Date: 23 Apr 2021 10:54 Title: 010 - "Who Runs This Town, Anyway?"
An andorian cyborg... It is an interesting series. I can see all of these cybornetic issues would have to be seriously impacted by humanity's experiences with the borg.
It appears the fault-line is between cybornetic enhancement vs. cybornetic replacement. It's kind of like doping in sports - or in the STH analogy, genetically enhanced hybrids competing with the naturalborn. For the ethicist, the question seems to be make yourself part machine or get left behind.
Whren reminded me of the recruitment officer in Starship Troopers: "The military made me the man I am today..." I'm enjoying a SF admiral as a main character.
Thanks!! rbs
Date: 14 May 2009 19:07 Title: 010 - "Who Runs This Town, Anyway?"
Good sequence here. Its fun to watch these people, far in the future, deal with nusances of relationships...good writing..
Author's Response: Thanks. I tried to go for a balance of character and action pieces.