Date: 28 May 2013 03:47 Title: The First Time
Oh, Hank. To be relegated to the Junior Science Club. I can only imagine how annoying that would be. I love his meeting with Chris. Especially considering how things go down later, it's particularly poignant. I also get a real kick out of Hank's daredevil attitude there. "Screw science, let's go explore!" Of course, it doesn't end up the way it should, but he's right -- it is fun. I kind of have to be enamoured with the mental image of a pissed off Hartlocke picking up this young cub of an ensign and probably quite wanting to shake him.
Date: 28 May 2013 03:36 Title: Sunset
Hank is decidedly adorable in first person. I say this with an admitted bias, but his infatuation with Bethany rings loud and clear. I saw a few points you could clean up, and I think you could have maybe gotten deeper into his head, but where you did go is quite good. I love how he hesitates about going off into space; it really is a big leap, and not having her there will obviously be hard for him.
The ending is sentimental and romantic and so damn Hank Harrison.
Date: 11 Feb 2012 00:08 Title: The First Time
Ha! Awesome!
In Shakespeare's The Winter's Tale, the most famous stage direction (possibly of all time) is "Exit, pursued by a bear."
So now it's, "Beam out, pursued by a bear."
Date: 03 Oct 2011 00:58 Title: The First Time
What?! Why did he shoot? Is that protocol?!
I thought this was a pretty real moment between two men I love in their future as seasoned senior officers, but it was also a huge peek into their immaturity back in the day. Interesting piece.
Date: 03 Oct 2011 00:55 Title: New Year, Old Feelings
Aw, Hank. *hugs fictional character*
Date: 03 Oct 2011 00:50 Title: Sunset
This is so bittersweet and reminds me of a thousand moments from my youth. Lovely.
Date: 12 Sep 2011 21:55 Title: New Year, Old Feelings
You have a very good take here on that very particular species of regret - the ole "one that got away". I suspect that the cure, in real life, is either a true forever relationship (e. g. a better, truer companion) or to reunite with the, er, lost fish, as it were. But this is Trek, so you can conjure up other things, of course.
Plus New Year's is a traditional time, not only for dates (the old midnight kiss to seal the deal and start the new year off), but for introspection. And Hank's got that in spades, I see.
Don't torture him forever!
Date: 11 Sep 2011 07:17 Title: New Year, Old Feelings
Poor Hank. Tortured by his own feelings, looking for love and dating girl and untimately ruining his every date, since he knows she's not the One.
A lot of regret and hopelessness. He's certain that it's too late and only looks back to brood over what he's lost. I wonder if he even tries to give any chance to his dates, or unconsciously compares them to Bethany and they always lose in that comparison, because they, naturally, are not Bethany. Hank seems a nice guy, so I can't see a reason why every girl would reject him, unless he does something to push them away. Of course, some girls would not be interested, but some might if not the blue shadow with antennae clouding his mind.
If I didn't know how it'll play (at least in some universe-reality), I'd wish him to free himself from that shadow and give himseld a chance. He longs for having 'the other half,' he doesn't feel comfortable being a single and he doesn't want it. And is unable to find a way to successfully change it.
Date: 11 Sep 2011 06:21 Title: The First Time
"Fun...sir" That killed me, LOL!
So that's how Chris and Hank met! Being chased by bears with spikes! A lot fo fun, indeed ;)
Date: 07 Sep 2011 00:56 Title: Sunset
Aww - that was inexpressibly sweet. And sad, melancholy and heart-wrenching all at the same time. I've had my first introduction to Hank and Bethany in the free writes, so this additional glimpse into their lives is so enlightening, especially at the dawn of their relationship. I'm glad to know Hank's heartache will be short-lived. ;-)
I like your take, too on how Hank sees himself after graduating from the Academy - not as a trained professional, but as the 'new kid.' I never really thought of it that way, but that's really how it is - although theoretical training and actual experience are two totally different things. ;-) I can see though, where it would be hard to go from a senior - someone who has mentored cadets junior to him - to the bottom of the totem pole. ;-) A very effective piece that leaves me wanting to delve deeper into the history of these two.
Author's Response:
Thanks LBD, I'm glad you enjoyed the story. I was just testing the waters with some things here, but the topic is very much one I had hoped would strike a chord with people. Your reveiw is much appreciated :)
Date: 23 Jul 2011 22:30 Title: The First Time
I dunno who is more incompetent, Harrison or Hartlocke. I mean if Hartlocke is the away team leader, shouldn't he have done some more checking before beaming down onto that planet teaming with nasty bear like creatures?
As for Harrison maybe he strayed into those creatures's territory and angered them. He definitely did so by stunning the first bear-like creature he encountered.
Anyway good story, engaging, flowing and with witty dialogue.