[Reviews - 2] Printer
Summary: "A thrilling adventure from front to back."- James Walker, UFP Today

T'Crisak's latest murder mystery takes place on the pleasure world Risa. With the events of The Source of Light behind him, Peroll arrives on Risa with the intention of having a relaxing vacation. However, such a notion is not possible in his line of work.

Two nights into his stay, he discovers the corpse a prominent Ferengi merchant. Peroll gathers the guests of the famed Northern Chain Resort to solve a murder in the twin sunlight.
Rated: K
Categories: Meta, Essays and Everything Else Characters: None
Genre: Mystery
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: No
Word count: 511 Read: 1878
Published: 17 May 2011 Updated: 17 May 2011
Story Notes:
As I don't have the patience to write an entire novel except in November, I'll be posting select chapters here from various sections of the book.

1. Chapter 1: Arrival on Risa by Jean-Luc Picard [Reviews - 2] (511 words)