Reviews For Omega
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Reviewer: Ln X Signed [Report This]
Date: 31 May 2013 22:45 Title: Chapter 18

That scene with Ro, Vaughn and Zeyner half reminded me of a James Bond movie. In all the good ways you know.

A great fight scene as always! You have always made the fight scenes movie like and kept some good old Star Trek cliches with fighting to.

And now things are really becoming dangerous with a rogue ship carrying a resonance chamber which is the only thing preventing the omega particle from destabilising.

As for Zeyner, that man is a survivor almost worthy of Sloane's skill of surviving... Almost...

Author's Response: Good comparison, especially considering Zeyner's recent penchant for deception.

Reviewer: Ln X Signed [Report This]
Date: 31 May 2013 15:25 Title: Interlude: Flashback Four

Sloan even considered using thalaron radiation as a means of beating back the Dominion? Ever Sloan is the luckiest individual in all of the Federation or he has always had a plan at any crisis and opportunity. I mean he risks his neck so many times, like boarding the Damocles and I wonder does Sloan have a plan B up his sleeve? Some kind of hidden transporter to take him back to a safe location, even if he was on the Damocles?

What a guy, he has a few screws loose, but what a guy.

Author's Response: Hee hee, yes Sloan was quite resourceful. This piece provides a tie-in between ST: Nemesis and "Inter Arma...", especially with the explanation of how Sloan got Koval, a man so vehemently against a wartime Federation-Romulan alliance, under his thumb.

Reviewer: Ln X Signed [Report This]
Date: 31 May 2013 15:14 Title: Chapter 17

Oh my Gawd! Sloan is ALIVE!?! This is too much awesomeness and I did not at all see that coming! But at least Section 31 is trying to protect the Federation here, and after all the intrigue, skulduggery and espionage going on I'm starting to understand their position a lot more. They really are a necessary evil to keep the Federation safe and sound.

How on Earth did Sloan fake his own death? How did he survive the activation of his neural depolarizer? I mean Sloan is good but he is not that good... Surely?

I'm still reeling from this twist! And THAT is what I call a twist!

Author's Response: Stay tuned for the explanation at the end of the story about how Sloan faked his death...

Reviewer: Ln X Signed [Report This]
Date: 31 May 2013 14:58 Title: Chapter 16

Ah the good old chase scene in a grimy urban area, ala Star Trek style! And now it's time for Section 31's motives concerning Nimbus Three to be teased out in the next few chapters! It's really clever how you are going through all the relevant parties in such a roundabout way as the story linearly progresses. Very clever indeed!

Reviewer: Ln X Signed [Report This]
Date: 31 May 2013 14:44 Title: Chapter 15

A nice little summary for all those readers who are unfamiliar, or who have forgotten all the details, of one of the most greatest characters arcs in all of Star Trek. You did a great job summarizing Worf's backstory and I also appreciate the difficulty of you having to include this, plus the additional backstories you have scattered around Omega.

I know it sidetracks the story, but it hast to be there for the context, and I know it must have been annoying for you having to include all of this put I think it is a necessary evil, so that readers who have not seen TNG and DS9 can understand what is going on here.

There are rough edges to Omega, but I think what you are trying to do is amazing creating these interweaving story arcs and characters arcs, whilst connecting events from canon with that of DS9R. It has that epic feel about it you know...

While I can't wait to see things light up in Nimbus Three. One Klingon flagship, two Romulan vessels and one Starfleet runabout... What could go wrong?

Reviewer: Ln X Signed [Report This]
Date: 31 May 2013 14:26 Title: Chapter 14

I may not know much about Zeyner, but I really like the angst and bitterness between Zeyner and Ro. I would not even say it is soaplike but a legitimate grudge Ro holds against this dubious individual so here are two DS9R characters that I am starting to like!

Ezri though is still rather socially awkward but I'm not surprised given how she has returned to the station of her former host Jadzia, and for of her recent maturity, she can still come off as really timid, shy and cute at times and I like. You portray her innocence rather well and how there is still a lot of Ezri Tigan in this individual.

On a different note, I wonder just how far Sisko really will go to protect his family? Great scenes by the way! Concise and they deliver man!

Author's Response: Actually, Ro is from DS9-relaunch. Zeyner and Ro's relationship with him are not. And I'm glad enjoyed the scenes involving Ezri and Sisko. They were two of the more interesting characters during the final stretch of Season 7.

Reviewer: Ln X Signed [Report This]
Date: 31 May 2013 13:57 Title: Interlude: Flashback Three

OMG! OMG!!! I knew it! I knew it! Garak is good but he's not that good. So he was caught but it turns out he need not have bothered planting that bomb if the Tirak changeling was hell bent on getting the Romulans to fight against the Dominion.

I've got to say I'm surprised that a changeling would disobey his own people to follow some personal vendetta, and because he has succeeded he has made it just that bit more harder for the Dominion to prevail. However maybe the Tirak changeling was aware of the virus spreading through the Great Link and realised that -- if no cure was found -- his race would be dead. Thus the Dominion would internally collapse and the Alpha Quadrant war would end, without the Romulans becoming involved in the conflict.

Based on that line of reasoning, it makes more sense that the Tirak changeling wanted to start a war between the Romulans and the Dominion so that he could have his revenge.

While I do like your addition to what possibly happened, I will still stick with the version of events that appeared to happen in The Pale MoonLight, and that it was solely Garak who assassinated Senator Vreenak.

But it is plausible I will give you that, so you're on fire creating this grander narrative exploring what really happened during the Dominion war and how it relates to this story's present!

Reviewer: Ln X Signed [Report This]
Date: 31 May 2013 13:34 Title: Chapter 13

"He started wheezing to the point where the younger Klingon officer thought he would cough out his internal organs.

What a great description!

I must admit that Omega is incredibly ambitious tying together so many elements from DS9 (and even in places TNG and building up this mystery concerning Romulan, Klingon and Federation interests in the Alpha Quadrant, and in particular Nimbus Three. I have never read a story on your part which attempts to do so much, and each scene has a weight to it and has importance, yet I just you are going to pull it off!

This is like constructing a jigsaw puzzle going through each chapter, cross-referencing events which have come before and working out the bigger picture. So this is incredible and the set-up is just building and building and building!

Reviewer: Ln X Signed [Report This]
Date: 31 May 2013 13:16 Title: Chapter 12

Verad sure did conspire with the wrong people, and one can never mess around with the Orion Syndicate! And as for Jake, that lad has nerves of steel and I would not imagine him doing something like this before Ajilon Prime.

And the beginning of this chapter was very good, I'm starting to have a bit more respect for Commander Donatra and that part where Suran spread rumours (which were true) about how Senator Vreenak died really grabbed my attention!

Author's Response: Glad you noticed that. Of course, the fact the events of "In the Pale Moonlight" happened largely off the record, it's interesting to see how people not aware of those events perceive such truth-based rumors.

Reviewer: Ln X Signed [Report This]
Date: 31 May 2013 12:30 Title: Chapter 11

Why do I get the feeling that Sisko's part in the tale is not quite over?

And now the stakes really have risen! Klingons being able to synthesize omega molecules? God help us all!

Reviewer: Ln X Signed [Report This]
Date: 31 May 2013 12:24 Title: Chapter 10

The mystery deepens and this whole story is coming off as one of those multi-part story arcs of DS9! I take back what I said in earlier comments, this feels so much like DS9 (with a few niggling things which I can overlook) that I can entirely ignore this story being set in the DS9R universe and just enjoy it for what it is; one hell of a plot featuring in-depth intrigue and most of the main characters of DS9.

Reviewer: Ln X Signed [Report This]
Date: 31 May 2013 12:00 Title: Interlude: Flashback Two

Nice reference by the way! Though you shouldn't have given out the clue! I would be more cooler that way!

While these flashbacks both answer some questions and raise other questions. I mean if there was a recording of this off-the-record conversation between Gelnon and Vreenak, why wasn't it used against Vreenak by the Romulan senators who wanted the Empire to side with the Federation/Klingon Alliance? It could have saved Sisko and Garak a great deal of effort!

Author's Response: Good question. On a similar note, Vreenak could have contacted the Senate right away saying the fraudulent recording was a fake? Perhaps he had hoped to blackmail Starfleet later on down the road. One possibility is that whoever recorded Vreenak and Gelnon could have chosen to expose Vreenak in small increments so as to prevent the true source from being revealed.

Reviewer: Ln X Signed [Report This]
Date: 31 May 2013 11:51 Title: Chapter 9

Alright! DS9 is saved! On the other hand another enemy tried to bump off Worf and Martok!?! The plot thickens!

Author's Response: Really, the whole plan was to distract station security so that these hired guns could more easily try smuggle a bomb on the chancellor's flagship.

Reviewer: Ln X Signed [Report This]
Date: 31 May 2013 11:47 Title: Chapter 8

Wait a minute! I thought Verad wanted to cripple the station and not destroy it? Wouldn't those explosives breach the fusion reactor, causing it to overload and take out most of the station?

Author's Response: As I understand it, a fusion reactor isn't the same thing as a warp core. An overload the warp core where matter and anti-matter collide would definitely destroy a whole starship, but an explosive of a fusion in just the right spot could either destroy or only damage a space station (certainly blowing everything around it), not destroy it, since it's not based on matter-antimatter fusion. Hope that clarifies things.

Reviewer: Ln X Signed [Report This]
Date: 31 May 2013 11:39 Title: Chapter 7

I'm sure Ro could mask an evacuation from these terrorists so that Verad and his hired heavies don't know about the station being evacuated. But wouldn't Doran find out and warn Verad? I'm pretty certain Doran could send out a message without it being traced back to him.

Reviewer: Ln X Signed [Report This]
Date: 31 May 2013 11:26 Title: Chapter 6

I'm really getting sucked into the story now! Though one thing which caught my eye in this chapter is that you said Sisko believed Quark helped Verad the first time out of malice. Perhaps I misread that but I always thought Quark helped Verad board the station purely out of greed.

Other than little inconsistency this story has a very good feel about it and has a considerable amount of focus and pace whilst not sacrificing any important opportunities for character development. I also like that there is a lot going on so half the fun is just working out who's doing what and what all the parties concerned want!

Author's Response: You must've misread it. The statement was, "At least Quark was acting out of selfish desire to make a huge profit RATHER THAN out of malice..."

Reviewer: Ln X Signed [Report This]
Date: 31 May 2013 11:08 Title: Chapter 5

Good to know that Sisko is just as badass as ever! And now with just Verad and Sisko, this should be really easy for Sisko to complete his mission!

Reviewer: Ln X Signed [Report This]
Date: 31 May 2013 10:58 Title: Chapter 4

For his first time as a spy, Sisko is doing pretty well!

Reviewer: Ln X Signed [Report This]
Date: 31 May 2013 10:49 Title: Interlude: Flashback One

Why do I get the feeling that Tirak and Martok are working towards the same goal here? God bless DS9 and this story as I'm really loving the intrigue and the additional backstory (and behind the scenes about what really happened during key pivotal points in DS9.

Reviewer: Ln X Signed [Report This]
Date: 31 May 2013 10:44 Title: Chapter 3

I'm really starting to warm up to this story. It feels like a feature-length episode of DS9 plus the DS9R elements feel more or less familiar to anyone who has repeated watched DS9 but never read the relaunch books. Plus the lack of any crazy mumbo-jumbo from the Prophets helps solidfy this stories DS9 feel.

And I must say with everything going on, this hast to be one of your most ambitious stories so I see why you like Omega so much.

Author's Response: Now that I think of it, yes, the Prophets involvement does complicate things a lot more. That doesn't mean I didn't approve of working them into the Dominion War, added extra conflict to Sisko in duel roles.

Reviewer: Ln X Signed [Report This]
Date: 31 May 2013 10:32 Title: Chapter 2

Quark's bar is now Ferengi sovereign territory!?! Talk about diplomatic immunity!

I enjoyed Benjamin Sisko's discussion with his family about how he can't engage in both roles at the same time; Emissary of the Prophets and a Starfleet captain. In a way despite being with his family, Sisko is still very much a troubled man.

Author's Response: Of course, diplomatic immunity still doesn't permit Quark to get away with stuff, as indicated later, but he does have a knack for invoking it when he's in a pickle.

Reviewer: Ln X Signed [Report This]
Date: 31 May 2013 10:19 Title: Chapter 1

How does Vaughn do it? This guy is 101 years of age and he has such vitality!?! Is he an augment or something? How does this guy have the mental and physical faculties required of him to still be a Starfleet officer?

On a more humurous note, Jake with a goatee? I can't see it man I really can't! It wouldn't look right on him! But like father, like son...

Author's Response: I don't think the Treklit writers who had conceived of Elias Vaughn really gave it much thought. It's generally accepted that 24th century humans regularly live to 150. Other examples are a 90 year old human UFP president considered "middle-aged", Uhura and Chekov are semi-retired admirals at 130+, and Beverly Crusher able to become pregnant and give birth to a child with no noticeable genetic defects at age 57. That doesn't really explain how someone like Mark Jameson could be stricken with a degenerative neurological disorder in his 80's. Perhaps the Elias Vaughns and the Nan Baccos of the Trek universe have a genetic abnormality similar to that of Flint, that extends human life expectancy. In the case of Jake with a goatee, I guess you haven't recent photos of Cirroc Lofton. He's recently gone with the shaved head and goatee look, especially when he played Uhura's half-Vulcan son in the online fan film "Of Gods and Men".

Reviewer: Ln X Signed [Report This]
Date: 31 May 2013 10:11 Title: Prologue

So I've started reading this story again and I'm a little bit nervous because of the amount of DS9 relaunch content in it. I have no real love of DS9R as I feel it took the worst of DS9 season 7 and made DS9 a lot more weirder. However I will read this story to the very end as a) it has the Lambda Paz, and b) you have a knack for writing canon characters so maybe some of that will rub off on the DS9R characters which I -- so far -- have little love for.

Author's Response: Where does it suggest the Lambda Paz in this chapter? It's the Excalibur from the New Frontier series.

Reviewer: Ln X Signed [Report This]
Date: 04 Jan 2013 20:05 Title: Chapter 2

This story is becoming more and more intriguing, and in true DS9 complexity there are sorts of characters involved even if it is a little hard to follow! Plus this story is set in DS9R's universe (two years in) a universe I have very little love for, but I'm enjoying this story none the less.

Reviewer: Ln X Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Dec 2012 03:46 Title: Prologue

The Omega particle! Ho, ho! The Alpha Quadrant really is in some serious trouble!

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