Date: 26 May 2014 03:26 Title: In the Pit
Oh wow! Damian saw his alternate version of himself. An interesting read you have here Mistral.
Thanks for sharing this. :)
Date: 28 Apr 2013 01:21 Title: In the Pit
Mistral when you do dark and twisty it is sure ... dark and twisty. You have a knack for it as well as doing the mind-bending alternate universe thing. And as much as this might have been a dream the evidence of the knife lends it to being a very Star Trek experience that did in fact happen. Who was the doppleganger he faced off against in the Pit? I have a myriad of purposes and reasons in my head, some akin to the movie The One with the doppelganger killing off his other versions he finds to be pale imitations off himself. I don't know, it's all off kilter but all the more chilling for that fact and for the fact you don't explain it away. Interesting stuff.
Author's Response: Thank you. I have a knack, it seems, for taking challenges and going in odd directions. They don't seem odd to me but...hmm, what does that say about my thought processes? :)
Date: 26 Apr 2013 17:19 Title: In the Pit
Ah - an interphasic portal. Wacky. Nicely written.
Date: 07 Sep 2011 00:04 Title: In the Pit
A very interesting piece. You say it was written for the ‘Meet Your Twin’ challenge at Trek BBS, but it seems Damian met multiple twins – some good like the praying monk, and some bad like the one from the ISS Empire killing the Vulcans. Perhaps a manifestation of the multiple sides of his personality, embodied in his job as a security officer – sometimes helping others, sometimes killing in the line of duty?
It seems to be more than that; almost that the pit was actually a portal into multiple alternate universes – some where he was good, evil, a non-player, or even deceased. The twist at the end makes me think this is what you really intended, despite Ramirez’s explanation that toxic fumes within the pit could cause hallucinations or even brain damage. Like your piece ‘The Revenant,’ this one made me squirm a little, and got me thinking; nice work!
Author's Response: Be damned-was looking over an incomplete story and saw I had a new review. Thanks-I'm glad you enjoyed it. I've been out of th egame for a while but still hope to return...