Date: 24 Jun 2021 19:59 Title: Episode 25.12: I Dream of Shiva - Dr. Who
A very different ship and crew compared to the last time the good doctor set foot on Hunter. It's telling that some of them don't even know of Irons.
But the man is impatient, I assume he doesn't have great news to share.
Author's Response:
You aren't wrong about Dr. Carerra bearing ill news... He's been through some stuff...
Glad you're enjoying how the winds of change kind of keep howling through the Hunter.
Thanks!! rbs

Date: 22 Jun 2021 19:48 Title: Episode 25.11: I Dream of Shiva - Murder By Numbers
Shiva really knows all the tricks, including how to use dream tech to her advantage. Some really great and unexpected visuals in this chapter.
Although I'm not sure if Sela is as easily influenced as those religious zealots Shiva has managed to mobilize.
Author's Response:
Shiva does love to put on a show... And she's not kidding about Sela needing the nikamsitiri.
I'm glad you enjoyed the visuals - big part of the fun of writing this series! Thanks!! rbs

Date: 21 Jun 2021 19:43 Title: Episode 25.10: I Dream of Shiva - Sailing
Some well deserved R&R and as we all know Starfleet enjoy to take it on the open seas, because what better way than to not think about ... ships?
They better enjoy this nice little reprieve. I'm sure it won't last.
Author's Response:
Dolphin might not have preferred to spend his leave on a sailboat.. But he jumps at the chance to spend time with his long-estranged daughters.
Glad you enjoyed this respite... I always want to show a few moments of why all their struggles are worth it.
Thanks!! rbs

Date: 20 Jun 2021 10:25 Title: Episode 25.9: I Dream of Shiva - Bad Moon on the Rise
This chapter gave me some ideas for controlling out of control California wildfires. Bad ones, mostly.
Fascinating chapter though, and even more new characters thrown into the mix. I honestly have no idea how you keep track of them all.
Author's Response:
I toyed with the idea of using the vaporize function of the disruptor for firefighting - just vaporize the combustable materials that are currently on fire... Should work...
I have a master list of more than 150 characters. Di'ig and Davoga will return in a later episode to rescue Geordie and Reg...
Thanks!! rbs

Date: 19 Jun 2021 08:14 Title: Episode 25.8: I Dream of Shiva - Johnny Be Good
We get some much needed exposition delivered by Our Man Bashir. Now some of the bizarre things we have seen as they relate to Shiva are starting to make sense. And I had forgotten about dream tech, which certainly explains even more.
Interesting about the Ocampans being such a formidable people here. Certainly not how they were portrayed in Voyager. Although, yes, we have seen glimpses of what they could be capable of.
Author's Response:
Glad you enjoyed the reveal!
You didn't get to see the episodes about the 2nd, terrifyingly advanced oocompan civilization that Voyager encountered... Julian classified those reports...
Thanks!! rbs

Date: 16 Jun 2021 20:21 Title: Episode 25.7: I Dream of Shiva - Waterfront
One things that keeps impressing me about this series is how effortlessly you switch genres, even within a story. Now the thing has suddenly turned into a detective story, showing us the outside perspective of this grisly, fanatical cult. Intriguing.
Author's Response:
Thanks for the kind words! Glad you enjoyed today's episode of Romulan Empire CSI...
Thanks!! rbs

Date: 14 Jun 2021 20:16 Title: Episode 25.6: I Dream of Shiva - Terms and Conditions
Turns out those long, boring and incessant EULAs are good for something after all. Won't make me read one of those, but good to know.
Author's Response:
Section 849.D.16 - Unless you read this entire agreement, we retain the right to number your undershorts and distribute them in hedgerows in Lower Slobbovia during wintertime.
They actually put stuff like that in those EULAs just to see who is really reading them...
Thanks!! rbs

Date: 10 Jun 2021 20:24 Title: Episode 25.5: I Dream of Shiva - Dream Weaver
Not even sure what to say here. This has really evolved into quite a fantastical and surreal narrative. Considering that we once found ourselves on a planet where the entire population was tripping hard on mushrooms, that's saying quite a bit.
I'm curious to find out how deep this rabbit hole goes ...
Author's Response:
Irons/Shiva does love to put on a show.
STH explores inner space as much as outer space.. Glad you're intrigued!
Thanks!! rbs

Date: 06 Jun 2021 13:36 Title: Episode 25.4: I Dream of Shiva - Get Brack
You know, for a series featuring a starship full of lawyers, we really don't get to see court room scenes often enough. A shame, as this one was really fun. An I remember the Ferengi attorney from your excellent short story.
Author's Response:
That was my original intent. But the story kept running off in its own direction, leaving me feeling more like its chronicler than its creator. It only grudgingly allowed me to tell a few stories about the lawyers, sleuths, forensics techs and tactical squad crewing the Hunter.
Brack in Cisl Mreek's courtroom - glad you got a kick out of that...
Thanks!! rbs

Date: 03 Jun 2021 20:33 Title: Episode 25.3: I Dream of Shiva - Wheel In The Sky
Reading about Romulans it's difficult not to be reminded of actual Romans and you do a great job on evoking those parallels.
This new faith that has been taken up by the slaves sounds scary, but the mythology is really well written. Now, my question is how does this religion relate to a certain, former Starfleet judge? I guess we'll find out.
Author's Response:
Glad you enjoyed this one!
Yeah, romulans dealing with a scary new religion cropping up among their slaves... doesn't ring a bell...
Thanks!! rbs

Date: 02 Jun 2021 20:16 Title: Episode 25.2: I Dream of Shiva - Come Fly With Me
A little heavy on the exposition here but Grorher certainly is a real life hero. Most certainly a most excellent get for Hunter. Although the fact that he wants to be just like those lawyers is worrisome. Nobody should ever want to be a lawyer ...
Author's Response:
That's some quite valuable feedback - I do need to lean out and restructure the dialogue a little to make it feel more natural.
Grorher is a creature of the Dominion, so the idea of legal rights is rather novel for him..
Thanks!! rbs

Date: 01 Jun 2021 20:46 Title: Episode 25.1: I Dream of Shiva - Snakes and Ladders
Okay, so I was thinking maybe this I some sort of weird sex thing but clearly something else, something darker is going on here. A d no doubt it will be bad news for someone. My money is on Hunter's crew
Author's Response:
Definitely headed into darkness...
Thanks!! rbs

Date: 31 May 2021 08:22 Title: Episode 24.19: A Trillian Problem - Red, Flowers and Wine
Funny, I was wondering what had happened with Dolphin and Red when the blind date was first mentioned. Well played bringing them back together in this unexpected fashion.
Author's Response:
Glad you enjoyed this scene. Kenny tends to turn the tables on women and make them court him.
It was T'Lon who arranged the date - for her own nefarious purposes...
Thanks!! rbs

Date: 30 May 2021 11:29 Title: Episode 24.18: A Trillian Problem - Jet Traxx
Sounds like we're getting a happy ending for once. Considering all the terrible things that have been happening, this would be a nice change of pace. At least for the embattled characters.
Also, we get another speech. It's a good one, of course, but there are A LOT of speeches in Hunter. You know, just sayin'.
Author's Response:
Heroic fantasy is dark by nature, but I try to introduce a glimmer of hope at the end of each episode... You're not the first to notice how much speechifying there is in this series. But there are only 3 speeches left:
Ep 26: Saint Philomo proclaims a new theology
Ep 27: Greta Leifdottor's declaration of War
Ep 28, the series finale - the new King of the Borg uses a cartoon to explain how things are going to be... (another reader described this scene as "toon-splaining") Stay tooned...
Thanks!! rbs

Date: 26 May 2021 20:22 Title: Episode 24.16: A Trillian Problem - The Children of Rising Sun
The presidential tag team is at it again.
I have to say the massacre of hundreds of children is probably one of the most astonishingly heinous crimes I've ever read in Trek fan fiction.
Well written as usual, but not at all fun to read.
Author's Response:
STH is nothing if not a roller coaster.
Hopefully the rest of the episode will be a more pleasant read...
Thanks!! rbs

Date: 24 May 2021 20:35 Title: Episode 24.17: A Trillian Problem - The Tears of a Clown
That's certainly an interesting way to write an emotional scene. Emotions by proxy. I have to admit though, Imoginettes may be one of the most unique races I've come across. Well done.
And yet, the most disturbing part of this chapter for me? They still have WASPs in the 24th century.
Author's Response:
Thanks for the kind words!
I doubt WASPs are going away anytime soon... I deliberately chose for Kenny to be a WASP to punctuate his controversial dissertation on hybrids. To have what is mischaracterized as an exhortation about racial purity coming out of a German-American with blonde hair and blue eyes...
Thanks!! rbs

Date: 22 May 2021 10:09 Title: Episode 24.15: A Trillian Problem - Tribunal Justice Cisl Mreek
The famous Tellarite charm at work. I think a judge is just the perfect occupation for a Tellarite and Mreek clearly excels at it.
Author's Response:
Imagine tellerite cops.... "Scram - it's the pigs...."
The mild-mannered Cisl Mreek will romp in the next episode. Glad you got a kick out of her!
Thanks!! rbs

Date: 19 May 2021 20:44 Title: Episode 24.14: A Trillian Problem - It Takes A Village
Done in by the fog. You'd think 24th century warfare would be a bit more resilent to weather conditions thanks to precise sensor technology and other visual aids. Then again, the Trill are not known for a military powerhouse.
Enjoyed seeing Hunter's tactical squad back in action.
Author's Response:
Special Vulcan satellite fog. Used for cleaning radiation leaks and paving over plotholes...
Yeah - they're driving Howitzers down gravel roads at 10 mph.. they only think they're a military power.
Thanks!! rbs

Date: 18 May 2021 20:25 Title: Episode 24.13: A Trillian Problem - A Good Snooze
This plot line has all the hallmarks of a classic, maybe slightly twisted, sitcom. The Adventures of Old Man Crusher and Alien Bob. I'd certainly watch that.
Author's Response:
Really powerful characters, for some reason, just make for easy-to-write comedy. Cue Q from the queue...
I had a hard time placing this chapter - it could go into any number of locations after Jet is captured and before her speech. Finally settled on this location for pacing purposes.
Glad you enjoy these guys slowly gathering...
Thanks!! rbs

Date: 16 May 2021 08:27 Title: Episode 24.12: A Trillian Problem - Sacred Ground
If there is one thing you can count on, it's that Ivanovich will give an impassioned speech. Say about the man what you want, but I suspect he does love the sound of his own voice.
Regardless, this feels like the right move. You don't negotiate with terrorists. You pay them off in secret.
Author's Response:
"You pay them off in secret..." Wish I had thought of that!
Those terrorists will be back in Ep 26, along with one of their sponsors...
You definitely have the measure of Ivonovic. STH is replete with speeches and he gives most of them..
Thanks!! rbs

Date: 15 May 2021 10:02 Title: Episode 24.11: A Trillian Problem - Traxx and Spies
Welcome to my world, Captain Dolphin. Is what I was thinking when he was talking to Jet. Not always easy to follow the intricacies of this tale. Although the complexities remain impressive.
Also, neat ruse with fog and the troops. Now we get to hunt a spy? Fun.
Author's Response:
Glad you got a kick out of this one!
Between his small task force, an andorian freighter and a few dozen Star Fleet cadets (mostly trill) who were on home-leave on Trillus, Dolphin has less than 300 people to stop an army of nearly 30,000.
Jet is playing that hackneyed time-travel game - I've met him, but he hasn't met me yet... Actually it was Penelope who met Carerra. His first meeting with her lies ahead...
Thanks!! rbs

Date: 13 May 2021 20:02 Title: Episode 24.10: A Trillian Problem - Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed...
Short but intense. I suppose these guys better start listening to Jet, including Starfleet. She may have just the inside information to bring an end to this madness.
Author's Response:
Glad you're enjoying this sequence. Elaine's threat to the priests is a reference to my favorite line from Babylon 5.
Programming note: I have moved "A Good Snooze" again - actually to its original location, so it's now 24.13.
Thanks!! rbs

Date: 12 May 2021 20:24 Title: Episode 24.9: A Trillian Problem - The Hammer and the Anvil
Uh, Mulaax may have a point here. If there are many more Trill as shortsighted as he and his followers, it might not be difficult to whip up some anti-Starfleet/Federation sentiment. Let's hope rational minds prevail but never underestimate mob mentality.
Author's Response:
It is a classic strategy when faced with a technologically superior foe - Saddam Hussein famously used it: The Human Shield gambit.
Well, in this case, Trillian Shields...
Thanks!! rbs

Date: 11 May 2021 20:42 Title: Episode 24.8: A Trillian Problem - Cinqronicity
Not sure if the content warning was necessary, although admittedly it's a bit of an uncomfortable read. Not in a bad way. The parallels to a sexual assault are quite apparent but the way it is presented here, as a old symbiont forcing itself on a young host is more parasitic than sexual. In any case, a fascinating allegory and a clever twist at the end I didn't see coming.
Author's Response:
I really appreciate your comments about this one. I can't tell you how much work went into revising it until it really met my vision and kept those sexual overtones to a minimum.
It's also why I flipped this chapter with A Good Snooze - which, until recently, followed this chapter, but now precedes it. Which is probably why you skipped over it.
Thanks!! rbs

Date: 09 May 2021 07:56 Title: Episode 24.7: A Trillian Problem - General Hialal Mulaax
My theory on the Trill military going completly insane was that these were made up of frustrated unjoined Trill desperate to be joined. Wrong. And rather concerning that they are led by a joined Trill who are supposed to be wiser thanks to all that extra experience (in fairness I haven't written joined Trills as particularly wise either. Exhibit A: Tazla Star)
Interesting that the real master mind behind this may be a very old symbiont perhaps driven crazy by not having had a host in a very long time. I can guess which host it has joined with now.
Author's Response:
I'm always pleased when my story turns out to be more complex than anticipated. It's as much a civil war among the symbionts as among the trill... And the priesthood is squarely in the middle of it - not just selecting hosts, but prohibiting hundreds, maybe thousands of symbionts from being joined.
I am amused by the congruence of Star (particualrly Dark Star) with Mulaax. Wise doesn't necissariily mean nice... And symbionts are greedy for new experiences - even at the expense of their host.
You're not wrong about the Traxx symbiont's choice for a host. And boy is Traxx in for a surprise...
Thanks!! rbs