Reviews For Traditions
Reviewer: SLWatson Signed [Report This]
Date: 16 Mar 2010 04:25 Title: Traditions
Date: 16 Mar 2010 04:25 Title: Traditions
I am crazy chuffed that anything of AotW made it in, even if it was just an allusion. And your young Scott thoroughly intrigues me, too! God knows, Scotty would be all, "Let that lad be! Good God, if he doesn't wanna be an engineer, let him do what he likes!" ::laughs:: He'd be livid at the idea of being made a 'tradition'.
Author's Response:
I am crazy chuffed...because I have no idea what chuffed is, but I assume it's good :)
I'm happy you liked it SL-it's a little homage you more than deserved for your amazing work on Arc of the Wolf.
Thanks for the review SL.