Date: 26 May 2015 20:40 Title: Irene of Castile (July 11, 1417)
I like that you decided to bring in theatre here. Seriously, it's one of the only forms of entertainment the people had at this time in history, other than public executions.
The details you bring in are a nice touch. Many people don't realize how bad the sanitary conditions were in Renaissance Europe nor how much that affected the health of the people.
I half expected her to refuse to be with him, as the Renaissance people were very superstitious, and she would probably have thought it was some sort of sorcery that allowed him to seem older and younger at the same time.
Author's Response:
If I had had more words at my disposal, I'd have had him give her some sort of payment. She's not exactly a prostitute, but pretty close. In the original little ficlet, she tells him about the most marvelous invention she's ever seen. It turns out to be a milling wheel pulled by mules. Yet another reminder of his privilege.
Date: 25 May 2015 12:57 Title: Irene of Castile (July 11, 1417)
You do very well in these little ficlets to vividly set the scene for each timeline - right down to the finer details (like the state of one's teeth!).
Rick's heart seems a little heavier with each story.
Author's Response:
Yes, every time, he is affected, although he isn't initially admitting that. People love to ask which time period others would like to visit, but before around 1940 or so, it would be horrible if you needed healthcare. Penicillin is a very good thing.
Date: 20 May 2015 17:46 Title: Irene of Castile (July 11, 1417)
Really nice attention to the details of the world(s) you play in. Given the historical settings, these are indeed the little things that would get the travellers noticed and possibly in trouble. 'Rick' is able to get around it but it shows too his experience and how he can inure himself to much of what he encounters. And yet, there's something about the fact he chooses to interact with someone of Irene's status and helps in his own way.
Date: 20 May 2015 07:45 Title: Irene of Castile (July 11, 1417)
One way to cope with things, i suppose.
Author's Response:
It's a hard life in medieval times. The rich are bled when they're ill, and women die in childbirth because doctors go from autopsies to childbeds and don't wash their hands. The poor break their backs with labor and have little to no medical care at all. At least Irene is somewhat independent.
Thank you for reading.
Date: 20 May 2015 04:53 Title: Irene of Castile (July 11, 1417)
How sad to think about, but it's the reality of life in those days. Irene is fascinating and I may just check her story out if I can make the time for it. Meanwhile, Daniels gets a reminder of his privilege.
Author's Response:
Hell yeah - this is life in medieval times. You're lucky if you hit 30, and women of course really had it bad. I decided against him slipping her a few coins for her troubles, as they were there by mistake and he wouldn't have any money, but a woman in her circumstances most likely would be working that angle in order to better feed herself.
Date: 19 May 2015 21:50 Title: Irene of Castile (July 11, 1417)
Oh, Daniels. You're heart is only going to grow more weary as you continue on this path ... you portray his regret here very well and we see the first signs that his resolve about bedding women across time is taking a toll. I wonder what his breaking point will be?
Author's Response:
He's already seen too much, yet there will be more (because it's only Tuesday ....).
Thanks for reading and reviewing!
Date: 19 May 2015 12:31 Title: Irene of Castile (July 11, 1417)
Nice use of period info to power the story, I'll say one thing for all of these little ficlets, they've given me some reading material for later to go back and catch up on the stories you've linked back to. Nice job!
Author's Response:
Oh, thank you! Ads for the HGW series! :)
I love a little historical snack.