Reviews For The Interrogation
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Reviewer: FalseBill Signed [Report This]
Date: 30 May 2014 15:11 Title: Chapter 1

The Interrogation was a different story and the fun you had writing it show through.
I can see why Command M’Benga had a problem trusting the Ferengi interrogation to Torres and Shandahat are certainly crazy enough to carry off the ruse that they going to eat the Ferengi but I like how you start off slow by the field book and then just up the level each time the Ferengi try to hide behind his rights.

I never thought I read a trek fanfic where the line “Do you think Ferengis taste like chicken?” would be used.

Did like the fake scene with the Spider in the bar and how you put another nod into the conversation to show they faking it but I can see why under pressure the Ferengi would buy the story.

Good ending scene as Mitchell and Carol discuss the effect of threatening to barbeque Johx on getting a confession.

Author's Response: Thanx. This is one of my favorites.

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 29 May 2014 23:43 Title: Chapter 1

This was so fun to read. Again, with these two it is always a trip and who doesn't enjoy comedy cop duo buddies doing their best unnerving and effective interrogations. Fingerlickin' good.

Reviewer: SLWalker Signed [Report This]
Date: 21 Aug 2013 04:35 Title: Chapter 1

Oh my God. So that is the story. And it is an awesome story. Because those two are just about nuts enough to convince someone that they'd resort to that.

Author's Response: You mean you just read this? Wow. Thanks for the review!

Reviewer: Kraylose Signed [Report This]
Date: 26 Jul 2009 16:02 Title: Chapter 1

This was freaking hilarious.

Author's Response: Glad you liked it.

Reviewer: Nerys Ghemor Signed [Report This]
Date: 09 Feb 2009 06:48 Title: Chapter 1

Oh, wow...that is just twisted!  I was SO not expecting the barbecue sauce!

Though somehow I doubt this is in the Starfleet field manual... :-P

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