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Reviewer: QueensJenn Signed [Report This]
Date: 28 Aug 2011 01:52 Title: The Mistrusted, Uprising (Part 1)

Yay, Tomalak!! Except he's being a jerk. Oh well XD.

I've never seen his voice described as being high, before. I always thought he had a rather deep voice, myself...especially in "Future Imperfect" when he growls "We're wasting time..."


*ahem* Right, back to the story.

Can I ask why you gave him a Northern accent? Or was that just completely random? I'm a bit of an accent geek. :D

Author's Response:

Can you honestly say you're surprised he's being a jerk? X)


I actually never did see any of the episodes with Tomalak in them (though I always mean to, they're never on). So I based my description of his voice off of books (I do believe one mentioned him having a high voice), and what I pictured myself. As for the Northen accent... It was random, but also wasn't really. I always thought of the North as being where the biggest cities of Romulus being, and Tomalak struck me as a city-slicker, arasticratic sort of soldier.

Reviewer: Nerys Ghemor Signed [Report This]
Date: 24 May 2010 23:07 Title: The Mistrusted, Uprising (Part 2)

Damn!  And here I was hoping Occylen would be strong and find some way to resist the memories and become his own person.  I guess my last hope would have to be that Occylen could spy for the Federation--but so far I don't see any sign that he's going to. :-(

Author's Response: Occylen is a strong person, but it would be hard to resist all his memories--and then, how do you say "no" to a huge crowd of people screaming your name? Simple curiousity, and the urge to explore what he could have had became something much much bigger. But fret not! There is always hope! ;)

Reviewer: RobertScorpio Signed [Report This]
Date: 12 Jan 2010 21:24 Title: The Alliance, Uprising

I too am interested to see how Occylen evolved from this point on. I really like original characters. And finding away to make one become just as important as the 'regulars' is hard to do. I think you're off to a great start...


Author's Response: I'm glad that you, too, like Occylen. I was worried that he would come across as a forced character with a rather tragic backstory. I'm happy that wasn't the case! :)

Reviewer: Nerys Ghemor Signed [Report This]
Date: 12 Jan 2010 17:42 Title: The Wicked, Uprising

The start of the Second Dominion War--that's some very grim stuff, and very fitting with what I think the Dominion would be likely to do in a situation like that. :-(

I will be very interested to see what Weyoun has done--and how Occylen is going to come out as a result of this.  I don't know why, but I really find myself liking Occylen and hoping he can find a way to be his own person regardless of what's going on with him.

Something tells me that a key piece of the mystery with him would be to find out where his human DNA came from and how he was created.

Oh, and a question about the rebel Cardassians, and the Borg--are these breakaway groups of their respective powers, rather than ALL of those powers being in on the rebellion?

Author's Response: yeah i knew that something like that would probably be exactly the response the Dominion would have... As for Weyoun and Occylen, they're going to be a rather central part of the next and final chapter and I hope I'll have answered your questions then. And Im glad you like the character of Occylen. :) I never was sure if I managed to flesh him out right.

As for the Cardassian and Borg rebel groups are (were for the Borg) the whole powers, minus of course those some people who might not want war

Reviewer: RobertScorpio Signed [Report This]
Date: 31 Dec 2009 01:24 Title: The Alliance, Uprising

I haven't read your material before and I think this was a great read. I too wonder if the Borg can be trusted and hope to see where you take this soon....great stuff!


Author's Response: Thanks, Rob! I'm glad you liked it. And indeed, it is certainly justifiable to not really trust the Borg, considerring their reputation. Hope I'll have answered the questions about the Borg next chapter. Cheers!

Reviewer: Nerys Ghemor Signed [Report This]
Date: 29 Dec 2009 17:29 Title: The Alliance, Uprising

Weyoun stopped the Q?  My goodness--I wonder how?

And we have a little more explanation now of how the Borg came to ally with the other powers...but I find myself wondering how long the Borg could be trustworthy, and if this extended experience of allying might change their nature any.

Oh, and with Data, I am very glad to see that you let him keep the emotion chip, which apparently he could not in the movies.  (I mean, in Imperfection--oops, I mean Insurrection, he didn't, nor did he seem to in Nemesis.)

Author's Response: Yeah, I plan to get into the Borg in the next chapter, and their alliances. After all, the Borg would be almost necassary to defeat the Dominion, and the Borg certainly know it... As for Weyoun, well, you might be surprised... For Data I felt that it would be more interesting for him to keep his emotions and the obstacles presented by it. It would give more insight on his way of thinking and his handling of emotions in a critical situation.

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