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Reviewer: jespah Signed [Report This]
Date: 27 May 2014 01:33 Title: One Of One

I have to say I had an idea it was Neelix near the beginning, and then I figured there was a relation to the NX-01 as well.

Still, it's a fascinating albeit sometimes confusing story. To offer a little con crit, I would say that sometimes the conversations between V'Ger and N'x could have used more descriptors. I realize you could not, truly, offer tags like 'he said' or 'she said', but this could have been done with some added descriptions. 'The probe from Earth said' or 'the former Borg drone said' or 'the one that was at one time called Voyager VI said'. This did not detract from enjoyment of the overall story but it did sometimes make it so that I had to reread.

Well done!

Reviewer: jespah Signed [Report This]
Date: 05 May 2013 04:07 Title: The Assault Of Species Zero

A little reminiscent of this story -

Reviewer: Cowgirlcadet1701 Signed [Report This]
Date: 28 Apr 2013 00:15 Title: One Of One


Reviewer: kes7 Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 15 Apr 2010 21:06 Title: One Of One

Count me among those amazed by this.  You were totally inside that Borg's head, and you let us be there, too.  One IS the loneliest number.

Author's Response:

Thanks! I've been planning this piece since the original run of Ancient Destroyer, so seeing it realized is a plus for me, even without these kind reviews.

Reviewer: Mistral Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 15 Apr 2010 19:59 Title: One Of One

I am floored. That was beautiful. Put it up over at TREKBBS so others can read it. It deserves to be read.

Author's Response:

Your wish is my command. And thanks!

Reviewer: KobayashiMaru13 Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 15 Apr 2010 00:43 Title: One Of One

I really enjoyed this story. You write very well from the Borg perspective! If this had been me, I wouldn't have known where to begin! So I applaud you for that. :)

This was very intruging, and I liked the unfolding point of view of the One, to N'x, then to Neelix--nice touch there! The conversations between N'x and his mechanical side were interesting, and so was how, as he evolved, from more machine to man, the way he percieved the world, and the way he spoke, and acted changed as well. It was cool to see V'Ger here, and I wonder if you're going to continue with him (her?) in another story, as was hinted at at the end.

As for the Great Tree, that sort of reminded me of (and maybe you'll know this reference) the Tree of Mana, from the World of Mana games. There were several legends about that tree, and maybe they were the same ones.

I really liked this story, and great job!

Author's Response:

Thanks, KB13. As for the Borg perspective, I just tried thinking like a Borg, or any other worker in a system, who doesn't quite get yet that the main office isn't sending anyone anytime soon. V'Ger is in the in-progress (First 3 Chapters Up on AA and FF.Net) work 'Encounter Thy Image', a remix of ST:TMP, TNG's Farpoint, and more than a few other eps and movies. Sadly, One/N'x/Neelix ended up in the hands of S31, who used him to boost Terran/UFP tech up a century or two, which wasn't always a good thing.

The Great Tree is a concept from Neelix on Voyager, as well as several ancient cultures (like the Norse Yggdrasil), and I have played at least one Mana game, on SNES. I wrote all this specifically in response to questions that 'Species Zero' raised,s o thanks!

Reviewer: KobayashiMaru13 Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 01 Apr 2010 01:09 Title: Ghidorah Tai Dominion

Very bleak, and that last sentence about Solids and Shapeshifters finally being equal was perfect. Grim stuff, though. Too bad for the Dominion--I like them! About the Vorta, the way I gandered it, their telepathic abilities left them open to some sort of telepathic attack by Ghidorah, yes? I liked the ADU history you created for the Dominion. It was very imaginative. I could also see the Jem'Hadar doing that. Another thought I had... didn't someone in the Godzilla movies use a sort of crystal ship using the power of collective minds, or something of the sort against Ghidorah? I thought it may have been Mothra's offspring. But I may be wrong. Sorry for the meandering review!

Author's Response:

I'd call Ghidorah the equivalent of a telepathic warp core that is forever breaching. As to a crystal ship? Space Godzilla arrived in the form of a crystalline meteor, Death Ghidorah from 1996's Mothra was turned back by tapping into a forest's life-force, while Grand King Ghidorah used a dome to try and rob Earth's children of their lives in 1998's Mothra 3. Thanks for noticing the history. I based it on what little we know about how the canon-Dominion formed,a nd how the UFP first encountered them, especially hiding the shapeshifters as the True Power behind it all.


Reviewer: Mistral Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 30 Mar 2010 20:04 Title: Ghidorah Tai Dominion

What a nihilistic tale! So bleak and the foretelling was very effective, too. A very effective "monster" to boot. It read almost like a Creation myth. Real cool!

Author's Response:

Thanks--one of the big things I tried to do here was show the ST enemy's modus operandi turned on them with a vengeance.

Reviewer: Mistral Signed [Report This]
Date: 03 Dec 2009 20:48 Title: Book Report

That was both engrossing and a very clever format. Thumbs up!

Author's Response: Thanks. The challenge in writing an AU like this is to keep straight what I know as the author and what I've successfully transmitted to the reader. I think this piece helps reveal the past and set the tone of the ADU, and I'm glad you liked it.

Reviewer: Nerys Ghemor Signed [Report This]
Date: 09 Nov 2009 06:35 Title: The Assault Of Species Zero

While some of the ADU stories are too confusing to follow, this one is just crystal clear.  Anything that can take out the Borg is quite terrifying--but what I also liked was that you gave Ghidorah's features a "logical" basis in your universe so that I have something more to picture than just a Japanese movie monster in space.  Nice!

Author's Response: Well, Ghidorah serves a few purposes. Except for one film, he is pure evil. Two, Godzilla can't fly through space. Also, he had to be different here, if for no other reason than, in normal depictions, the normal Enterprise could take him out with ease. I'm sorry if the stories have been confusing, since I really have tried to clean up this version of them for coherence and trying to avoid the assumption everyone knows what is going on. Any and all suggestions for improvement will be gratefully recieved. Thanks!

Reviewer: KobayashiMaru13 Signed [Report This]
Date: 21 Oct 2009 22:59 Title: The Assault Of Species Zero

Wow! I liked it! An intriguing beginning, and I hope to read more.

Author's Response: Thanks. I am currently in the process of revising and editing some stories for posting here, which should make events clearer as well.

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