Reviews For Remnants
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Reviewer: Gibraltar Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 May 2009 15:27 Title: Chapter 1

I remember this story from when you posted it on the TrekBBS fanfic board.  Just as then,it's an engrossing tale that draws you in and holds you there for the well thought out conclusion. 

You've deftly handled all manner of temporal anomalies and the issues of causality in what could have easily become a confusing ball of wibbely-wobbily, timey-wimey. ;-)

However, you navigate these treacherous waters carefully to create a wonderful story of human emotion, loss, and renewed hope.


Author's Response: Thank you. And imagine how much better it would have been to post the whole story the first time around! LOL.

Reviewer: Nerys Ghemor Signed [Report This]
Date: 12 May 2009 04:53 Title: Chapter 1

I thought you did a great job with this story and as others have said, the imagery was really, truly stand-out.

I still think my favorite part was the stuff where we saw what would happen if reliance on the Universal Translator became so ubiquitous that real, true language acquisition never happened.  It was such a different theory to mine--yet so striking--that I just couldn't forget it.  I thought that was an amazing touch that went so far to add to the desperation of that horrible timeline.

And of course drunk  It was so unexpected and yet so perfect in some weird, twisted way.

Even though I do regard Picard's character differently than you in a lot of ways, that part of it was a good read, too.  You made a character I don't normally like all that much (to me he represents everything that I don't like about the Federation) enjoyable for the duration of the story.

Author's Response: Well, thank you! That was a very kind review. Glad you liked my twisted take on the translator-based on how Berat's works in the round robin, we're not so far apart in our theories-I kinda had the delayed translation idea in mind when I came up with this.

Reviewer: SLWatson Signed [Report This]
Date: 21 Mar 2009 16:05 Title: Chapter 1

It is an excellent story. I, and many others, have told you that in other venues. While the format is a bit confusing in the beginning, it comes together nicely by the end. My favorite parts remain Joe's perspective on a world left to run rampant by nature, and all of the subtle details therein.

That being said, there are a number of excellent stories that go unnoticed, unread and unreviewed. Some of the stories I think I did my best on haven't even been read elsewhere, let alone here. Regardless, I don't take offense and neither should you. Sometimes people only have a set amount of time to read, or sometimes it just doesn't catch their attention enough to try it. No one's doing it to annoy you, hurt you or otherwise.

Mistral, it's a good story. Be proud of it, as it stands, and be grateful for the love we all gave it on TrekBBS, and give it time. People will discover it.

Author's Response: I am proud of it and I don't feel hurt-I just wish someone would review the stories that aren't reviewed. And this one-I'd love a ton of reviews on(obviously).

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 10 Feb 2009 22:23 Title: Chapter 1

I loved this story when I read it over on TrekBBS. Joe walking through the devastated world was so eery and visual. The actions of Picard and the ramifications of them were far reaching and I wondered how it was the disaster was to be averted. A mystery thriller as much as a post apocolyptic world. Great!

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