Date: 22 Feb 2010 21:01 Title: Prologue
It is kinda scary the way the swarm just eats everything yet acts almost like it has a group conciousness.
Date: 22 Feb 2010 20:11 Title: Chapter 1
Well the introduction of te Intrepid crew is off to an interesting start. The banter and word play between CMO and Counsellor was entertaining as well as illuminating revealling many pertinent facts about our captain. He has garnered fame in the course of the war but a fame he does not seek or relish. Even Jellico appears to know of Aubrey's winning charm and ways. Of course, when the man talks of double edges and putting a dangerous plan in front of other starships commanders one knows they are dealing with a tactician, a keen mind, but one that likes to play it risky. Nice introduction to characters and begins to give a feel for the story and crew.
Date: 22 Feb 2010 19:51 Title: Prologue
Wow. Quite an interesting nad indeed ominious beginning to the story. The O’lantia are defeated despite their strengths and advantages. Worst still, for some reason they revert back to their stone age level, which may be the result of some further machination on the part of their enemy. Their enemy remains unknown and seem pretty formidable. It should be interesting to see where this is going to take out intrepid explorers.
Date: 21 Feb 2010 11:03 Title: Chapter 1
Wow, you've opened with a real attention-grabbing prologue, and your first chapter has introduced us to a host of fascinating and compelling characters. I'm enjoying the opportunity to re-visit the beginnings of Intrepid.
Author's Response: Thank you for taking the time to add a review, Gibraltar. Your comments are always appreciated.
Date: 19 Feb 2010 22:22 Title: Chapter 1
Hmm...seems Aubrey has a crazy plan in store, and the Orion counselor has issues? Mystery abounds here...great chapter.
Author's Response: Here's hoping you enjoy the rest as well!
Date: 19 Feb 2010 21:47 Title: Prologue
WOW...great prolouge. Boy, that sets things up really the descriptions. What has the Federation found now?
Author's Response: Thank you, glad you're enjoying it so far.
Date: 19 Feb 2010 20:50 Title: Prologue
A great story so far with a haunting prologue that projects a real feeling of age and time....thumbs up!
Author's Response: Much appreciated, Mistral. It's good to know it was effective and achieved what I was hoping for!