Date: 21 Dec 2014 20:15 Title: Epilogue: Lessons Learned
Well that was a little unexpected and yet so obvious fall-out, perhaps Schmidt and Neil relationship has being restored but has the lesion being learnt?
I am not so sure but time will tell for Maren and Icheb.
Again you deliver a fine ending and the moral of the story is cleverly reinforce as Schmidt fall upon his sword because he knows it time to quit as he lost his impartial balance in trying to stop Maren ending up like Caris.
Thank you for writing this story and giving us another insight into Maren and Icheb past, it was as always to your own high standard.

Date: 21 Dec 2014 19:57 Title: Chapter 15: Do Quitters Ever Win?
Well Icheb and Maren heart to heart was just some of your finest work that I’ve read, both of them remain true to their core and yet come to the realization that winning at all costs isn’t all the right way.
The pain it must have taken Icheb to be honest with his belated apologies is what show the inner hero that you portray so well in him.
I am not sure what else I can say this is as close to a perfect scene with these two characters as I can imagine. It has heart and brains, filter through the lens of two people growing up into fine people.

Date: 21 Dec 2014 19:47 Title: Chapter 14: A World of Hurt
So we finally see someone give Schmidt the left hook that he seems to deserve, but strangely like Neil it does indeed feel unsatisfactory because his reasons do indeed come straight from the road to hell is paved with good intentions proverb.
In some hand this could have being a filler chapter but your good prose and writing skill make it an interesting insight into all three men minds.
I do wonder if in truth if Neil and Schmidt aren’t the opposite sides of the same coin and their remaining guilty over Caris death has over colored how they approach life since. All in all a fascinating read.
Date: 22 Oct 2014 19:24 Title: Epilogue: Lessons Learned
I think this was a beautiful end to the story. It wrapped up all the loose ends well, in a manner that was both believable and appealing to the readers. It's good to see that everyone has seemed to have learned from the experiences they went through. Well done, I've really liked this story :-D
Date: 22 Oct 2014 00:34 Title: Epilogue: Lessons Learned
A perfectly paced ending to an exciting and surprisingly deep story. Schmidt got his due and ended up acknowledging his mistakes at the end (Neil is a bigger and better person than I for makng up with him). Maren, perhaps, learns an important lesson about knowing when to quit and it's a lesson everyone needs to learn. The hearing was very well done (the Bolian admiral was a nice touch, don't see many of them at that high a rank) and I thoroughly enjoyed this story beginning to end.
Bravo. :)
Date: 22 Oct 2014 00:34 Title: Epilogue: Lessons Learned
The scenario makes sense, and it definitely rescues Schmidt from being really evil at all - a sign of a character that's three dimensional, like they all should be. Well done.
Date: 18 Oct 2014 23:40 Title: Chapter 15: Do Quitters Ever Win?
Oh, such realizations and thoughts that will come back into play years down the line. So well done. I wish these two had never broken up in the first place as fewer things are right in the world. Team I/M forever!
Date: 18 Oct 2014 23:32 Title: Chapter 14: A World of Hurt
Nope, still hate Schmidt. He may be right, but his methods are just wrong. The ends can't justify the means. Good on Neil for decking him.
Date: 18 Oct 2014 23:29 Title: Chapter 13: Caris
A frank discussion on the Federation and Starfleet, one that's long overdue to take place. Can something so big continue to exist for the good of the galaxy? People tend to get lost in the mix when things get this big. Lots of good points to chew on.
Date: 18 Oct 2014 23:24 Title: Chapter 12: Bad Blood
Neil rocks. Dude's got fire. I like the way he lights up Schmidt, starting things out coolly before turning on the jets of rage. He's completely right, calling out those survival tests and Schmidt pretty much gives way the fact that this was a revenge ploy after Maren embarrassed the people who made the Kobayshi Maru.
Icheb could only stand and watch and that was the right choice.
Date: 18 Oct 2014 23:20 Title: Chapter 11: Neil
Schmidt. He's not very nice. Neil, on the other hand, I like. The undercurrent of emotion here from all parties (minus Maren who's out cold) was well done. I like the subtle tones taken here between Neil and Schmidt, not all out war but rather a cold acceptace of one another's position. Icheb is completely worried, as well he should be, and his worry comes through in everything he does.
Well done.
Date: 02 Oct 2014 23:58 Title: Chapter 15: Do Quitters Ever Win?
So you've fooled us all. We thought this whole time that this story was about Maren and Icheb when in truth it was really about Schmidt and the lessons he was trying to teach them albeit in a rather brutal manner. Well done.
Date: 30 Sep 2014 23:57 Title: Chapter 14: A World of Hurt
Very interesting dynamic here. Did Schmidt bait Neill on purpose to get that reaction and give the man a chance at venting his frustration? Either that or Schmist is the biggest douche in the galaxy. I just don't know about this guy, some of the stuff he says makes sense.
Date: 30 Sep 2014 04:10 Title: Chapter 15: Do Quitters Ever Win?
I really like the way this all ended up. I think everyone involved learned valuable lessons, the most important of which being never to take those you love for granted.
This was a really great read, kes7. The plot, emotions, characterization... all top notch. Great job :-D
Date: 30 Sep 2014 02:11 Title: Chapter 14: A World of Hurt
This chapter was extremely satisfying. :-D
Date: 30 Sep 2014 02:08 Title: Chapter 13: Caris
I love the parallels between Starfleet Command and the Borg. Any organization that is involved in bureaucracy tends to stray from emotionalism and individualism, promoting those who are the "drones" that can get the most done with the least amount of personality.
Icheb's points against that mentality are spot on, though, and reassuring.
Date: 30 Sep 2014 02:02 Title: Chapter 12: Bad Blood
Ooooh, here comes the deeper reasons behind all of this. I was definitely cheering for Neil in this chapter, and I'm hoping that Schmidt eats some serious crow.
Date: 30 Sep 2014 01:58 Title: Chapter 11: Neil
One thing that has always bothered me about certain aspects of Starfleet Academy is how inflexible they are for unique and unusual cadets. If Stephen Hawking was in a college shortly after his ALS diagnosis that required a physical education class, they wouldn't make him take it. You just don't risk it when there's someone who has a brilliant mind, or other atypical assets.
I'm glad this is something you've brought up for this piece, and I hope Schmidt suffers. (Then again, I've hoped that since the beginning!)
Date: 30 Sep 2014 01:50 Title: Chapter 10: Alert
Ooof. Fortunately it seems like she's arrived just in time. Still, something tells me there are consequences to everything that she and Icheb have done.
Here's to hoping that Schmidt goes down too, preferably right after Maren or B'Elanna punch him.
Date: 30 Sep 2014 01:46 Title: Chapter 9: Thin Air
Icheb is going to lecture her SO hard later... You have done a great job at conveying Icheb and Maren's emotional states throughout this piece. Well done!
Date: 30 Sep 2014 01:41 Title: Chapter 8: Hail Mary
"Meanwhile, she had never been so grateful for the suit’s toileting system." - Oh my God, I just died.
Good to see that Schmidt has SOME semblance of a heart... or at least fakes it well.
Date: 30 Sep 2014 01:37 Title: Chapter 7: Fight or Flight
Severus Snape did not die in the Harry Potter novels. He survived into the 24th century, and now goes by the name Schmidt.
Something about this whole circumstance seems WAY too personal.
Date: 30 Sep 2014 01:31 Title: Chapter 6: Breakfast at Tellarite's
Yeesh, it keeps getting worse for Icheb, doesn't it? I must admit I found the Tellarite flirtations to be positively hilarious. The mental image of John trying to beat off that waitress after she sees the tip is quite funny.
Date: 30 Sep 2014 01:20 Title: Chapter 5: Sunrise, Sunset
It's adorable to me that Icheb finds Maren to be perfect; and that he is even more attracted to her upon realizing that she has flaws. I feel bad to her for a few reasons, most notably because she has to sleep alone while Icheb is regenerating.
Throughout the chapters thus far, you've really made a good point of considering the details of the situation: how each persons unique circumstances and interests shape their lives in a more than superficial level.
Date: 30 Sep 2014 01:10 Title: Chapter 4: Level Fourteen
Poor Icheb :-/ Schmidt's threats are pretty petty. I understand his desire to make sure their relationship won't lead to either of them being compromised, but you can't expect lovers NOT to work together.
Is the trap here for Maren, or is it really to try and prove that Icheb isn't fit for Starfleet service?