)

On April 29, 2185, a first dance is held on Lafa II.

101. Hearts in Time by jespah [Reviews - 0] (3982 words)

In 2191, Inta goes on a date with Hank Harrison (for him, it’s the 24th century). A crossover story with trekfan.

102. Bread by jespah [Reviews - 0] (5 words)

Independence begins and ends in early 2192, for Leah Benson and her counterpart as they face challenges in both universes.

103. Escape by jespah [Reviews - 0] (1086 words)

In the Mirror Universe, on September 11, 2166, Andrew plots to secretly provide money for his and Melissa’s son, without the Empress finding out about it. Written in response to a prompt with the same name. Andrew remembers these events in 2192 as he finally gets out.

104. The Medal by jespah [Reviews - 0] (1469 words)

In 2203, Neil Digiorno-Madden runs his first 5K.

105. The Decision by jespah [Reviews - 0] (2116 words)

In May of 2206, the family gathers on Lafa II to make an important decision about Norri and Melissa’s future. 

106. A Hazy Shade by jespah [Reviews - 0] (1066 words)

In 2212, Jonathan Archer dedicates a memorial for the honored departed from the NX-01.

107. Completely Hers by jespah [Reviews - 0] (103 words)

In 2213, Declan Reed goes all in.

108. Faith by jespah [Reviews - 0] (5 words)

Declan Reed’s spiritual journey.

109. Remembrance by jespah [Reviews - 0] (1027 words)

Created in response to the "Kill Your Darlings" weekly prompt.

Pamela Hudson’s eulogy, in 2232.

110. November 13th by jespah [Reviews - 0] (913 words)

Theme music

In 2234, Craig Willets remembers an odd message from 2151.

111. Seven Women by jespah [Reviews - 0] (4 words)

One second of time on November 21st, 2234.

112. Who Shall Wear the Robe and Crown? by jespah [Reviews - 0] (1197 words)

On May the 12th of 2245, there is a death, and it has a few complications.