Reviews For Magnanimous
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Reviewer: Strider Signed [Report This]
Date: 11 Sep 2012 08:43 Title: Chapter 1

I'm right now watching The Naked Time, in which Riley complains that Sulu is trying to get him involved in another hobby! So now it's taffy, huh? Awesome. Nice look at a little fun detail!

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 04 Aug 2010 19:14 Title: Chapter 1

Hee, hee! Sulu making a mess. Somehow it seems more fitting that he makes a mess in someone else's quarters. That just seems his style. So too Chekov's style is to blink and then turn away from it - ha ha! He can't change the fact but has to accept it as best he can.

Reviewer: Nerys Ghemor Signed [Report This]
Date: 15 Feb 2009 07:40 Title: Chapter 1

I STILL enjoy this one!

It's still quite amusing to me that the younger, wise-cracking Chekov is actually the more organized one, and his reaction to the mess...I still love how you repeat the elements of the mess, to drive home Chekov's horror and indignation! ;-)

And part of me wants to know if Sulu ever got caught by the chef...

Author's Response: LOL! I don't know if Sulu did or not, but I'm glad that it still gives you a grin to read it. Thanks for the comment!

Reviewer: Lil black dog Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 12 Feb 2009 02:46 Title: Chapter 1

Hah! I read this on your live journal page and it cracked me up! And the comment one reviewer left there - 'Sulu was thinking like a helmsman - how far he'd have to drag the stove, as opposed to thinking like an engineer - just build a stove instead - was just priceless. I love these little snippets of our favorite crewmen's lives. Keep up the good work, Steff.

Author's Response: Considering that Scotty goes and builds his own stove in ONOW, that comment she left made me laugh. I hadn't actually parsed it out, but it's true and I guess I got lucky. Thanks so much for the comment; hope I continue to please!

Reviewer: Anna Amuse Signed [Report This]
Date: 11 Feb 2009 13:47 Title: Chapter 1

Love what you did with the place. ;-)

Author's Response: Thank you! I think. ::grins::

Reviewer: Mistral Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 11 Feb 2009 11:13 Title: Chapter 1

I have read this b4-and I liked it then. Sweet story. Low stars score because it didn't run longer, but it was fun nevertheless.

Author's Response: :P Keep abusing those stars, Mistral, I'll take 'em away! Well, probably not. Thanks for the note!

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