Reviews For Learning Curve
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Reviewer: Strider Signed [Report This]
Date: 28 Jun 2012 01:52 Title: Chapter 1

I love McCoy's tricks to get them to take a vacation, and I'm sorry that the healing they need will be painful at first. But these two are good at bearing pain with and for each other. I hope they find what they need.

Author's Response:

Hee, hee - he is not beyond using whatever means are available to get his way. ;-)  Thank God for McCoy - who knows where Jim and Spock would be without him.  He's stepped in numerous times in the past when the two of them were struggling with their unique relationship (Conscience of the King, Amok Time, etc.) so I just figured he'd do whatever it took to get them to mend fences at this point and just *talk* to each other.

Reviewer: RobertScorpio Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 19 Oct 2011 12:56 Title: Chapter 5

Another great chapter here. I really like hearing, well reading, about their takes on events in their personal lives.

This bit about Spock's mother collectiong figurines representing animal life from around the Federation was a real nice personal touch as well.

Really liking this journey into the friendship of the "big three".


Reviewer: RobertScorpio Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 07 Oct 2011 13:19 Title: Chapter 4

This chapter really is a good read. In terms of "big time" events, there are none. This story is great to read because we get to see these three friends just sharing time together...and in Bone's and Spock's case, the worry they have for Jim Kirk.

Unlike most TREK fans, I liked the camp fire scene in TREK V. This story helps feed the line that Kirk uses in that movie that they (the three of them) spend their time together, on leave, and not with their families.


Author's Response:

 I agree- although I felt the campfire scene in the movie seemed a bit forced and stilted, it was handled much better in the novelization.  ST:V definitely had potential, and I can't help but wonder how it might have been different had it not been for the writer's strike that took place during the production of this movie.

This story represents my take on the three of them sharing shore leave - a way to solidify and reinforce their individual relationships to one another, as well as strengthening the eternal triangle that represents the three of them together.  This unconventional friendship between three totally different individuals is what drew me to TOS in the first place.  It was only a matter of time before I threw in my two cents regarding how this unique connection between the Triumvirate functions.

So glad it's not boring you to tears yet, given the total lack of action.  ;-)

Reviewer: RobertScorpio Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 21 Sep 2011 13:14 Title: Chapter 3

What I like about this is that it shows the big three having fun. We always hear that they hung out together, even on shore leave, and here we get to see it full throttle. Great job...


Author's Response:

Thanks, Rob.  This was the first scene I wrote, intending for this to be a short only, but my Muse had other plans, and it blossomed into a full-flegded story.  We never saw anything like this in TOS, but this is how I imagine the three spending their leisure time, McCoy's ulterior motive notwithstanding. ;-)

Reviewer: RobertScorpio Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 08 Sep 2011 18:51 Title: Chapter 2

No zippity fx space battles..just a well written character pieces...well done!!! I followed the dialog closely between Kirk and McCoy. It was perfect and well thought out..very good!!!

Author's Response:

Thanks, Rob - glad you haven't given up on me yet. ;-)  There may not be space battles, but I have tried to interject moments of levity into what is for lack of a better description a very emotionally-driven piece.  We saw levity in the show - the S&M bickering, Kirk teasing one or both of them, etc.  In contrast, the emotionally intense scenes were there, but much fewer and far between.  I tried to draw on what we did know, and run with it.  Hopefully I succeeded, while remaining true to the personalities and quirks of all three men.

Reviewer: RobertScorpio Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 02 Sep 2011 15:24 Title: Chapter 1

Great work here...the flow of the story is perfect, and the dialog was dead on! Will be interesting to see where it goes next...


Author's Response:

Thanks, Rob.  Glad you're enjoying it so far.  Not a lot (well, not *any*) of action here; it's meant to be more of a character study, and an in-depth examination of how this most unconventional of friendships works between the three men.

Reviewer: kes7 Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 21 Oct 2010 23:42 Title: Chapter 1

I actually read this back when you first posted it and was remiss in not reviewing it then.  I thoroughly enjoyed this slow, in-depth, off-duty look at the dynamics between Kirk and Spock and to a lesser degree, McCoy.  I think you did a remarkable job staying true to all three of their personalities while allowing them to grow past what we saw on the screen.  You're right, this was a perfect entry for the Friendship challenge.  I would have loved to have seen something new from you, but I'm glad you were able to enter this.  It fits the theme so well, and now more people will have the chance to read this lovely piece of work.

Author's Response:

Wow!  Thanks, kes.  I did have a few ideas for new pieces, but unfortunately RL is playing havoc with me at the moment and leaves little time for writing.  Hopefully that will change over the next few months.  Glad you found this to be a fitting entry.

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 21 Aug 2010 16:57 Title: Chapter 3

Hee hee. Loved the fun and sense of letting go this scene brought about. A little inconsequential to the bigger issues but important release for them.

Oh by the way, I haven't said it so far this story but you make some beautiful uses of the english language, certain phrases or word choices that are just *.

Author's Response:

LOL!  It was fun, wasn't it?  I had a blast writing this chapter (it was actually the first scene I did) - a little levity injected into what is at times a very emotionally draining piece.  Glad the enjoyment came through loud and clear. :D

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 21 Aug 2010 16:50 Title: Chapter 2

Again impressive writing. The emotion is nuanced and restrained but very clear. It really conveys the struggles of the emotion between all three men in their friendships to one another. Most especially though that between Kirk and Spock. The link between the two of them is such a profound thing at times it seems yet they both struggle with it, downplay it and even ignore that it is there. It makes for compelling reading that's for sure following their dancing around the subject, like a great big pink elephant in the room between them.

I know elsewhere you said how this has been called Slash by some. I know it certainly could be read as such, but I think it hits deeper as a battle of emotions between friends, especially those separated as such by their aline phsiologies and culture. And yet they are so bonded or on the same page with one another at times it seems crazy for them to ignore this 'issue' of the bond between  them. This inability to discuss the bond and the episodes where they have almost lost one another is so damned frustrating. Incredibly well conveyed in your writing.

Author's Response:

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!  I have always maintained that the emotional bond between these three, but especially between K&S would transcend the physical - more akin to the strong emotional ties a parent has to a child, or siblings to one another.  If I was able to show that, even a little, then I've succeeded on some level.

Thank you for the wonderful, thoughtful and insiprational feedback - you've totally made my day! :D

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 21 Aug 2010 16:35 Title: Chapter 1

I'm impressed at the weave of a developing storyline/continuity here not just with canon but wih hyour own tales too. Again, very strong writing and strong character work. The switch between the trio POVs is very effective at forming a narrative as well as giving an insight into their thoughts and feelings. So far it seems as though McCoy's little endeavours to get them to relax isn't bearing fruit straight off. Good stuff.

Author's Response:

Thank you, Miranda; I'm honored.  This is new territory for me - trying to mesh stories I've written seamlessly not only among themselves, but also into the flow of established canon.  This was my first effort, which has been continued in my next two pieces.  Glad to know I'm succeeding on some level.  :D

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