Reviews For Small Mercies
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Reviewer: Anna Amuse Signed [Report This]
Date: 20 Mar 2010 13:24 Title: Part 1 - The Notepad

Hm. There are a lot of references here that I'm unfamiliar with, well, not completely unfamiliar. I know *of* them, I recognize them, what I mean is, I haven't explored that storyline to really know them. Which is why the level of interconnection in this snippet should be lost on me, but somehow it isn't. Have I been trained well by certain parties? :) I don't know. What I really wanted to say is, I love your prose. I've read this piece two times in a row just to take note of the way you use details to carry the story. Usually, the best authors achieve with it is atmosphere. This is different. All those would-be insignificant 'scenery-type' details prove to be highly instrumental in character study -- *and* without making it a lecture. Smooth narrative. I really liked this piece.

Reviewer: Mistral Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Sep 2009 08:43 Title: Part 1 - The Notepad

Sorry. Short on sleep. I don't see how they would destroy the Guardian but the feel of the story is that you will be continuing this. I'd be curious to see how you explain the attempt and what the consequences of that might be.

Author's Response: There's supposed to be a second part to finish the story off, but I couldn't finish it in time for the challenge (nasty things came up in real life, some of the time/space explanations are fairly complicated and I simply didn't have the focus to write it). So, it will be continued soon. Given the theme of the challenge it was originally written for, you might be able to guess how the events play out for our heroes.

It should be noted that these characters don't know that much about how the Guardian functions. Various groups were covering up the finer details and even parts of the Empire were hiding information from each other. Arnie is falling back to his own knowledge of how to change the timeline, which can be summed up as "When it doubt, blow it up."

Reviewer: Mistral Signed [Report This]
Date: 21 Sep 2009 20:09 Title: Part 1 - The Notepad

Destroy the Guardian? Riiiiiiiiiight...

Author's Response: No offense, Mistral, but if you're going to leave a four word review that slams the fic, back yourself up in more detail about WHY it sucks or doesn't work as a fic. Otherwise, your review carries about as much weight as "I like this! Write more!", but with less words and neither of us are getting anything out of it.

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