Date: 05 Oct 2011 05:15 Title: Pike 101
Nice to see Pike vulnerable with a cold. I enjoyed this look into Colt's character as well.
Nice work!
Author's Response: Cot has never been my fave, but she is Medie's, and so this was such fun to write as a gift for her.
Date: 09 Jan 2011 07:26 Title: Pike 101
Hey, this was really good. Its great to see stories featuring Pike and his crew. I can really see this all happening in my mind, which is how I read.
You kept it 'clean', when you could have gone in a more risky direction, and I liked that. WANT TO see a romance build here.
Anyway...hope to see more...
Author's Response: I wrote it as a holiday gift for someone who 'ships Pike and Colt. But as I'm a Pike/Number One girl all the way, I'm afraid you'll have to stick to the licensed tie-ins for your Pike/Colt fix I'm afraid... Stuart Moore and Jerry Oltion try adn sneak in a little Pike/Colt where they can.