Reviews For House Rule #5
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Reviewer: Gatekeeper Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 May 2014 23:02 Title: House Rule #5

First let me say this story was a very enjoyable read.

I have to imagine that this is part of a series of stories, since its title is House Rules #5, isn't it? Please say it is.

I love how the Captain is lying in sickbay, fingers steepled like a Vulcan, and expecting her CMO to recount details of a past personal life. You did a great job with the characterizations--I could picture his embarrassment and her excitement.

I still haven't decided if Tate was telling her the truth, or making up a story because she was insisting on a story, and then making it into a dream.

His romantic vision which he recounted as part of the dream was sweet, and I like the fact that the Captain still feels she learned something new about her CMO--something that she didn't know before. Some people are romantic at heart, but have no idea how to express that to others, and so they come off looking one way, when they are actually quite different.

I like the Captain's moment with Nurse Rifki.

Overall, this was a very well written story, and a wonderful read. I hope to see more.

Reviewer: Mistral Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 12 Feb 2010 20:54 Title: House Rule #5

a wee bit of fluff, but amusing all of the same...

Author's Response: Thanks! :D

Reviewer: Nerys Ghemor Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Jan 2010 15:27 Title: House Rule #5

Oooooh, I SO love getting to see more Sydney!!! :D

This is just priceless, how she tries to draw the story out of him.  When he said it was just a dream, part of me wondered if he'd been stringing her along--but in the end, it seems like she actually managed a nice piece of therapy in a less threatening way than it might be with a counselor (BTW, Troi creeps me out in TNG).  I hope that maybe the doctor will take her advice to heart--literally.

I enjoyed the reference to Sydney making the Vulcan meditative's a very interesting contrast to her warm personality, and it really proves the extent to which Sutek had an impact on her.  Man, what I would give to have been a fly on the wall in the room when Sutek actually starts to teach Sydney his skills in depth.  (I would also, given our chats about Trek diversity, love to see how he adapts them to a human, to allow her to have her human-ness but still gain some benefit.)

Author's Response: Everything up to his soapy flourish was true. He just wishes he had done that. As for the advice, the time is coming when she might have to take her own advice. :p

You'll probably see how deep Sutek's impact (and the impact of her service on the Penn) goes in "The Captain's Chair".

If I ever get around to writing it. ;)

Reviewer: Gibraltar Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Jan 2010 08:16 Title: House Rule #5

A sweet, funny character moment between two colleagues.  Captain Satterwhite’s impromptu ‘interrogation’ and her reaction to Tate’s admission that it was all a dream were terrific.

Author's Response: Thanks! :D

Reviewer: RobertScorpio Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Jan 2010 06:33 Title: House Rule #5

I just read this part of some other story? It was good though!!! But is this part of something?


Author's Response: Yep, a mini-series called "House Rules". There will be other shorties like this one. Thanks for reading! :)

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