Date: 27 Apr 2011 02:34 Title: Star Trek: S'oren Daughter of Saavik
I really liked this! Interesting character, Soren is. You have done a wonderful job in setting up her background so we care about her. And having her connected to Kirk, being David's daughter, is a great move to....keep it up..
Date: 26 Apr 2011 15:54 Title: Star Trek: S'oren Daughter of Saavik
Update: I have fixed the formatting. Please let me know if you have any problems reading it.
Date: 22 Apr 2011 02:31 Title: Star Trek: S'oren Daughter of Saavik
Livia, I really want to read this but something happened with the posting. It came out, for me at least, as one big paragraph.
This happens to me, for some reason, when I paste from Microsoft word 2007 or newer. So, what I do is paste it into AOL MAIL, or any mail first, then copy and paste it from there into Ad Adstra. It might work for you too..
Author's Response: Thanks for the heads up! I'll have a look at it today and try to figure out what went wrong with the formatting.