Date: 11 Sep 2011 04:23 Title: Complete Story
An interesting crew, a combination of several different "alternate" universes, bringing known names to one Enterprise. A neat solution, since it not only helps a reader to see some of their favourite characters, but also allows to keep up with who is who, as most of names are not anonymous, so easier to remember even if their tasks and posts are a bit different from what we know from other realities. All that made the crew colourful and tentions between some officers add some spice to the whole mix.
And the Borg, present in Pike's timeline, so way too early. Not only present, but also very strong and dangerous and here we have Pike trying to make a decision, a tough one. But how can he make it, if even the Guardian doesn't have all the answers. In the end, his struggles with the decision occur to be a waste of time, as the Preservers, in spite of their assurances, beam down and do what, I am sure, was their plan from the beginning. Now the question is if they made things worse or better and it appears that only time can tell, as even the Guardian cannot and it's suppose to know "everything."
An interesting story that leaves a lot of questions open.