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Reviewer: jespah Signed [Report This]
Date: 31 Dec 2011 15:09 Title: Deathwing

Egad, the kiss of death, Romulan style! Nicely done.

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 06 Dec 2011 21:04 Title: Broken

Very short but really nails the point and the pain of Tomolak's loss. In so little you indicate lots of things - how the Romulans have to force the telepathic ability and so doffering them from their Vulcan cousins to the notion of the marriage bond and how it was more a rumour or myth than anything until Tomalak experiences it for himself. I also like to think that there is some grey area as to his love and loyalty to Tal'Aura given her schemes to rip the EMpire apart. It adds a nice hjuicy dimension to their relationship as one imagines he strives to put Romulus first but harder to say so when your love is caught up in matters. Very good.

Reviewer: Nerys Ghemor Signed [Report This]
Date: 04 Dec 2011 03:32 Title: Broken

So I take it that on your Romulus, the kinds of gifts that Vulcans typically have are a recessive trait that occasionally shows up in the population rather than something that has disappeared from their population?  I wonder why it took torture to bring the gift out, though, rather than it emerging naturally?  The fact that there are psionic specialists and that marriage bonds are known makes me wonder how many others were subjected to what he was.  Or if there are those whose gifts emerge naturally.

Anyway, on to your actual story.

I wonder if the loss of his telepathic abilities is because they were brought out of him unnaturally, and his mind shielded itself from the horrible loss by shutting his talents off.

It seems like a dark irony that the gift that was such torment to him is now so horrible to lose.

While very short, I think your story is to the point and very effective.

Author's Response: Thanks! Yeah, I knew like 5 second after I submitted it that I had just punched a hole in my continuity with the psi specialists. Ah well, that'll teach me to write something before having all my backstory ready, I suppose! As for the torture, it gets explained more in my main T/D fic, "Inevitable Undoing..." but suffice to say, there is nothing natural about Tomalak's powers. As for marriage bonds, I kind of run with the idea that they're kind of hear about them, but no one really believes in them until it happens.

Reviewer: Mackenzie Calhoun Signed [Report This]
Date: 03 Dec 2011 18:56 Title: Broken

An image that comes to mind is being on an Underground platform as the Tube races off then suddenly dead or near silence. Fascinating insight into Tomalak. Very nice.

Author's Response: Wow...that's a really powerful image. I never thought of that at all, but it makes perfect sense and it's spot on! Thanks so much! :)

Reviewer: Gul Rejal Signed [Report This]
Date: 01 Dec 2011 14:27 Title: Adrift

Wow, Tomalak's words that he's almost glad that Romulus went boom! are chilling and disturbing. He might be glad that the political mess was eliminated, but the planet wasn't inhabited by politcians only. Is he blinded by losing Donatra so much that he can't feel anything for millions of innocent people?

Bochra seems to have a bit more heart.

I wonder who's coming to their "rescue."

Author's Response: Oh, definitely. Bochra has had a lot of time to heal and get things in perspective, while Tomalak's wound is still pretty fresh. In about 10 years, he'll have a 'Please tell me I did NOT say that out loud' moment when he thinks of that statement, haha XD

Reviewer: jespah Signed [Report This]
Date: 22 Nov 2011 23:05 Title: Broken

Interesting idea, that the voices in your head, when they cease, can be another aspect of a death, at least for a telepath. Essentially, a kind of absence.

You piqued my curiosity.

Author's Response: Thanks! I'm glad you liked it! :)

Reviewer: Gul Rejal Signed [Report This]
Date: 11 Nov 2011 09:12 Title: Broken

That's an interesting approach to "silence" topic. Silence from others' thoughts, silence in one's mind after a lifetime of noise. Silence caused by the most horrible silence ever--losing a loved one. Silence and emptiness left after his wife's death.

Author's Response: Thank you :)

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