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Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Oct 2010 00:26 Title: Chapter 1

As always beauifully written Steff. I especially loved the following Shackleton opening sequence. There is a truth in the notion of look at what is right in front of you, there is wonder and beauty and mystery right here if you so seek it. Similarly, there is comfort, there is a home, there is a degree of relative safety. Sometimes home birds are decried for beign cowardly, for being backward or paroachial. However, sometimes there is a degree of wisdom in knowing your place, knowing your limits, knowing the propensity of mankind to wage war on a global scale nevermind what it might do on a galactic level. Fascinating and thought provoking.

Author's Response: Thank you so much, Miranda! This was a gift I wasn't entirely certain of, but I was glad I wrote it anyway, and I'm very glad it got you thinking. <3

Reviewer: Anna Amuse Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 20 Mar 2010 12:34 Title: Chapter 1

This story is as beautiful as it was when I first read it. I don't know. Your way with words, it's... like you. Elusive for my clumsy hands to capture. :) I will always remember this. And the time when it was written.

Reviewer: Mistral Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 22 Feb 2010 20:51 Title: Chapter 1

Don't get the context but it read beautifully.

Author's Response: Thank you!

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