Date: 27 Aug 2013 11:15 Title: Reliquary: The Letters
Very well done. A feeling almost of an old classic, like Jane Austen or some such novel. A feeling of stately lives and the flaws that make us...human. Each and every one of us. Thank you, it was a fun read.
Date: 17 Jun 2013 23:34 Title: Reliquary: The Letters
The Chapel/Spock relationship is a complicated one, and I feel you've captured it well, in these little bits of life that, taken separately, are a bit disjointed, but the combination is synergistic and works well.
Seeing that they were together, even briefly, is heartening, but to know that, somehow, it did not work out, creates more of a puzzle. But that is what happens when someone dies, particularly someone you have not seen in a while - there are all of these missing pieces.
Christine becomes a doctor, yes, and McCoy acknowledges that with a small yet symbolic gift but she keeps it hidden away, and then it is found later. And the letters are her sole connection, undoubtedly given to her by her mother. Christine gets a third and a fourth hand view of Spock over the years, but rarely is there a first hand view.
Ultimately, the venture into space was to pursue Roger Korby, and then that did not work out. And then the escape from space, to a planet where she was needed but, eventually, killed her, is the opposite, for she is leaving in order to, perhaps, forget. But she cannot.
And neither can Spock.
Well done.
Date: 17 Jun 2013 07:59 Title: Reliquary: The Letters
Wow. This is just hauntingly beautiful. I love the letter format, and all of the things that got left unspoken between the lines. Beautiful work.
Date: 16 Jun 2013 22:17 Title: Reliquary: The Letters
Nice little piece with Christine doing one last act of kindness for two old friends.
I felt you achieved the McCoy/ Spock relationship balance. While at the same time also opening the door to Amanda's private world through her letters.
Date: 01 Jun 2012 06:14 Title: Reliquary: The Letters
I really appreciate seeing Spock and McCoy together in their old age. You've made the relationship between them seem both strained and comfortable--not an easy balance to strike. I also liked learning more about Amanda--it's a strange experience to learn that your parents have a life apart from you! Thank you for this.
Author's Response: Stider:
Glad you liked it. I had fun writing it.