Date: 21 Aug 2013 06:36 Title: Nothing Can Go Wrong
Hooray for links to random fics! Completely understand that nagging feeling that, when everything is going smoothly, something is bound to happen to make it all go wrong. And how utterly boring life can be when you wait...and wait...and wait...and still nothing happens. Really fun read, awesome for a first go at TOS.
Date: 16 Oct 2012 07:44 Title: Nothing Can Go Wrong
I recognized those names! That was a fun read...I loved the interactions, and also the feeling that if everything's going right, something must be wrong. Well done!
Date: 15 May 2009 14:40 Title: Nothing Can Go Wrong
Your first fic?!
(mind if I use your idea?) ;
Good work! :)
Author's Response: First TOS fic, anyway! ^__^ Heh, I surely didn't invent the story-told-through-letters/journals/etc format, but I'd be gleeful if my fic inspired you and you gave it a mention. And thanks! Glad you liked it!

Date: 21 Apr 2009 19:51 Title: Nothing Can Go Wrong
Well, that was an interesting take on e-messaging. Makes sense-there would be a whole other level to the culture aboard Enterprise, wouldn't there? Well written-found myself smiling alot at how in depth you took it with such simple formats...
Author's Response: Thanks; I'm glad you liked it!

Date: 15 Apr 2009 18:21 Title: Nothing Can Go Wrong
That was bloody brilliant! And your first TOS fic? Excellent stuff.
Such an interesting and fun technique to build up a story. I would love to see more like this ::insert begging here:: I thoroughly enjoyed it. Thanks so much for writing and sharing.
(so happy to come across such a great piece at 3.50am in the middle of insomnia)
Author's Response: Yay! Nice to know it worked so well. Hopefully I'll get my hands on some more of those intraship messages in the future!
(glad to have written something that cheered you up!)
Date: 19 Feb 2009 07:01 Title: Nothing Can Go Wrong
When I came across this I had to stop and ask myself "What the hell is going on?"..I thought you messed up the post or something...Then it came to me what you were doing, this was such fun. Very clever!!!....
It shows you how interesting a Star Trek story can really be if told in a non-conventional way..bravo Zulu!!!
Author's Response: Heh! Thanks; it was an interesting format to work with and I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Date: 05 Feb 2009 21:24 Title: Nothing Can Go Wrong
Hah...I definitely enjoyed this! I thought the most wonderful thing was how you experimented with different forms of writing--text messages, reports, and so on, rather than making the entire thing straight narrative. Not to mention how readily I could imagine that sort of interplay between the crew. :-)
(I know I already said this to another author here, but I was getting that Diane Duane vibe a bit, and for me that's a very good thing. :-) )
Author's Response: *grins* Glad you did! It was very much an experimental piece and it's good to know it accomplished its purpose. And Diane Duane is my favorite TOS writer ever, so your saying that is humbling and gratifying. Thank you so much.
Date: 02 Feb 2009 04:38 Title: Nothing Can Go Wrong
This was really fun. I like the way it's put together, and the TOS cast come out just right. Heard their voices the entire way through.
Great job.
Author's Response: Yay, I'm delighted to hear it! Thank you!
Date: 02 Feb 2009 03:40 Title: Nothing Can Go Wrong
This was a lot of fun... It makes me wonder if we'll still be using smileys 200 years from now!
Author's Response: Good question! They'll probably be far more sophisticated than simple txt ones. *grins* Glad you liked the story!
Date: 01 Feb 2009 22:25 Title: Nothing Can Go Wrong
This story made me grin! Now that we have email and IM's, it's so great to see it incorporated into the Trek universe. And they would all chat like that, we just know it ;-). I loved having characters from published fiction included (just enriches the Trek universe IMO) and the nod to James Blish cracked me up! Great feel-good story.
Author's Response: Thanks! I'm sure on a ship that big, with such a regulated work schedule, messaging systems would play a big part in peoples' days. And agreed on the published-fiction characters, especially Snanngfashtalli. One of these days I'm going to work Ensign Naraht in. *wink* Glad you liked the story!
Date: 01 Feb 2009 00:54 Title: Nothing Can Go Wrong
Note> This was a unique and terrific way to tell a tale and a terific little snippet of a tale at that!
Author's Response: *grins* Glad it worked for you. Thanks for the thumbs-up!