Reviews For House Rule #3
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Reviewer: zeusfluff Signed [Report This]
Date: 16 Jul 2014 19:03 Title: House Rule #3

I thoroughly enjoyed reading this tale. I found it engaging and all your original characters are fascinating. Chay and Jacobs banter is funny. That was priceless for Chay to make up a story about the captain’s frying pan. Just to scare new recruits. I loved how the captain and Jacobs had a conversation about the real reason why the frying pan is in her ready room. Her grandmother gave her the frying pan. I thought that was a nice touch. It was actually a dirty trick to have Jacobs say that the frying pan was still evil, once learning the real story behind it. I guess it was just to get back at Chay for saying that. Again, I really enjoyed reading this, it was funny and a great read. You kept my interest throughout the entire fic. Thanks for sharing and I look forward to more of this in the future.

Reviewer: Gatekeeper Signed [Report This]
Date: 14 Jul 2014 06:30 Title: House Rule #3

I love, love, love this story. We have everyone trying to scare the newcomer, and the newcomer getting a couple of good frights of her own in.

I identified with Chay because that's the way I would be, too, I think...taking it seriously but finally going to ask and finding out it was a joke and then finding a way to get a measure of revenge.

The story she made up was pure gold. The Rings trilogy is one of my favorite stories, and I love that she used the inscription from the one ring as the words the pan spoke. If you think about it, it is even kind of fitting in a way, as the stories bind this crew together. This was a humourous story, and a fantastic read. Well done!

Reviewer: KobayashiMaru13 Signed [Report This]
Date: 11 Oct 2010 11:20 Title: House Rule #3

Haha, that's awesome! My favorite one was that she used the pan "against aRomulan boarding party". :)

Author's Response: I had to find something too ludicrous to be true. Could you imaging fighting off Romulans with disruptors with a frying pan? :D

Reviewer: CeJay Signed [Report This]
Date: 09 Oct 2010 18:08 Title: House Rule #3

This was a cute story and I quite enjoyed it. I liked how it plays with the Captain mythology which I'm sure is prevalent on many starships. That, and new crew member initiation rituals.

Author's Response: Glad you enjoyed it! :)

Reviewer: Gibraltar Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Oct 2010 13:26 Title: House Rule #3

That was a terrific bit of ship-lore, and a wonderful look into the 'culture' of the Adirondack.  You've really brought these characters to life, and I especially enjoyed the 'Lower Decks' aspect to the tale.

Oh, and if possible, you've made me like Sydney even more! :-)

Author's Response: LOL! Was it her poker playing that did it, or her nearly putting a dent in "Fast Eddie"'s skull in her Academy days? ;)

Reviewer: kes7 Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Oct 2010 12:15 Title: House Rule #3

Hee hee hee.  Great story.  I needed a smile this morning and this did the trick!

Author's Response: I'm happy it cheered you up! :D

Reviewer: Nerys Ghemor Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Oct 2010 04:43 Title: House Rule #3

Oh, man...I LOVE the ending!!! :-D

The Adirondack seems like it must be an awesome ship to serve on.  Despite the voodoo pan. ;-)

We also learned something about Sydney.  That is reaction to a minor prank.  She had to have been quite troubled in her Academy days to do that!  She's come a long way...

Author's Response: Glad you liked it! The ending came completely out of nowhere. The story didn't have an ending for the longest time. Voodoo pan :-) Yes, Sydney's reaction was a case of disproportionate retribution, and she was troubled when she went into the Academy (as Savannah notes in "The Other Half of Me"). But she got better. ;)

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