Reviews For Immersion
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Reviewer: kes7 Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 15 Sep 2010 20:58 Title: Immersion

Oh, wow, Nerys.  I'm so glad I waited to read this until I had time to savor it.  It's so evocative and you set such an authentic-feeling scene -- the police state, the transponders, the sense that Big brother is really watching everything you do, and the mental gymnastics and paranoia that induces ... your stuff is always good, but I think this is among my favorite pieces of yours.

It was really, really cool to see how Rebek and Berat first met.  And the way you wrote it made it like being there.  Also so great to see that Berat's respect for Rebek has only grown in the intervening years.  You can see the growth of his character clearly in his reactions to her faith.  Such an awesome entry for the TBBS challenge, and a great addition to Sigils canon in its own right.  

Author's Response:

Thanks! :-)

I think that Berat learned to see the difference between the Union's propaganda and reality. I think that genuine curiosity has come up in him, to understand how Rebek thinks, by this point in his life.

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