Reviews For A New Page
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Reviewer: Nerys Ghemor Signed [Report This]
Date: 13 Nov 2009 02:21 Title: A New Page

I definitely liked seeing a bit more ceremony around the promotions and change of command than we usually saw on the show because it comes closer to what I'm familiar with as a military brat...but sometimes I wonder if the lack of ceremony was one of Gene Roddenberry's ways of trying to take the "military" out of Starfleet, post-TOS.

As for Sydney, I have to say, it seems like she's definitely not comfortable with the idea that she was up for the Crown Royale, if she's willing to ascribe something a Vulcan said to the rumor mill. ;)  But then, I think that's just one more set of expectations she'd rather not have to deal with right out of the gate!

Author's Response: The Crown Royal is a prestigious command, being a Sovereign class ship. As much as she loves the class, she'd rather fly the CR than command her. A rookie captain assigned to a ship like that would really raise some eyebrows, and she really doesn't want that kind of attention.

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 08 Oct 2009 20:33 Title: A New Page

An eloquent little speech from Sydney at the end. It is nice how her vision of herself lends to the series title and I see how it all makes sense now. The title puzzled me for a bit because it seemed [especially with the link of the avatar on Ad Astra] that it was an invitation to listen in. Coupled with the style of story telling, an almost internal perspective gives us a fascinating ear to the story you tell and weave.

I wonder what her new crew would/will make of such a speech. It is not exactly stirring words of bravery and heroics but I think Sydnay knows better than that and I dare say Sutek would not approve if he heard on the grapevine about Sydney making such an emotive speech.

The little meeting between captains is very illuminating in the way that it raises some speculative points about the transfer of commands and the delays in the ship's launch. All very intriguing and eyebrow raising. Hee hee.

As well as that, is the speculation about Sydney's own possible career trajectory and whatever Sutek's involvement or view on it was. Certainly, I'd love to know more of thse rumours and what lay behind them.

Add to this, Sydney has a friend in her Science Officer come counsellor. I wonder how that will work out with Sydney now the captain.

Really liked the ensign getting a heap of praise and a promotion to J.G. Lt. That was sweet. Of course, the cynic in me is a little wary of where things will end up for our new lieutenant. Ah! I'm just of a suspicous nature I guess. Good stuff.

Reviewer: Mistral Signed [Report This]
Date: 21 Sep 2009 20:03 Title: A New Page

Looking forward to her travels. Hopefully something not so humdrum and typical.

Author's Response: I'll try! :D

Reviewer: Gibraltar Signed [Report This]
Date: 21 Sep 2009 19:33 Title: A New Page

And Sydney gets her ship.  Nicely done.  Can't wait to see where she takes Adirondack from here.  Great speech, too, brief yet poignant.

Author's Response: Normally, I don't like writing speeches. They come out sounding too hokey! :p

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