Star Trek: New Horizons by captaintigranian
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Summary: After the end of the Dominion War, Cardassia lies in ruins. The Klingon Empire is weakened and Romulus is on the rise. Starfleet sends its newest starship into the shattered Occupied Territories to maintain the fragile peace.
Categories: Expanded Universes
Characters: None
Genre: Action/Adventure, Drama, Family, Friendship, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Adult Situations, Violence
Challenges: None
Parent Series: None
Stories: 65
Series Type: Closed

Summary: Lieutenant Commander Scharr's private existence on the Pershing comes into the light when his daughter appears on the ship's transporter pad.
Chapters: 6    Table of Contents
Categories: Expanded Universes
Characters: None
Genre: Family, Friendship, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Adult Situations
Series: Star Trek: New Horizons
Completed: Yes    Word count: 10625    Read Count: 6151
[Report This] Published: 27 Mar 2017 Updated: 27 Mar 2017
Summary: Praetor Neral attempts to strike back against the Amira family, revealing a hidden truth from their past that makes Laria question who she really is.
Chapters: 7    Table of Contents
Categories: Expanded Universes
Characters: None
Genre: Action/Adventure, Drama, Family
Warnings: Adult Language, Adult Situations, Violence
Series: Star Trek: New Horizons
Completed: Yes    Word count: 11319    Read Count: 8151
[Report This] Published: 03 Apr 2017 Updated: 03 Apr 2017
Summary: SEASON 3 FINALE: Cardassian civilians are starting to stand up against the Romulans, the slave revolts against the Star Empire continue, and Starfleet dispatches the Pershing across the Neutral Zone to confront Rellas and his insurgents. Meanwhile, Phil ponders a question that will change his life...
Chapters: 7    Table of Contents
Categories: Expanded Universes
Characters: None
Genre: Action/Adventure, Drama, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Adult Situations, Violence
Series: Star Trek: New Horizons
Completed: Yes    Word count: 11290    Read Count: 8174
[Report This] Published: 09 Apr 2017 Updated: 09 Apr 2017
Summary: SEASON 4 PREMIERE: The Pershing has been in Romulan Space for almost a month searching for the Soldiers of Akarath, but is no closer to finding Rellas and the other members of the uprising. Meanwhile, Daredevil learns of Starfleet's plans to send a message to the Romulan Empire.
Chapters: 6    Table of Contents
Categories: Expanded Universes
Characters: None
Genre: Action/Adventure, Family, Friendship, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Adult Situations, Violence
Series: Star Trek: New Horizons
Completed: Yes    Word count: 11655    Read Count: 6624
[Report This] Published: 02 Jul 2017 Updated: 02 Jul 2017
Summary: Another terrorist attack by Rellas and his forces is imminent and the Pershing moves deeper into heavily fortified Romulan territory to stop it. Meanwhile, Tigranian and Laria face a personal decision that could mean everything to Annabeth and Alex.
Chapters: 7    Table of Contents
Categories: Expanded Universes
Characters: None
Genre: Action/Adventure, Drama, Family, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Adult Situations, Character Death, Violence
Series: Star Trek: New Horizons
Completed: Yes    Word count: 11688    Read Count: 8651
[Report This] Published: 10 Jul 2017 Updated: 10 Jul 2017
Summary: Inside a barren asteroid at the heart of a nebula, a group of ex-slaves is building an army of warriors to bring down an Empire. With the entire Romulan fleet in pursuit, can the crew of the Pershing strike a decisive blow against Praetor Neral?
Chapters: 5    Table of Contents
Categories: Expanded Universes
Characters: None
Genre: Action/Adventure, Angst, Family, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Adult Situations, Violence
Series: Star Trek: New Horizons
Completed: Yes    Word count: 11427    Read Count: 5717
[Report This] Published: 18 Jul 2017 Updated: 18 Jul 2017
Summary: The Pershing is no longer alone. Four new ships have joined the fleet to directly challenge the might of the Romulan Empire. While Romulus demands Tigranian's extradition to face criminal charges, he embarks on the greatest challenge of his life with Annabeth Geist.
Chapters: 6    Table of Contents
Categories: Expanded Universes
Characters: None
Genre: Drama, Family, Friendship, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Adult Situations, Violence
Series: Star Trek: New Horizons
Completed: No    Word count: 10198    Read Count: 6499
[Report This] Published: 24 Jul 2017 Updated: 24 Jul 2017
Summary: The Pershing has returned to the Sol System under the phasers of her sister ships. Captain Tigranian is in the brig, and Starfleet wants to know everything he does. Unfortunately, no one told the Klingon Empire...
Chapters: 5    Table of Contents
Categories: Expanded Universes
Characters: None
Genre: Action/Adventure, Drama, Family
Warnings: Adult Language, Adult Situations, Violence
Series: Star Trek: New Horizons
Completed: Yes    Word count: 10721    Read Count: 5648
[Report This] Published: 31 Jul 2017 Updated: 31 Jul 2017
Summary: Katie and Phil are looking forward to their wedding plans, while Annabeth is simply trying to make it through the early days of pregnancy. Meanwhile, a Cardassian State Legate seeks to break the stalemate at the border.
Chapters: 6    Table of Contents
Categories: Expanded Universes
Characters: None
Genre: Action/Adventure, Family, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Adult Situations, Violence
Series: Star Trek: New Horizons
Completed: Yes    Word count: 10213    Read Count: 6994
[Report This] Published: 14 Aug 2017 Updated: 14 Aug 2017
Summary: Dr. Kayla Kirby, a psychiatrist with Starfleet, arrives on the Pershing to conduct a study of the psychological toll of the War.
Chapters: 7    Table of Contents
Categories: Expanded Universes
Characters: None
Genre: Angst, Drama, Family, Friendship
Warnings: Adult Language, Adult Situations, Character Death, Violence
Series: Star Trek: New Horizons
Completed: Yes    Word count: 11059    Read Count: 7930
[Report This] Published: 20 Aug 2017 Updated: 20 Aug 2017
Summary: The Pershing is back in orbit of Earth as her sister ships begin patrolling Cardassia and the Romulan Neutral Zone. Though some of the crew are eager for a little break, the enemies of the Federation unleash a terrible new weapon.
Chapters: 7    Table of Contents
Categories: Expanded Universes
Characters: None
Genre: Action/Adventure, Drama
Warnings: Adult Language, Adult Situations, Violence
Series: Star Trek: New Horizons
Completed: Yes    Word count: 10170    Read Count: 7507
[Report This] Published: 28 Aug 2017 Updated: 28 Aug 2017
Summary: SEASON 4 FINALE: Legate Varak's fleet arrives at Earth expecting an easy victory. Instead, they come face to face with a legend.
Chapters: 8    Table of Contents
Categories: Expanded Universes
Characters: None
Genre: Action/Adventure, Family, Friendship
Warnings: Adult Language, Adult Situations, Character Death, Violence
Series: Star Trek: New Horizons
Completed: Yes    Word count: 13312    Read Count: 8152
[Report This] Published: 10 Sep 2017 Updated: 10 Sep 2017
Summary: SEASON 5 PREMIERE: As Crestia looks forward to starting a new life, the Romulan government tries to rip it all away. Meanwhile, Laria presses Tigranian to tell Annabeth and Alex of Torlek's request for their baby.
Chapters: 7    Table of Contents
Categories: Expanded Universes
Characters: None
Genre: Action/Adventure, Drama, Family, Friendship, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Adult Situations, Violence
Series: Star Trek: New Horizons
Completed: Yes    Word count: 14394    Read Count: 6549
[Report This] Published: 10 Dec 2017 Updated: 10 Dec 2017
Summary: Wary at the prospect of another war that could shatter the Empire, Torlek calms himself but showing Alex the beauty of Qo'noS and how sacred family is for a Klingon.
Chapters: 6    Table of Contents
Categories: Expanded Universes
Characters: None
Genre: Action/Adventure, Drama, Family, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Adult Situations, Violence
Series: Star Trek: New Horizons
Completed: Yes    Word count: 12793    Read Count: 5113
[Report This] Published: 19 Dec 2017 Updated: 19 Dec 2017
Summary: As the Pershing inspects Federation positions along the Cardassian State border, a medical emergency turns into something unexpected.
Chapters: 7    Table of Contents
Categories: Expanded Universes
Characters: None
Genre: Family, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Adult Situations
Series: Star Trek: New Horizons
Completed: Yes    Word count: 10617    Read Count: 6012
[Report This] Published: 25 Dec 2017 Updated: 25 Dec 2017
Summary: A distress call places the Pershing in a difficult and potentially dangerous situation. Meanwhile, Annabeth and Alex adjust to having a new baby in their life.
Chapters: 8    Table of Contents
Categories: Expanded Universes
Characters: None
Genre: Action/Adventure, Drama, Family, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Adult Situations, Violence
Series: Star Trek: New Horizons
Completed: Yes    Word count: 11704    Read Count: 7046
[Report This] Published: 01 Jan 2018 Updated: 01 Jan 2018
Summary: Lord Torlek arrives to fulfill his duty to Max Hunter-Geist. Meanwhile, events transpire that may pull the crew of the Pershing apart.
Chapters: 6    Table of Contents
Categories: Expanded Universes
Characters: None
Genre: Action/Adventure, Drama, Family, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Adult Situations, Character Death, Violence
Series: Star Trek: New Horizons
Completed: Yes    Word count: 10512    Read Count: 5493
[Report This] Published: 07 Jan 2018 Updated: 07 Jan 2018
Summary: To catch those responsible for the assassination attempt on Chancellor Martok, Laria dives deeper into Klingon culture than ever before. Meanwhile, the crew of the Pershing deals with Alex's departure as her replacement arrives on board.
Chapters: 7    Table of Contents
Categories: Expanded Universes
Characters: None
Genre: Action/Adventure, Drama, Family
Warnings: Adult Language, Adult Situations, Character Death, Violence
Series: Star Trek: New Horizons
Completed: Yes    Word count: 11135    Read Count: 5899
[Report This] Published: 15 Jan 2018 Updated: 15 Jan 2018
Summary: As Tigranian feels the emptiness left by his wife's departure, Laria and Torlek undertake the most dangerous mission of their lives: the destruction of the House of Duras.
Chapters: 7    Table of Contents
Categories: Expanded Universes
Characters: None
Genre: Action/Adventure, Drama, Family, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Adult Situations, Character Death, Violence
Series: Star Trek: New Horizons
Completed: Yes    Word count: 10405    Read Count: 6942
[Report This] Published: 21 Jan 2018 Updated: 21 Jan 2018
Summary: The Pershing returns to Earth for Katie and Phil's wedding. The crew looks forward to only having to worry about bachelor parties, rehearsal dinners, and family reunions. However, across the galaxy, the fight for freedom continues.
Chapters: 5    Table of Contents
Categories: Expanded Universes
Characters: None
Genre: Action/Adventure, Drama, Family, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Adult Situations, Violence
Series: Star Trek: New Horizons
Completed: Yes    Word count: 10117    Read Count: 4283
[Report This] Published: 29 Jan 2018 Updated: 29 Jan 2018
Summary: SEASON 5 FINALE: It's finally time for Katie and Phil to tie the knot. However, the after party shows that sometimes the most exciting adventures can happen right at home.
Chapters: 7    Table of Contents
Categories: Expanded Universes
Characters: None
Genre: Action/Adventure, Drama, Family, Friendship, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Adult Situations, Character Death, Violence
Series: Star Trek: New Horizons
Completed: Yes    Word count: 10707    Read Count: 6627
[Report This] Published: 05 Feb 2018 Updated: 05 Feb 2018
Summary: SEASON 6 PREMIERE: Rellas, leader of the slave revolt against the Romulan Star Empire, has managed to get the survivors of his people across the Neutral Zone. However, he wants back in and only the Orion Syndicate can help.
Chapters: 7    Table of Contents
Categories: Expanded Universes
Characters: None
Genre: Action/Adventure, Drama, Family, Friendship, Romance
Warnings: None
Series: Star Trek: New Horizons
Completed: Yes    Word count: 12584    Read Count: 6250
[Report This] Published: 14 May 2018 Updated: 14 May 2018
Summary: As the galaxy draws closer to all out war, Tigranian must finally make the choice: obey the Federation or remain Klingon.
Chapters: 8    Table of Contents
Categories: Expanded Universes
Characters: None
Genre: Action/Adventure, Drama, Family, Friendship, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Adult Situations, Character Death, Violence
Series: Star Trek: New Horizons
Completed: Yes    Word count: 10247    Read Count: 6932
[Report This] Published: 21 May 2018 Updated: 21 May 2018
Summary: The Republic of Cardassia plans a secret rescue mission, but they can't do it alone. Starfleet refuses to help, but the new Klingon general on Cardassia Prime orders his fleet into action.
Chapters: 7    Table of Contents
Categories: Expanded Universes
Characters: None
Genre: Action/Adventure, Drama, Family, Friendship, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Adult Situations, Character Death, Violence
Series: Star Trek: New Horizons
Completed: Yes    Word count: 11854    Read Count: 6239
[Report This] Published: 28 May 2018 Updated: 28 May 2018
Summary: A new starship joins the fleet, a new relationship blooms onboard the Pershing, and a new investigation threatens to rip the Federation apart.
Chapters: 7    Table of Contents
Categories: Expanded Universes
Characters: None
Genre: Action/Adventure, Drama, Family, Friendship, Romance
Warnings: None
Series: Star Trek: New Horizons
Completed: Yes    Word count: 10378    Read Count: 6237
[Report This] Published: 03 Jun 2018 Updated: 03 Jun 2018