Reviews For The Lost Kingdom
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Reviewer: Mackenzie Calhoun Signed [Report This]
Date: 04 Nov 2013 19:34 Title: Chapter 1

A very imaginative take on a ghost story, the idea of Walt Disney being found in the future tickles. Very good story.

Reviewer: SLWalker Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 Aug 2013 02:31 Title: Chapter 1

That has to be one of the most surreal crossover stories ever. I love how you played it straight with Sanjay there, too. As this were another run of the mill scientific anamoly there. And in a way, it was.

Reviewer: jespah Signed [Report This]
Date: 01 Jun 2013 22:51 Title: Chapter 1

I like how you spun it out slowly - a real feat for such a short story!!

Let me see if I spotted all of the references - the pick and shovel guys are the seven dwarves; the bear referencing the 'bare necessities' is Ballou from Jungle Book. I think the snake and the tiger are also from that film. The chipmunks are either Chip and Dale or they're The Rescuers Down Under. Not sure. The twittering bluebirds, skunk and rabbit seem to be a part of Cinderella getting dressed, although they might be from Bambi. Or a mixture thereof. Plus of course Mickey Mouse.

Trippy, wacky and funny - well done!

Author's Response: Pretty much nailed all of them. Thanks for reading and reviewing! (Chip and Dale, BTW).

Reviewer: Lil black dog Signed [Report This]
Date: 01 Jun 2013 16:52 Title: Chapter 1

Wow Mistral, that was quite an interesting take on a 'ghost story.'  I must admit that from the appearance of the first 'mystery guest' I figured out who was inside, but not why these 'creatures' were appearing.

Nice work on the aliens responsible.  We tend to view things through the color palette of human experience, and forget that there are infinite possibilities for life out there that might function contrary to what we consider the norm.

I can see why this story won the prize, for while all the various cameos made me grin, there was still that underlying current of unease and dread as to exactly what this object was, and could it pose a real threat to the ship and her crew.  Very nice work!

Author's Response: After years to think about it-best response. Thank you.

Reviewer: trekfan Signed [Report This]
Date: 26 May 2013 20:52 Title: Chapter 1

Well, color me surprised, I didn’t expect this to take the turn it did. What a take on a ghost story! It’s crazy but a fun one. You nailed all the guest characters here, from a completely different universe, and totally just integrated them so well into this one. The Trek characters were thrown for a big loop and one couldn’t blame them, especially since all these characters were works of fiction.

I’m surprised no one ran to the holodeck to check if that was the cause because that was my thought when this started, that something involved with the holodeck was happening. But, no, these guys were actually REAL and could be killed. The various nods to the classic characters were appreciated and well done here.

I’m pleased that even in the 24th century, the things we get all excited about as little kids today still exist. It’s a wonder it survived WWIII and I kinda want to know how it did … I would imagine the need for hope and fun, dreams of adventures, would be needed after WWIII so people must have put a priority on bringing it back. Still, to have THE guy be out in space, floating amongst the stars … quite a find.

Well done and very enjoyable.  

Author's Response: Thank you. One of my favorites. And no one said Paris got destroyed in WW3-did they? Maybe its the only Disney left...

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 Apr 2009 22:23 Title: Chapter 1

I know in the original TrekBBS Challenge you said it was a silly idea but the execution was absolutely excellent. As I said in my review there, the story had a full length feel about it, particularly the start with the mystery object and the cargo freighter. You kept up a certain suspense and drew us into the mystery with your crew. It seemed like there was one mystery after another. Despite the 'silly' it was a forboding serious tone that hooked me as I read.

Can't believe I never twigged it with the Lost Kingdom title, but loved that the various mystery guests stemmed from a quite concrete sci-fi answer. Terrific stuff and a massive thumbs up for making the first shocker Mickey Mouse. Awesome stuff Mistral.

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