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Reviewer: KobayashiMaru13 Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Apr 2010 01:40 Title: Book Three Inferno

Indeed, they're both in Hell. Saavik's psychological and emotional from her tormentors, and Peter that, coupled with the physical. I'm certainly glad to see that Sarek so welcomed Saavik, with opened arms. The Archangel story was a great adage, very interesting, and--at least in my opinion--sort of had echoes of "Supernatural". If I might do a little inferencing, I distinctly remember that the Messiah had to suffer in Hell, before being Risen. And if Peter is anything like that, some sort of greatness--most likely not outright, considerring the trend of the story--is most likely to come, perhaps from uniting with Saavik. As for that toddler... are they breeding someone to combat Peter? Or is he for something else entirely?

Author's Response:

They are indeed breeding someone to combat Peter--and if he is a messianic figure, then this would be his ultimate opponent--sort of. The Archangel story works on several levels. Is Peter just a victim doing what he has to in order to cope with the horror he's undergoing? Is this a racial memory of some kind? And just how badass is Ghidorah if he killed and replaced the Devil before he even became that?

I prefer to think of Peter as a champion with some messianic burdens. Technically, at least according to Catholic doctrine, Jesus did not descend into Hell as we think of it. Rather, until he came after his own death, there was no place for the just dead--including the Prophets and heroes of the Old Testament--to go. There was a common afterlife for all but the most wicked. It was what we would call Limbo that Jesus went into, opening Paradise to the just and good dead.

Peter and Saavik's union will produce quite a bit, when it happens. Maybe more than their parents and guardians are ready for. Just how do you shut down two interested teens when they can rip apart planets? :D


Reviewer: KobayashiMaru13 Signed [Report This]
Date: 25 Apr 2010 00:21 Title: Book Two, Part Two

Interesting encounter with the Four Horsemen. I see why the book was titled "Not Into Temptation". From Madylen, to the Four Horsemen, he was definetely tempted. I liked the tie-ins to biblical scripture, complteted with the trip to Bethelehem. And not least of all interesting being that ending battled. And now the Order's got him, and I have no doubt that very very soon is when Sam and Relly's Hell comes true.

Reviewer: KobayashiMaru13 Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Apr 2010 15:24 Title: Book Two - Not Into Temptation

Brave words by Peter at the end--brave, but true. It's hard to believe ANYONE could be as evil as Bri, especially to their own grandson, who was so polite, well-mannered, hard working, and intelligent. But at least now Winona is attempting to make things right. That station was a little disturbing--all those people worshipping something so evil; and then MADYLEN! *shudders* How are the order so crazy? ;)

Author's Response:

Some people are just that sadistic. In the anime Elfen Lied, Mayu, a young teen girl, was sexually abused by her stepfather. Finally telling her mother brought not disbelief--but jealousy at the 'attention' Mayu was recieving from this man. Later on, when the hero and heroine of the piece essentially take custody of Mayu, her mother signs her away without blinking. I mention that because we've all heard a thousand RL stories about people as screwed up as Bri.

Bri was originally a mistake on my part--I hadn't known most fanon places Jim's mother's name as Winona. The twin thing was a bit of a dodge to use in this case. But, for the purposes of this fairytale, while an unjust stereotype, Bri is the ultimate wicked stepmother.

Reviewer: KobayashiMaru13 Signed [Report This]
Date: 21 Apr 2010 02:33 Title: Book One, Part Two

An enjoyable, feel-good chapter, if I do say so myself. But then again, maybe its just cuz I finished The Plague this morning. ;) I like your take on the Kobayashi Maru Incident. The way you changed it to fit the story, it seemed natural, like that had always been how things were. The history of the Enterprise, as well--or at least the bits we were shown--was also interesting. Liked Near-Null-Grav Ball. Sounds fun! Kind of like a dogeball of sorts. But I get the feeling theres NOT going to be quite as many feel-good, cheery moments when Peter is faced with Bri.

Again, there was another mention of the "Admirality Hall". I have a sort of vague idea of what it is, but are there other pieces that explain it? Or is it explained further on, what exactly the Hall is?

Author's Response:

In short, Admiralty Hall is the extreme embodiment of the 'mad Admiral' syndrome seen on TNG and DS9. The Order Of The Ancient Destroyer used their behind-the-scenes pull to get it constructed in the 2220's, despite opposition from many, including George Kirk Senior, who felt that the Admiralty would become isolated if fully insulated from those it lords over. Slowly, the Order made sure--most especially through John Gill--to indoctrinate and promote young officers of a xenophobic bent. Originally just a Hall, it started assuming powers unto itself, unchallenged by the UFP Council, who liked the quiet Starfleet the Hall promised them. They also embody the old warning : All evil requires to thrive is for those of good will to sit back and do nothing.

Not to press your patience yet again, but 'Lombard Street' covers some of this as well.

Reviewer: KobayashiMaru13 Signed [Report This]
Date: 18 Apr 2010 03:01 Title: Book One - Kirks Don't Cry

This was very interesting, and a very different take on things. It was at first confusing, but the more I read, the more I understand, and the more it was spelled out. I feel awful for Peter. That was a terrible tragedy.

Now, a question I had. Do I have this right? Uhura was friends with Peter's mother, and one of Peter's parents was a sibling of Kirk? Kirk and Uhura adopted Kirk. And Peter has some alien blood in him, from our favorite pointy-eared xenaphobes across the NZ, which, if I might speculate, gives him a connection to a certain Rommie named Saavik.

That little myth-tale about Ghidorah was clever-- I liked it. To make some connections about it... I do recall a Godzilla/Ghidorah movie where several of them teamed up against KG. Rainbow-Wing... could that be Mothra? And the Ape-Fish Godzilla? As for Shellback, I do distinctly remembered a sort of shelled monster. The only one I can't place is Darkwings. The only other winged monster I remember was one resembling a ptyredactil.

Regardless, great work! I look forward to continuing with it, then moving on to Saavik's tale, and finally back to Encounter Thy Image.

Author's Response:

Sam and Aurelan were Peter's legal parents--Aurelan did give birth to him, but there's another story in there. Sam was sterilized in an accident, and he and Aurelan asked Jim to sire their children, while they would raise the kids. They were not quite up to the task of parenting, as we shall see. Peter is of House Surak, albeit by way of 'Those Who Left' centuries before. 'The Plague'--frankly as dark a story as I have ever written--covers that. I'm sorry to have so many stories that *have* to be read, but I deliberately opted for thoroughness over accesibility.

Darkwing is a ref to Battra, Mothra's grim counterpart. Mothra is the guardian of the living on Earth--Battra is the guardian of the Earth's ability to produce and contain life---so their goals are sometimes at odds. Shellback is a ref to Gamera, The Giant Turtle, the guardian of young life--or children.

Thanks! I know it can be hugely daunting, but it is also appreciated.

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