Reviews For Self-Diagnostics
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Reviewer: Mistral Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 23 Jul 2010 19:40 Title: Self-Diagnostics

Wow-you need to step away from Cardassia more often!

Author's Response:

I don't think that'll happen. ;-)

It was a GREAT help that IntrepidSovereign had such a strong character in Sydney Satterwhite that for once I could actually identify. ;-)

Reviewer: IntrepidSovereign Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 18 Jul 2010 23:29 Title: Self-Diagnostics

I wanted to be the first to say thank you for doing this story! It just tickles me how well you got Sydney, even to where she come up with an idea while in the shower, even though I never mention her brainstorming in the shower before. :D

I'm really impressed by the history you gave McQuillan's family. Getting some of the--in his mind--not so impressive details was like pulling teeth, and love how Sydney didn't let him off the hook!

The sprinkling of "honey", "sugar", "sweetie", etc. was a nice touch. She tries to restrain herself from using them too often, but a few weeks into her command she gave up trying and let it fly. Not too much, just enough. ;)

I can begin to thank you for the work you did and the grace in which you handled Sydney's character.

Whoo-la! :D

Author's Response:

Thank YOU so much for such a wonderful character!  Honestly, I have no idea where the brainstorming-in-the-shower bit came just happened!

I really enjoyed writing this, and I'm glad you liked it! :-)

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