Reviews For An Idiot's Guide to Gunboat Diplomacy
Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed
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Date: 17 Apr 2023 00:13 Title: Chapter 6

Date: 17 Apr 2023 00:13 Title: Chapter 6
Really enjoying Glal waxing philosophical about the depth of the Klingon honor culture. Also just caught the irony of the gunboat diplomacy with the klingons (who started out as swarthy Russians, but were later transformed into bumpy-headed vikings) being conducted by a gunboat with a viking name.
Also quite enjoying the natural understanding between Trujillo and Kang - almost a bromance. Amusing to see Glal catching on. Especially since it doesn't appear to be any sort of affectation on Trujillo's part. That's just who she is.
Thanks!! rbs