Date: 03 Aug 2014 16:35 Title: Watchtower #1: Welcome to Hope
Is this it for hope then? Things appear to be pretty darn bad, judging by the chaos that seems to have ensued. No pun intended, but I'm holding out some hope. After all there's a second story you're teasing us with here, so at least somebody must have survived this inferno, maybe even part of the station itself? I won't presume too much at this point, as the news seems to be pretty bad.
It would of course be an incredible shame if all these fascinating characters only had this one brief moment to shine.
Excellent story, looking forward what can be salvaged for the next one.
Date: 03 Aug 2014 16:30 Title: Watchtower #1: Welcome to Hope
Wasn't enough to have the chapter titles in form of a countdown, was it? But this one is even more effective and I nearly ended up holding my breath as we got to one.
I don't have a clue what's going on here and who could be responsible. I'm assuming somebody on the station as the Betazoid could obviously sense something and Gordon seems to spot something as well. I haven't ruled out the Breen as possible suspects to whatever is happening here either.
The final moment with Tanner practicing her speech was somewhat touching. Are those her last moments alive? If so, how terribly tragic.
Date: 03 Aug 2014 16:25 Title: Watchtower #1: Welcome to Hope
The Breen are almost here and the tension is steadily risings. There is nothing too obviously out of place here but the sense that something very bad is going to happen soon definitely lingers in the air. That and a Tzenkethi publicly urinating must be a bad omen.
Date: 03 Aug 2014 16:13 Title: Watchtower #1: Welcome to Hope
Why do I get the feeling that these diplomats are like lemmings going over a cliff?
Taftner has the right idea here, just wondering if it might already be too late.
Date: 02 Aug 2014 22:53 Title: Watchtower #1: Welcome to Hope
Oh, bad omens right there. I've got a bad feeling paranoia may be called for and this might be the first sign of things going downhill.
And ouch. But a Cardassian and a Bajoran politician into a room together, and likely only one of them will emerge alive. Good thing they are in public and only sparing with words. But still: Ouch.
Feel bad for Meeare but Reddick is kinda right. She needs to show some initiative. Unless there is something to this situation that we're not seeing.
Date: 02 Aug 2014 22:48 Title: Watchtower #1: Welcome to Hope
Deleany's and Riv's little talk almost plays like a mirror version to TNT and the Vulcan's conversation in the previous chapter except of course the one here is very different in tone and a certain person is fairly distracted with ... well, people he shouldn't be distracted with, really.
I still like Taftner, she's a very focused kind gal, ain't she? Let me see my fighters and to hell with everything else. Let's see how well this attitude will serve her.
Date: 02 Aug 2014 22:43 Title: Watchtower #1: Welcome to Hope
Tanner is laying down the law. Hard. Doesn't Leyun realize that you don't mess with TNT? It has a tendency to explode. It doesn't help of course that this Vulcan, like many of his kinsmen, has a bit of a tendency to be a major douche.
I mean seriously, it's like every Vulcan ever needs to take some sensitivity classes at the Academy or something before being unleashed onto the universe. The call-it-like-I-see-it routine just doesn't get you very far these days, especially when dealing with people like Tanner who is fiercely protective of her people. As she should be.
Date: 01 Aug 2014 13:59 Title: Watchtower #1: Welcome to Hope
A lot of family dynamics at play here. I love the Santiagos, overbearing mother, possibly underachieving daughter and a husband/father who died doing the same thing his daughter is now doing.
And talking about tragedy, something bad split up the Graham family but apparently enough time has passed for them to have another go at being a family again. Sounds like it's going to be a rocky affair.
You know all this makes me very concerned that Watchtower apparently comes with a quickly approaching expiration date. I like these characters and their soap opera-y histories. No, no, I totally mean this in a good way. Honest.
Author's Response:
Well with the concept of playing with an entire space station, I figured that it lent to the exploration of families within the Trek universe some so I wanted very keenly to bring that to the story. With the Santiagos we get an older family dynamic but one that is rocky in lots of ways as daughter tries to find her own way in life. And a mother like Estefenia was never going to be easily impressed anyway.
Then the Grahams. A young family but one shattered by tragedy. You might guess what but the next chapter will tell you soon.
I get what you mean. There's soap opera histories going on here and no that doesn't necessarily mean a bad thing. Unless I end up handling it wrong. Hopefully, it is working to provide a context for the characters and showing that they have lives and famileis beyond their careers and duty hours. The fault will be if I end up treating it too much like a soap opera.
However, as you point out, time seems to be counting down here for Watchtower. Maybe the histories will help the reader invest in their stories because bad stuff is obviously going to happen.
Date: 30 Jul 2014 22:32 Title: Watchtower #1: Welcome to Hope
Watchtower's latest engineering recruits are a real pair of Einsteins, aren't they? Boy, these two give twins everywhere a bad name. Thankfully they are also incredibly hilarious. I suppose they'll be alright once they can get uses to how the base is soooooooo much bigger than they could imagine. I mean, dude, it's just sooo big, right?
And the arrival of the Breen has everyone on edge. That's to be expected. I just hope nobody's got an itchy trigger finger.
Author's Response:
I know. They really ellicit the same reaction they provoked in Eli. But hey, they provide some good humour and in a way - a weird way mind - their being so awed is actually sweet and endearing and maybe, just maybe it is akin to a country yokel getting to visit a city like New York or Singapore for the very first and despite having seen it on TV nothing quite counts for seeing something of its like for real. Besides, too many of our Trek canon characters were all too self-aware and cool with the stuff they saw. So with so many of my own world weary and experienced character filling the quotas to the brim it's nice to expand myself into noob territory once again! LOL.
An itchty trigger finger would indeed be a very, very, bad thing. This is a tense and delicate moment and one wrong move is going to scupper everything. And what then?
Date: 29 Jul 2014 23:26 Title: Watchtower #1: Welcome to Hope
Ah, the daily routine on a starbase. It can get tedious after a while so it's a good thing when something out of the ordinary happens. Like the Breen dropping by. That's gonna be fun.
Looks like Taftner is going to play the fish out of water part here. I bet she'll get along famously with TNT. Yeah, not so much.
Author's Response:
Yeah, you know how you sometimes have a neighbour who calls over to visit and you're like ... eh, how can I pretend not to be at home? Well I think this might be that on a whole other level.
As for Taftner, yeah, my gut feeling is like yours. Her and Tanner are not going to get along swimmingly.
Date: 29 Jul 2014 00:47 Title: Watchtower #1: Welcome to Hope
MF, I do love a new series (it has quite an aroma, no?) and this looks to be a good one. I do appreciate the overview, but I absolutely laughed at this guy.
"Security officer – Tobias Mytell – troubled officer"
He is now my favorite character in the story. Whatever happens, from this point on, I'm excited to see him. I want him to live up to this. Don't disappoint me. ;)
Author's Response:
He's no Danny, but we'll see. Obviously, there's a ton of folk to be introduced but we shall get to Tobias. His first scene 'onscreen' should prove to be a ... memorable one.
Date: 28 Jul 2014 23:01 Title: Watchtower #1: Welcome to Hope
TNT - Dynamite Tanner indeed. And perhaps on this day more than usual. Looks like she's got a seriously full plate. Ah, the fun times of running a starbase, I guess.
Her little outburst in the turbolift was epic. But I actually loved her response to her Vulcan aid. Damn, those back talking Vulcans. Man, she ain't got an easy job, I bet. Good thing her kin don't usually complain.
Also liked Grem'waal who doesn't appear to fear TNT's wrath either. A brave man, that one.
Great start, looking forward exploring the rest of it.
Author's Response:
I imagine it has to be a major, major headache actually running a Starbase. Technically, her remit is not so much the starbase but the squadron and the sector it patrols and directing all of the Federation operations therein. It can't be easy and it is certainly high pressured and busy.
As for her aide, she needs someone unflappable to withstand her tirades. Grem'waal as master of secrets and knowing he's a vital lynchpin to her operations feels assured he has some wiggle room. That and he is not the most socially adept figure. Glad you like the start to things, here's hoping the rest continues in that vein. Thanks for reading.
Date: 28 Jul 2014 22:42 Title: Watchtower #1: Welcome to Hope
Oh, bad omens. Things are not going to go well for Watchtower, are they?
Author's Response:
Well it might get worse. LOL!
Date: 28 Jul 2014 00:27 Title: Osprey #1: Running the Gauntlet
Why do I have the feeling one of your upcoming stories or chapters is going to be called 'Losing Hope' or some variation on that?
It's not a nice thing you're doing here by the way, to make it all look like a nice happy ending only to let it all end in a foreboding cliffhanger like that.
This was a fun story though with a colorful crew which still needs to answer a number of questions such as what happened to the ship's previous XO and is Faraday going to get her vengeance? Also is there a traitor on board and how did the pirate boss get killed? Are Mbeke and Hayes going to get a room and will Faraday go ballistic once she finds out? The biggest question for now of course is what happened to Watchtower? I guess we're going to get those answers in that new tale you're already teasing. Just don't let me wait too long.
Terrific story. Well done.
Author's Response:
LOL! Actually, my intention is that any stories featuring Hope Station are indeed going to feature the term Hope or Hopeful or some other play on it. So yeah, 'Losing Hope' might be the give away. After the action of the previous chapter I wanted a sucker punch rather than have a neat resolution to matters. As it happens, my timeline for the various interconnected stories of the Watchtower Universe allowed me to play this card.
Plenty of questions are left to be answered yes - are Mbeke and Hayes going to get a room? LOL! We will be getting answers to these questions in short order. Firstly, as I mentioned on the forum, the previous XO story will be covered in a prequel set just prior to this particular story and said story will be a crossover with the Rhapsody Rabbit Gavilán. As for Watchtower, stay tuned, as we'll get the first instalment of it today.
Meantime, my many, many thanks CeJay for reading the story and all the thoughts and impressions you've shared.
Date: 28 Jul 2014 00:13 Title: Osprey #1: Running the Gauntlet
Well, this certainly didn't disappointed. I had an inkling they were going to play with gravity because of all the talk about boots. A terrible idea really considering they're being bounced around inside an ion storm, but hey, all's well that ends well.
Loved the fact that we got to see the action from Mercy's perspective even after the hostage crisis had been resolved. Most captain's would have struggled in that situation, being an helpless witness instead of being on the bridge. For Mercy it must have been even worse, having an untested XO in the center seat instead, and one she barely even trusts.
Kudos to her officers around her for correctly pointing out that he's in charge now. And look at that, it seems Fleeters have a few tricks up their sleeve as well. After that Faraday won't have much of a choice but to warm to Hayes, methinks.
Author's Response:
A matter of bad timing and bad luck I guess for the gravity trick. Wanted to try something a little different and I rather imagine that zero gravity situations are perhaps ones the Border Dogs encounter more often than not.
Playing it from Mercy's perspective was a choice that offered me the opportunity to explore exactly that mentality. On the show, they obviously have to cut to the main action but I wanted to play with the not knowing aspect a little of being elsewhere to the bridge. It has to be a fairly disconcerting and scary situation for ordinary crewmembers. Certainly, it was much worse for Mercy having to sit the situation out. Of course she was lucky at least in being to track the events via the tac-mat, which also served to show a little of Hayes' ability too. I tried to write some of his scene from his perspective but it was too dry or too difficult to drum up any tension that way. Playing it from Mercy's point of view allowed me then to explore her own frustrations plus it served as payback for her own choice to take point in the medical bay. She can't have it her own way after all. I think after this she certainly has to extend respect to Hayes because he's definitely proved himself.
Date: 27 Jul 2014 23:48 Title: Osprey #1: Running the Gauntlet
Oh, yes, things have gotten really bad. Yes, indeed.
Sorry, I'm trying not to sound too excited but this is good stuff. A threat inside and out, Faraday's most experienced officer is down and out for the count and she's forced to trust her XO with her ship in a possible hostile situation while she must lead a rescue mission on her own boat.
Well played, sir, well played.
Author's Response:
Hee, hee. I'm so delighted with this comment CeJay, my thanks for it. I figured with a title running the gauntlet ought to require a bit of tight bind all round so I am glad the threat inside and out played well here for you.
Date: 25 Jul 2014 14:14 Title: Shepherd's Reach
I thought this story looked familiar, skipping ahead a little I remembered why. I've read it before. It's still pretty damn brutal but a great companion piece to your Osprey spin off.
Date: 25 Jul 2014 14:00 Title: Shepherd's Reach
My adventure in exploring your rich Watchtower universe continues.
Poor Liseth. Turns out just being in the Border Service isn't nonglamorous enough, it can actually get worse.
But Tanner is right, even if she doesn't have to such jerk about it. You don't sign up for the Border Service for the plush assignment.
Date: 24 Jul 2014 20:40 Title: Osprey #1: Running the Gauntlet
A nice little bonding session between Hayes and Faraday. I like that she's hands on, doing a bit of shuttle repairs on the side to keep the mind sharp, or perhaps just to have time to think.
These two still have a way to go before they completely trust each other, I think. The most interesting revelation here was about the fate of Hayes' predecessor. She betrayed Starfleet and her crew? Was she a Maquis and she pull off an Eddington or was it something else? I'm curious to find out. And there's nothing better than a bit of a personal vendetta, so it be fun to see Faraday going after her former XO.
First they have to survive their current predicament though. It's bad enough when somebody calls out a brace for impact warning, but if you don't even get to finish saying it ... ouch, this is going to be painful.
Author's Response:
Yup stuff happened with the predecessor. There will be a story that will fill in this blank of course. But we can see in a way just how much harder it is then for Faraday to trust a newcomer as her XO when a past first officer she considered a friend and did trust stabbed (shot) her in the back.
And yes, things have taken a turn for the worse with that call. Never a good sign when you can't finish the warning.
Date: 22 Jul 2014 01:29 Title: Osprey #1: Running the Gauntlet
Will you look at that? The Border Service has gone all high tech. Osprey is showing that they aren't really Starfleet's ugly duckling after all, these guys have all the cool toys.
And one of their coolest just might help Hayes find answers to his question. Because it looks more and more as the Orions might have compromised the BS somehow. Not good.
Author's Response:
Yup lots of cool toys here. The Osprey is of course perhaps among the very top tier ships serving in the Border Service Fleet it does have to be said and one of only a very few. But when they splash out, the BS splash out in a big way! It helped also to differentiate the ship from say the likes of the Kestrel and other Border Dogs out there. But the Osprey is very much a frontline vessel for any and every Border Cutter duty.
However, as you've sussed, the Orions seem not just to have an inside man they appear to have compromised the Border Service some how. And the mention of Shepherd's Reach hints to that wider corruption and this particular storyline that will weave through some of the Watchtower Universe stories. And no, not good. Not good at all.
Date: 20 Jul 2014 20:49 Title: Osprey #1: Running the Gauntlet
Hmm, so they think he may have had help from someone in the crew? Well now, that's certainly an interesting new angle. Could there be a spy on board the ship? Thinking about it, that could be quite a feat for the Orions to have an inside man within the Border Service.
And now we're going to have not one but two investigations into this? Mbeke seems easy going enough, not to mention a real pro at investigations (so no Nora Laas), same can not be said about Duncannon apparently who hasn't really warmed up to the new XO yet. I blame Faraday for that. He takes his cues from her and if she don't trust him, neither will he.
But it be a real good thing for him if Hayes could uncover some wrong doing on Osprey. So it may not win him any love from the crew but I'm sure Faraday would see him in a new light.
Author's Response:
There's certainly a question of it being a possibility. Certainly to Hayes there's a distinct possibility. Maybe he's just a naturally suspicious person. It would indeed be a coup for the Orions to have an inside man within the Border Service.
Yes, Duncannon takes his cues mostly from Mercy. He'll take sense into Faraday when needed but at other times he too is more partial to sitting back and having a person earn his respect and trust. Time will tell.
Date: 19 Jul 2014 16:02 Title: Osprey #1: Running the Gauntlet
So much for the interrogation. And too bad because I really wanted to see the boss at work, too. He must have taken something hidden on his body to go out like a coward.
I wonder if they are able to get anything useful out of his gang of miscreants. Me thinks not.
And am I detecting a little bit of an attraction between Hayes and the shapely Mbeke? Relationships between first officers and security chiefs tend to be a bad idea, trust me, I speak from experience. And of course Mercy won't have any of that kinda foolishness on her ship.
Author's Response:
Oh you definitely know about the fall out from XO and security chiefs (of course that might be preferable to the current status quo with Star and Nora!). As to an attraction, maybe, maybe not, but Mbeke is certainly warmer to Hayes than most others have been. And I doubt very much Mercy would tolerate such complications to a smooth running ship.
Date: 18 Jul 2014 01:13 Title: Osprey #1: Running the Gauntlet
Acts of mercy indeed. Clever chapter title here.
Faraday did quite a bit to make her seem like a truly caring individual. Her concern and willingness to entertain the child, showing off her maternal instincts, as well as giving a speech to the injuried and terrifyed patients and former slaves. I like how she doesn't mince words much. She tells'em straight. It ain't over till it's over.
Good to see Hayes standing up for himself and turning the tables a bit on Faraday who has to begrudgingly admit that perhaps she hasn't done such a great job with him since he has joined the crew. I'm not sure if I'm buying that whole thing of how the Border Service is a good place for science officers but it has made me curious as to why Hayes is there? There got to be a story there.
Kudos for making Faraday religious ... or at least spiritual. We don't get to see that much in humans in Trek and it adds another dimension to the character.
Author's Response:
Oh I like to play with the chapter titles some it has to be said. Yeah, here we get to see a ... softer side to Faraday. Doc Suthy calls her on some of her behaviour and the quiet of the medical bay and the presence of the rescued slaves all serves to help her be a little more circumspect. It doesn't stop her telling it as it is cos that is her way.
There is also the religious side to Faraday, so although she can get heated and sometimes as seen before petty in some regards, she usually comes round. It also helped to differeniate her from my other stable of captains - McGregor is hardly religious unless you make an idol out of him! But it does make for a difference in how she deals with matters some and how I write her. It may mean she's more inclined to view things in black and white, right and wrong.
I like seeing Hayes stand up to Faraday too. XOs ought to be able to call BS on their captains if needs be in the Trekverse. As for why Hayes is there? That will be revealled in the course of the tale.
Date: 17 Jul 2014 01:38 Title: Osprey #1: Running the Gauntlet
That was quite a brilliant way to resolve the dilemma with which we were left hanging in the previous chapter. Both in the way you wrote it and of course the characters coming up with the idea of extending the shields at the last moment. I was surprised Faraday didn't offer at least a couple of words of praise to T'Renna after her saving her bacon like that. Perhaps it's not her style or perhaps she knows it be lost on the Vulcan.
And just when you think the crisis is over, you realize they're not out of it yet. Not by a long shot. That storm is coming after them with a vengeance and they can't outrun it. Bad news.
Now they'll try and ride it out? For some reason images of that Enterprise episode where the crew had to hide out in the nacelle come to mind. I trust it won't be that but from the way Mercy is talking, it certainly won't be pleasant either.
To be totally frank though, I didn't like Faraday a great deal in this chapter. Don't know if it is because she just barely escaped with her life or maybe because she doesn't trust her Fleeter XO, but I felt she came across somewhat arrogant here or at least in love with her own voice, the way she dropped long speeches on people.
Maybe it's just part of her character, she's an old hand veteran at this after all with plenty of wisdom to dish out. And the XO, it seems, makes a good target for now.
Author's Response:
Thank you CeJay. Regards, Faraday, you make lots of valid points because they're all very true. Faraday was peeved with herself and brusque about getting down to business, albeit, that is no excuse really. Even accounting for having just escaped with her life, she also knows her actions out the ship in the position it is. That grates on her and it is all on her. As to her beef with the XO, well stuff on that will come up but again none of it excuses her behaviour or attitude. I always kinda like it when a reader gets a negative impression about the character. Hopefully, it means they've got flaws and faults and some depth. The real trick is whether she can win you back round. Although, her style is mini-lectures so there's going to be more of those. Veteran or not, she is going to have to learn to trust her XO. And yes the storm is coming, whilst not requiring a 'Catwalk' type deal they are going to have to buckle down and hold tight. Thanks again for the terrific thoughtful review.
Date: 16 Jul 2014 01:14 Title: Osprey #1: Running the Gauntlet
Damn, that's some seriously dramatic work there at the end and I honestly don't know how it will play out. I'm guessing your not killing off your protagonist and two kids within the first few chapters of your story but still, this is gonna be a struggle either way.
T'Renna is a Vulcan of course, so she has to make not just the most logical decision but also the only one she can make to save the ship, you simply cannot fault her for that.
What an awesome dilemma. Eagerly anticipating the next chapter.
Author's Response:
Woo hoo! Loved that comment CeJay. Thankies. Glad it came off as being dramatic. Was hoping for the cliffhanger to come off that way but it doesn't always pan out. As to what will happen ... well the next chapter should be telling. As for killing off my main protagonist ... well ...