Date: 07 Sep 2011 14:24 Title: Chapter 2
Oh, my, what an unhappy end!
Really, would Starfleet, the holier-than-thou Federation even agree to such a plan? What's worse, it seems that they came up with it! What a perfect example that the ends do NOT justify the means. The war was not over and the Dominion still posed a threat, so all those Bajorans were murdered for nothing. And Cardassians--the ordinary people who were not responsible for the war--were another victim of that cruel decision.
Even if complete destruction of the wormhole was the only way, it certainly could have been done differently, without the genocide factor.
Wow, this certainly isn't a story I'd forget anytime soon.
Date: 07 Sep 2011 14:08 Title: Chapter 1
An interesting turn of events: how would it be if the Prophets didn't interfere...
Gul Dukat, as always, full of himself and certain of victory. It reminds me of the episode where he celebrated a victory that was not there yet...and was never to come. He's got the same attitude here. It also didn't escape my attention that he said "Cardassia and the Dominion," putting Cardassia first. He sold his homeland to them, but he never truly served them, did he?
But it appears that the allied Starfleet-Klingon fleet is not without a backup plan. A horrible backup plan it would seem, considering that even Worf seems to have doubts.
Intrigued, I immediately proceed to chapter 2 :)
Date: 12 Jan 2010 21:42 Title: Chapter 2
I can't believe how casually you killed off Bajor.
Date: 12 Jan 2010 21:41 Title: Chapter 1
This is sooo dark but very well envisioned.