Date: 06 Feb 2009 22:03 Title: Chapter 1
Ok, interesting. Kind of a soliloquy, isn't it?
Author's Response: I guess so, yeah. I was very much inspired by his ramblings to himself in the crawlspace during his claustrophobia. Only, I'm made of mush generally, so I had to go and make it cute. ;o)
Date: 05 Feb 2009 20:57 Title: Chapter 1
Well, this is interesting...I'm not normally a fan of slash-type fic, but since we never had any onscreen confirmation or denial one way or the other of Garak's sexual orientation (to me, it was a toss-up between asexual or bisexual), it reads more "plausible" than most such couplings.
As for Bashir, he always read hetero to me--but the beauty of this story is that the reader can imagine Garak's partner as being either Bashir or someone else, depending on how he reads to them.
I hope you'll excuse me staying away from some of the more graphic slashfic, but I did want to pass along my compliments to you for getting me to read, and for depicting a Garak that has learned to value other things in life than what Tain taught him. Maybe he's even developing a moral compass--having to be concerned for someone else's well-being will do that to you.
Something I'm curious mention a temple. Is your Garak an Oralian believer, as he seems to be turning into, in A Stitch in Time?
Author's Response: Not all people like slash, and that's completely fair. But oooh, Garak was stepping the line very thinly indeed. And yes, I decided to leave it open who his partner was, although in my mind it is most definately Bashir. I don't see Garak as religious at all. I try to show his discomfort at being there in the first place, but if you're going to talk to a dead guy and don't have a grave to go to, I suppose a temple of some kind seems a logical place for this. Thanks so much for taking the chance and reading this. :o)
Date: 04 Feb 2009 21:37 Title: Chapter 1
I'm only just beginning to watch DS9 and I am already in love with Garak...I loved this piece and look forward to growing with him as I watch...and probably shipping him as well. ;) Just great!
Author's Response: Yay! Thanks! So glad you like it. :o)