Reviews For First Contact
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Reviewer: Lil black dog Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Sep 2011 00:34 Title: We Just Have To Keep Our Heads Here

Wow Mistral - a cliffhanger indeed!  I absolutely love the POV you've chosen here (don't want to give too much away;)), and you've done a neat bit of world-building describing the alien beings and their society.  Kudos for making the main alien protagonists female, as opposed to the normal stereotype that those in positions of power would naturally be male. ;-)

I see this was written in 2009 - any plans to finish it?  It's really got a lot of potential, especially with the ending you chose for this chapter - is that definite, or can you find a way out of this particular dramatic event that closes this chapter?  I definitely vote for more, no matter how it plays out. A very unique perspective of a First Contact event. :D

Author's Response: This is the one that haunts me-I KNOW how it should end, but can't get to there. I'll probably take a crack at it sometime and see if it writes itself...

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