Date: 30 May 2013 22:06 Title: Chapter 9
Oh my God! You mean there is an enemy more powerful than the Del'Vreer? trekfan, you've outdone yourself! Beating back the Del'Vreer seems impossible enough but defeating an enemy more powerful than them? I don't see it and I fear you have created an ultimate enemy so powerful how could it be defeated? Perhaps with celestial intervention? Or maybe the Q or the Prophets can render their assistance?
Aside from creating an enemy who seems impossible to defeat, and thus seemingly impossible to wrap up this story, that was a good scene and the first time I got a sense of humanity in Maria. Finally she showed some remorse, just a little bit!
But I do find Maria's logic very messed up. How does destroying Hank prepare him for this telepathic attack from this enemy? Surely there can be a better way to raise his defences? Are this enemy so brutal that nothing can prepare Hank for this, unless he has experienced true pain, despair, loss, anguish and humiliation? If that is so then that is really really messed up!
Date: 30 May 2013 21:49 Title: Chapter 8
I can understand Chris being really angry about his two death brothers, but for that to manifest instead into such strong anger towards Nick and Mark... I'm surprised Chris past the psychological tests Starfleet Academy performs on cadets to determine their mental stability. I worry for Chris because when he gets really angry he becomes violent, as evidenced by the bottle he threw at his brother, so if he ever married Madison... Well, I would really worry for her if Chris got into a real mood. He's the sort of person whom abusive husbands are made of.
Talking about abuse, Hank seems to be growing ever more paranoid about Maria, for good reason though, but he's showing some grit by attending this meeting and having to disclose some very distressing things as part of Hank showing the others his piece of the puzzle.
I'm looking forward in the next chapter to seeing how this puzzle fits together!
Date: 30 May 2013 21:38 Title: Chapter 7
So Maria kept her word and that only adds to her mystery. She has the most weirdest moral code ever. So she tortures Hank to near insanity just she can pretend to be following the evil schemes of the Del'Vreer. And then she somehow gets away and arrives on the Pearl to restore the timeline!?! Paul is right here, something does not add up. If Maria was torturing Hank for the greater good then Hank would have sensed some sort of guilt or remorse from her, but he didn't. Unless those dreams were Maria's way of 'helping' Hank. I mean Maria has shown no remorse and if she really cares about inferior lifeforms you would think she would do something to express her regret and guilt over what she did to Hank.
Very strange indeed...
Date: 30 May 2013 20:36 Title: Chapter 6
A deal with the devil... Though I think the biggest gambit of all was made by Janeway allying herself with the Borg. Which makes me wonder? Who is more powerful? The Borg or the Del'Vreer?
Date: 30 May 2013 20:29 Title: Chapter 5
Getting weirder but I'll see where this leads to...
Date: 30 May 2013 20:22 Title: Chapter 4
Okay... This is getting a little strange and is starting to stray into deus ex machina territory. I know the crew of the Pearl have to go back into time but I pray to God there is no big fat reset button at the end of it all...
Date: 30 May 2013 20:14 Title: Chapter 3
Well that goes along way to explaining what is going on. So the Del'Vreer have won, but if Maria -- and if she is true to her word -- finds a way to undo the damage then maybe a final stand against the Del'Vreer is possible?
And poor Hank... He's got to work with that evil Maria and I'm not how he is going to keep his sanity. But I think the damage is already done. The bridge crew have seen the true extent of his psychological damage and Karrie was right; even if Hank returned he would not be the same man, he would not be the man whom the crew of the Pearl have come to admire. But that scene between Bethany and Hank, it is stuff like that where I can really see a romance eventually forming between the two.
Already I'm liking this third story a lot and this one is a lot more to the point. Thus so far it is shaping up to be your best book out of the trilogy, so far...
Date: 30 May 2013 20:01 Title: Chapter 2
Maria... ugh... The prettiest face in the galaxy with the blackest heart of them all! So now the Del'Vreer use time travel to alter history? But if that is so why go to all that trouble trying to start wars in the Alpha Quadrant when they could do so some temporal hocus pocus and then invade? But what if the temporal alterations only caused stronger civilizations and stronger enemies of the Del'Vreer to arise? This ain't making much sense, unless this is all one big vision on Maria's part... Unless Hank has been dreaming ALL of this time.
Date: 30 May 2013 19:48 Title: Chapter 1
So the third -- and last -- part of this trilogy begins with the Pearl trapped in this limbo. At least none of the main characters died (or any shown in this scene) and Worf is alive! I can't wait to hear Hank's account and how Nick and Harrison are going to resolve this issue of two captains on board the Pearl!
Date: 05 Jun 2011 14:17 Title: Chapter 6
"If it comes to you having to beat her for information...I'll join you. Trust me on that, Admiral."
I almost heard "...For Hank" there.
Date: 31 May 2011 15:52 Title: Chapter 4
Chris should face some serious consequences for his behaviour than just being sent to bed without supper. He crossed the line and verbally attacked his superior. This is not something that should be tolerated in any military or para-military organisation, even Starfleet.
Besides, Nick is certainly right--while Hank knows a lot about what's happening, he is in no shape to take command. His mental state is far from stable (not that it's surprising after what he has been through).
Date: 07 Apr 2011 02:04 Title: Chapter 9
Just as when I read this before...I do not trust Maria, one bit. Slowly, she's deluding everyone around her until she has a little "collective" that only thinks it's willingly along for the ride. The sooner she dies, the better.
Date: 06 Apr 2011 01:58 Title: Chapter 8
OK...I don't like Chris Walker, but I DID like this exchange:
"What the hell was that?"
"A bad miss."
That made me laugh.
As to Winsor...he'd better have himself checked for nanites. And Hank...why can't they get rid of his?
Date: 03 Apr 2011 04:29 Title: Chapter 7
Maybe it shows how suspicious I am--that I would have shot and killed Maria as soon as she was done "healing" Barash (assuming that's what she actually did as opposed to programming Barash in some fashion), while she was weak.
Actually, I would've shot her before that.
Author's Response:
LOL. The thought had crossed my mind, trust me.
More to come for sure. Thanks for the review. :)
Date: 01 Apr 2011 02:42 Title: Chapter 6
Oh, she's evil. And Winsor's a fool to do anything she says, especially after KNOWING the horrible things she did to Hank.
Date: 18 Dec 2010 04:17 Title: Chapter 4
A Temporal Research Facility that shouldn't exist...hmm...either this could be who will help them get out of this mess, or this could be another Del'Vreer trick. I would be very, very suspicious, personally.
As for Chris Walker--I am glad that there were consequences for his insubordination. I'm just amazed it took that long in that conversation for it to happen; Walker was way, WAY out of line right from the very start, and then to threaten violence...he was unhinged.
Frankly, I think Nick is right: Hank needs to at least get a medical evaluation before Nick transfers command.
Date: 15 Dec 2010 04:37 Title: Chapter 3
Yeah, I'm not trusting her ONE bit...that little sob story sounds WAY too convenient, and exactly in line with the kind of emotional manipulation she's used on Hank before.
Date: 29 Jul 2010 13:25 Title: Chapter 1
Maria must die, and I groaned aloud when the red alert klaxon sounded! He was going to tell her!!! Sweet scene between him and Bethany, and I liked the sickbay scene, too. I still have to read the rest of this series but I'm glad I checked this chapter out.
Author's Response:
Well, color me surprised that you took a peak here! You do have a lot to catch up on, but much thanks for the review. I'm glad you checked this chapter out.
Date: 28 Jul 2010 23:36 Title: Chapter 2
OK...Maria DEFINITELY needs to die, and soon. My question is what time period they're in, whether this is an altered timeline or whether they're in the future. And I somehow DON'T think that man was actually human, that he spoke to.