Reviews For Players & Roles
Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 18 Nov 2009 20:06 Title: Chapter 1
Author's Response: Thanks. I should add, I wrote this series before Enterprise premiered, else both Combs and Auberjonois would have had more characters. I also had to re-edit Majel. Originally, it was part of a series I could never complete, called 'Starting Over'. One note : For each of the drabble series posted this week, I took pains to make sure that the main story was no more than 100 words. Previously, I slipped up. Thanks!
Date: 18 Nov 2009 20:06 Title: Chapter 1
Hee hee, clever idea. Again you have one very myriad universe of tales and a great talent for coming with AUs and crossovers and this is just a shining example of crossing over actor characters. Though with Combs you head could spin considering the number of characters he has played. Very well done. I think I love the Brock one most although the Majel is a very close second.
Author's Response: Thanks. I should add, I wrote this series before Enterprise premiered, else both Combs and Auberjonois would have had more characters. I also had to re-edit Majel. Originally, it was part of a series I could never complete, called 'Starting Over'. One note : For each of the drabble series posted this week, I took pains to make sure that the main story was no more than 100 words. Previously, I slipped up. Thanks!