Reviews For Therapy by Spock
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Reviewer: Ln X Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 02 Jul 2011 19:21 Title: The therapy session

Now that's how therapy should work! No psycho babble, just cold logic and no pretense. That was good, Spock the therapist...

Reviewer: Gul Rejal Signed [Report This]
Date: 17 Apr 2011 16:01 Title: The therapy session

I am not sure I'd like Spock to attempt to help me with my emotional problems but come a woman who thinks that monsters hide in her wardrobe became Starfleet? I don't know what her place is, but certainly not in Starfleet and definitely not on the Enterprise.

Something tells me that McCoy is going to regret this idea; he's going to have lots of shaken patients after he returns from Risa ;)

Author's Response: Thanks for the review...if I get time later on and a good idea on how to portray the mess, I might write a sequel to the story, with McCoy and Kirk entering the fold... would be interesting to see how McCoy deals with the rubble left behind...

Reviewer: RobertScorpio Signed [Report This]
Date: 08 Apr 2011 19:01 Title: The therapy session

Well done. Part of me agrees with Spock, but then again, women are prone to such antics, I know, I have a wife and a teenage daughter. Maybe if someone had bought her a new pair of shoes, everything would have been better.

Author's Response: thank you, as soon as I saw the challenge the story came to me - its as if it has happened to me in reality...

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