Date: 11 Jun 2013 22:33 Title: Chapter 10
So he's hands-on, which is really terrific. And this means, he's taking responsibility for his people already, despite his past.
I like Turner! She's confident but doesn't seem overly so, that would be risky.
Date: 01 Jul 2010 12:13 Title: Chapter 10
I'm in the midst of getting lost in the world (galaxy?) you have created here. I can hardly bear to pause to do anything without bashing the 'next' button, but I must simply add... iTunes decided that Another Planet, by Pendulum, was the right song to play while I read this chapter. If stuff gets any more awesome, I will actually start crying with glee.
You'll get a proper review out of me when I'm done frantically reading the rest of your work. ONWARD!
(ps: reposted for rating misfire.)
Date: 19 Dec 2009 19:10 Title: Chapter 10
An exciting installment. I figured with Kalara taking temporary command of the Redemption that left Ba'el at a loose end. I hadn't figured on him taking wings - but it seems perfectly obvious now when one thinks about it. He isn't about to sit around and do nothing. He was always going to go and kick some butt.
I see ship operations have a similarity to what we know but are also quite different in how they operate - taking a partial leaf out of the Dominion way of doing things with the viewsets and making use of holographic wall to wall stations. Very good extrapolation of where things might end up in terms of technology.
Commander Turner and Ba'el appear to hit it off ok and I'm sure his assessment of her will ring true in the next moments of the story. Good exciting brisk pace.
Date: 08 Sep 2009 23:19 Title: Chapter 10
OK, you hooked me all over the place. First, love Turner. Great character. Second, Cable. Cool character and the my XBOX tag. Garibaldi bit the bullet? Nice nod to B5. Now, why isn't Turner Starfleet? Who does she fly for?
Author's Response: Hi!
So glad you liked Turner - she's become one of my favourite characters, one of those who just walked on stage fully formed and stole the scene.
We'll be seeing more of Cable, definitely.
Turner is part of the Starfleet Fighter Corps, so she does report to Starfleet Command, but all fighterpilots see themselves as separate from the proper fleet and call people who fly those big ol' hunk-o-junks fleeters. But they are definitely part of Starfleet.
Hope that clears that up