Date: 26 Apr 2021 13:58 Title: 011 - "Coming Courtesy Gateway 668."
"Like a good neighbor..." Not someone I would want to live adjacent to...
The danger of writing any specificity into technobabble (such as the number of bits in a high level encryption code or the terraflops at which Data's processor works) is that technology reliably outstrips science fiction and projections of what we might accomplish 100 years in the future are met within 18-20 months.
Just hazarding a guess, but my strong suspicion is that the rate of change projected from ST Original Series to STNG is probably unbelievably anemic compared to the rate of techological innovation we will see within 10-15 years. I'm still waiting for my flying car, though.
A well-written action sequence within the cyber-realm - these are notioriously difficult to write because they are simply so far removed from our experience. Nice twist on the ending with a physical attack.
Thanks!! rbs