Reviews For Check
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Reviewer: Gul Rejal Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 17 Oct 2011 11:18 Title: Check

Another good story showing tensions and hatred between these two Cardassians. Dukat's father matter returns, Garak's father matter returns...all the old and unresolved things.

I'm sure Dukat planned it to the detail not to inform Garak that he was supposed to stay on the station, only to tell him himself in the last moment. Clearly, his plan was a bit ruined by Garak's words, but in the end seems like he is the winner of this battle.

But I must admit I don't feel any compassion for Garak. He is abandoned and punished for whatever he had done, but he is so rotten that I can't help but not feel anything for him.

A great story and you wrote both Cardassians in-character perfectly.

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 29 Sep 2009 21:35 Title: Check

Eh? How did I miss this story? Explain to me how PSGarak! Explain yourself!

Thank goodness for the challenge. Again, your portrayals of Dukat and Garak are spot on and fascinating to read. The power play is always there, great big undercurrents! Ha!

And of course seeing this moment for Garak is so galling and crushing for all the more so being delievered so casually and with so much enjoyment by Dukat. Dukat himself is at a pretty horrible spot in his life/career but this probably gives him a smiling happy moment in these dark days.

Great stuff.

Author's Response: I sneaked it in like an assassin in the night. That must be it! hehe

I'm glad you enjoyed it. I felt that after the horrible drubbing Garak delivered to Dukat in "Power Play", Dukat deserved to get back a little of his own. As the challenge says, no one wins all the time!

Reviewer: Mistral Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 23 Sep 2009 19:17 Title: Check

Oh, boy, that was a humdinger. You could feel the loathing between them. The dialogue was pretty good, too. I could hear the actors using those lines. Well Done!

Author's Response: Thanks! That was pretty much an all out hate fest. Dukat was smarting from the last encounter and was ready to get back some of his own. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Reviewer: Gibraltar Signed [Report This]
Date: 13 Aug 2009 02:21 Title: Check

Brutal. That was uncompromisingly brutal. The both of them enjoyed that troubled moment far too much, each seeking to wound the other either physically or emotionally. In the end, both are scarred, Dukat with having to slink away from the occupation in disgrace, and Garak with having to remain behind in exile.

Dark and depressing... just the way I like it!

Author's Response: I'm very glad you liked it. I like dark tales, myself, and you are right. The two of them enjoyed that sadistic showdown far more than either of them should have, despite the painful ending of it for both.

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