Date: 11 Oct 2010 02:10 Title: Perchance To Dream
Hmm. Wonder what's going on at the planet, and with their link to the Continuum. Now you've got me all intrigued. Nice work!
Date: 11 Oct 2010 01:41 Title: In For a Penny
You really have the voices of Picard and Q down very well. I enjoyed this chapter, keep it up!
Date: 29 Sep 2010 04:36 Title: Give and Take
Still liking this, though I think this is the most twisted and unhealthy relationship I've seen in a while, and if you'd ever read my stuff, you'd know that's saying something! It's very well-written and the world-building is just so good ... Q is as I remember him from TNG, with the wonderful, dangerous edge he somewhat lacked in Voyager. Amanda, I just feel sorry for. She's playing a dangerous game and in love with a dangerous man, seemingly out of the pure lack of other options.
I'm curious to see what happens next.
Author's Response: Thanks so much for the awesome review! :D
Date: 29 Sep 2010 04:23 Title: Happy Birthday To You
Oh, this is cool. I love the way you describe her Q-ness, the way she sees the universe, but how it's so tempered by her human experiences. And her interest in Q makes sense. I'm hooked. Nice job.

Date: 28 Sep 2010 14:12 Title: Happy Birthday To You
I'm with 451 on this one...I have always liked that episode with Amanda Q, and I think you've followed it up in find form.
Author's Response: Thank you!