Reviews For I Have A Cousin
Reviewer: Strider Signed [Report This]
Date: 30 Jan 2013 09:42 Title: Chapter 1
Author's Response:
Date: 30 Jan 2013 09:42 Title: Chapter 1
I really like how Peter is a symbol of all that David lost by not knowing Jim. It's going to be hard on her when he starts to explore that side of his heritage, but it's not her choice anymore. You also did a good job exploring David's mixed feelings about having a cousin--he wants to know, but he also wants to be on his mom's side. I really appreciated hearing more about Peter. I haven't read the AD cycle, but I do wonder what became of him. Thank you for this!
Author's Response:
Thanks. Well, I had a few bones to pick with Carol, and this seemed the spot to do it in. Also, the Peter mentioned here is a canonical Peter, not the AU version from the AD Cycle. This David will sadly never meet this Peter.