Date: 07 Oct 2009 04:39 Title: Chapter 1
Oh, a night with the borg? Yikes! That's gonna cause all sorts of chafing issues.
Well, this was a fairly steamy chapter right off the bat. I like it, way to take risks early with the storytelling.
Clearly I'm a big fan of recognizing the adult situations that were often glossed over in Trek with a "nothing to see here" wave of the hand.
Bravo for embracing it and making it a part of the story. These are people after all and not mindless drones... (um, well, excluding the XO).
I really enjoyed the banter going on between Irina and Shelia, particularly the little jab that Sarik gets in. Enhanced auditory function!
Hehe. A-w-k-ward, and deliciously fun to read!
Author's Response:
LOL! Glad you're enjoying it! I'm not much for super-explicit gratuitous sex, but an acknowledgment that these are adults, and adults have physical relationships of varying types, seems to make the story more real, at least in my opinion. And, aw, come on, the XO's not a mindless drone. (Well, not anymore, anyway.) I think you'll like him more as the story progresses. As for Irina and Sheila, I think they would be fun to work with. They're both very social and funny. Irina is wilder, older and more sure of herself, Sheila's kind of young and bubbly. But they have fun. Sarik the snarky Vulcan is either secretly loving the entertainment or enduring his own personal hell. It's hard to tell with Vulcans. Thanks for the review!
Date: 06 Oct 2009 20:11 Title: Chapter 28
Are you sick? Injured?” She sounded almost hopeful
Ha! Love the doc. Now however, the hangover she promises with the drink I don't like the sound of. And that's assuming a bad hangover is the worst it has to offer. Something very suss about it all. I'm guessing it isn't that it makes the person glow in the dark so the Borg can catch them. Damn! This is so infuriating trying to figure an angle on it and it probably just what it says on the tin.
Curse not knowing what's on the data file. Guess we are going to have to wait for that reveal too. Grrr.... You know how to keep the reader on tender hooks and like Adele we don't know the extent of sucess or disaster this visit has had.
Oh I'm not even going to the whole I think I saw pussy cat - I mean a Borg drone. That's simple an over active imagination and is not a percursor to any sort of danger, threat, machination, evil plan, lying backstabbing, worryingly worrying development. But it's not. And I'm not even entertaining it.
Not one bit. Not one iota. Not even thinking about it. Not even giving it a second thought. Seriously. Not.
Stopping right now .... stopped.
Not thinking about it.
Don't even know what it is.
Author's Response:
I don't think the Borg require anyone to glow in the dark to be able to catch them ... that's what all those ocular implants are for, right? And note that the patron at the bar was happily drinking said flaming orange drink. How dangerous could it be? :)
We'll find out what's on the data file as soon as they get back to the Tesseract. Maren's good with hacking into things.
I tawt I thaw a puddy tat! Bwahaha. Very funny. You don't think the drone was just a figment of Marcus's overactive imagination? I guess we'll see if you're right.
Your whole reaction to that -- particularly the line "Don't even know what it is" -- makes me think of one of the first jokes that Icheb ever made (that we saw) on VOY -- "Hear what?" (from the episode "Q2").
Thanks for the awesome review.
Date: 06 Oct 2009 07:00 Title: Chapter 28
Interesting twists discovered on this away mission. It could be the Tyndorans are just being overly cautious because of their vulnerability to the Borg. However, it's equally likely that they know something important that could assist Tesseract in it's assignment in the DQ.
I liked the Vulcan perspective on Adele's actions, and the fact that T'Pring held her opinion in check. Often times, healthy skepticism can be an asset, most especially when the officer in question knows the critical difference between when to voice one's concerns, and when to keep quiet.
Great chapter.
Author's Response:
Thanks for the review, Gibraltar. I'm glad you liked the chapter. Adele is pretty sure the Tyndorans know something, but despite her suspicions, it's completely understandable that they would just want to hide their rebuilt civilization from the Borg, too. Hard call for all the people under her, including T'Pring. T'Pring is a Starfleet officer to the core, but she's also very Vulcan. So while she's perfectly willing to follow orders, she has some definite opinions of her own regarding any choice she finds illogical.
Date: 06 Oct 2009 02:43 Title: Chapter 28
Hmmmm. I doubt seriously Marcus was seeing things. Of course, I have no idea what the implications of that are, but that's why I keep reading, to find these things out!
As a matter of course, I try never to drink anything that glows. I hope they don't have reason to regret tangling with fire water. But if they do, I'm sure I'll laugh at their misery.
I loved T'Pring's assessment of Adele and Betazoids in general. Vulcans are always fun, though they would stringently disagree with that assessment, I'm sure. Great stuff!
Author's Response:
Well, I'm glad it keeps you reading!
I agree that glowing drinks are best avoided. Of course, by the late 24th century, Starfleet's got all sorts of neat magical medical technology to undo the stupidity of its officers ... so I'm sure a few folks will be enthusiastically trying this one out. We'll see how that goes.
I was sorry we never got to see more Betazoid-Vulcan interaction on TV Trek. They seemed like two sides of a coin to me -- both telepathically gifted, but with such radically different approaches to emotion. All I can remember is Tuvok and Suder and the ill-fated mind meld, and Suder was sort of a defective Betazoid, so he really didn't even count as far as giving us a good look at 'normal' Betazoid-Vulcan interaction. It was interesting imagining what T'Pring might think of her emotionally-driven captain. I found she wasn't terribly impressed. I'm pleased you enjoyed the peek inside her head.
Thanks so much for the review!
Date: 05 Oct 2009 23:35 Title: Chapter 27
She had come from sickbay ostensibly to analyze the life signs from the fifth planet, but really, the extroverted doctor had mostly wanted to alleviate the soul-crushing boredom of sitting alone in sickbay for two days.
Ah so that explains why McCoy was always on the bridge! Wait no. It doesn;t cos he tended to run there when red alert sounded. Ha! Gotta love him. Gotta love this doctor for her self-honesty.
No one on this mission was sick or injured. As she watched the alien ships surround them, the thought struck her that perhaps that situation was about to change.
Similarly, this tended to happen McCoy. And at this point, I had a very similar opinion as to what was going to transpire. The entry into the planetoid in itself did not raise any particular alarms but the continued paranoia or suspicious behaviour of the Tydorans is rather unsettling. Not to mention the rather abrupt manner in which Adele is treated. Maybe she should have brought the Tellarite transporter chief down with here to share their particualr brand of pleasantness.
Particularly, when this is the repsonse Adele gets: “We are familiar with your Federation,” Lineta replied, a bit coolly. “Your reputation precedes you.” That's enough to raise alarms bells. At the very least it appears they don't like the way the Federation does things and doesn't want anybody looking over their shoulders. I wonder why?
Then the sudden interest Icheb! Then the slipping of something into Adele's hand and then what a way to finish the chapter. I know I was sceptical of these guys and thought them up to no good but Adele's reveal that she knows they are lying related to us the reader in that last line is quite stunning and very effective. Great use of her Betazoid abilities to make a plot reveal and device. Coolio.
A stellar of a chapter. Loved it. Even the way Adele treats the green ensigns making them believe she is almost omnipresent. Hee hee. Love that. It is somewhat a tactic my McGregor employs. Cool stuff.
Author's Response:
Wow, thanks for the great and thorough review! I'm glad you like Irina. She's a fun character who hasn't gotten a ton of play yet. She shows up again in the next chapter, though. Love the comparison to McCoy, just because he's a favorite of mine. She's not at all based on him, but that was, indeed, a very McCoy moment.
LOL at your suggestion that they should have brought down the Tellarite. Give them a little taste of their own medicine and then some! Of course, this was a diplomatic situation.
Glad you liked the reveal at the end, and Adele's handling of Ensign Lindley.
Thanks again for the awesome review!
Date: 01 Oct 2009 21:54 Title: Chapter 26
Oh dear, plan Z seems like it could be a very dangerous one - for all concerned. No doubt one of those crazy assed schemes that might, just might work out in the end - but then again, who is to say it is not the source of the problem warned of? Maren's ire at q makes me all the more curious about whatever happened.
Icheb and Maren interacted on a better level this time round and when too busy with more important stuff they forget the issues between them and fall back into a normal routine. That's good and promising but they still have a lot to work through so I shan't be holding my breath.
Poor Adele probably thought her working relationship with her younger, ex-drone XO was problematic enough given her pained history with the Borg. But I doubt she figured on the Q being a recurring thorn over the next seven years. And if one considers that Q fastforwarded when the Borg should have encountered the Federation this is a further reasoon for Adele to scowl.
Now for the Tydorians! That is probably looking to be a more appealing prospect now. But I won't hold my breath on that one either turning out too good.
To repeat, great stuff.
Author's Response:
Thanks, Miranda Fave! Plan Z is definitely a crazy assed scheme -- the kind that brilliant Academy students come up with when they're all high on how smart they are and think they know better than everyone else. (Especially ex-Borg students who often do know better than everyone else.) Like I've said before, these two bonded over their shared geekery.
Speaking of our resident angsty ex-couple, they do work well together. They always did. As long as work distracts them from the very real issues between them, they're okay ... it's when things get personal that the unresolved, painful stuff comes to the surface.
And yes, poor Adele. Potential disaster everywhere she turns, and they're only like a week into the mission. I'm sure she's having second and third thoughts about all this by now.
You'll see about the Tyndorans. ;-)
Date: 01 Oct 2009 21:39 Title: Chapter 25
“Q?” he mouthed silently ... “That can’t be good.”
No that can't be good! For Icheb and co. at least. For us the readers? Oh yes! Hee hee. With so much going on in this story - one would suspect that adding the Q to it would overwhelm it. But not so. It was handled very well and adds an intriguing new element. Now my suspicions that things would go wrong [well it is a story!] are confirmed with q joining the fray and wanting to warn Icheb. The fact Q doesn't want to warn means to say it ain;t no trivial matter.
And from John's reaction and the comments made about Maren, I'm eager to know what transpired the last time round! Hee hee.
Before the appearance of the Q, I was going to be commenting on the wonderful introspection we catch going in inside Icheb's mind. It is great to see this insight. He realises his mistakes but that's no guarantee that he will not make the smae or more in the future.
I also like q tackling Q about the double standards he shows. If it were Jean-Luc or Janeway, would Q think differently? Hmmm. Which sadly means for Icheb that he is to q what Picard/Janeway were for Q! That's going to mean a lot of attention from omnipotent powers for the rest of his life! Eek.
Terrific stuff. Really fascinating. And now the warning that something is going to drag them all into trouble. Dear oh dear. What could it be? And what of Adele and her mission ...
Author's Response:
Oh, Miranda Fave. I suspect you'll have to wait until I get around to writing a prequel to find out what happened with q the last time. Hehe. Maren has no tolerance left for him, though she tried for a while. Last time was the last straw. It would have made a good one for the Bad Penny challenge, actually, but I never finished writing it. Little q is a periodic annoyance in Icheb's life, for sure, though of course he always means well (or at least claims to!).
Poor Icheb definitely has his hands full what with the Q and his own personal issues and everything else. He's not at his best right now in so many ways, yet he's got this huge challenge to rise to, now with the added threat of Something Very Bad about to happen.
Date: 30 Sep 2009 06:17 Title: Chapter 27
Interesting twist with the subterfuge following Adele's apparently fruitless meeting with the Tyndoran leadership. Here's hoping this might provide some answers. And shame on the Tyndorans for trying to BS a Betazoid!
And is it just me, or was Lineta expressing just a tad bit too much interest in Icheb?
Curiouser and curiouser!
Author's Response:
Tyndorans don't know anything about Betazoids, or that Adele is a quarter Betazoid. They had no idea who they were dealing with. (Not that Adele is even that skilled with the telepathy thing ... but she definitely knows when she's being lied to. You're right, you can't BS a Betazoid.)
Lineta did seem a little interested in Icheb and his circumstances. Curious, indeed. ;-)
Thanks for the review!
Date: 30 Sep 2009 01:01 Title: Chapter 27
Very eeenteresting. They seemed way too smooth and wide eyed to be on the up and up to me. Of course, I do have the unfortunate habit of rarely, if ever, taking things at face value.
I can hardly wait to see what she was given. Hopefully, she's not being too trusting and hanging onto a spy device, or worse, a bomb! I enjoyed this first contact chapter very much!
Author's Response:
No way. You don't say. Garak, plain and simple Garak, not taking things at face value? Surely you jest!
I'm glad you liked the chapter, thanks for the almost-instantaneous review! We'll see what Adele has in her hot little hands ...
Date: 28 Sep 2009 19:01 Title: Chapter 24
“Your separation from the Collective. Right, got it,” said Adele, cutting him off with an impatient smile. Maybe it was just the early hour and her own restless mood, but she thought if she had to hear that disclaimer again, she might scream.
Ha! Right enough, a bit of a broken record or certainly for someone in Adele's position thinking about hearing that line for seven years would grate on your nerves. Also humourous was this opening to their little tat.
Permission to speak freely?” he asked.
“You mean you’re not doing that already?”
They are quickly working on developing their captain/XO relationship! Hee hee. There is quite a bit of tension to their last conversation but Adele could be right to get the first fight out of the way! Quite like a married couple really the dynamics that have to be worked on! But good to see them able to thrash out an argument and still work together. Reminds me of the numerous chats we've seen in canon between captains and their first officers. And of course, Adele as is the fashion and purview of the captain, ignoring the protocols and advice of the XO. Hope though she doesn't regret it.
Perhaps our jogging board members may have underestimated Icheb but at least it is interesting to note that the Admiral hasn't won everyone over and that the Board is willing to work with Adele. Then again, knowing the Admiral as we do [ahem ... as we don't], nothing to say these guys haven't been manipulated in some fashion. Especially given their sceptism towards Icheb.
Great stuff, nicely set out chapter with the jogging conversation working in tandem with the spat between Adele and Icheb.
Author's Response:
Thanks! Adele and Icheb are getting used to each other. Sort of. As I responded to someone else, they're very different from each other. That can be complementary, or adversarial. We'll see where they take it.
The ex-captains on the advisory board can't help but relate somewhat to Adele. They've been where she is, only they didn't have a board to report to. We'll see if she opens up to them.
THanks again for reading and reviewing, you are such an awesome reviewer. You always make me think!
Date: 28 Sep 2009 18:45 Title: Chapter 23
Oh and I see I share my thoughts with Sheila Duggal re: Maren and John! Ha! Wonder how that'll play out. Looking forward to it.
Author's Response:
Date: 28 Sep 2009 18:44 Title: Chapter 23
I don't know why, well apart from the great writing, but I found this a very fascinating chapter. In part, the working style of Maren and her thought process revealled. Quite a perfectionist it seems so no wonder she matched up to a Borg drone's expectations! ;)
As well as the inventive manners proposed by Maren there is also her concern about how the various methods might affect others, she wasn't quite looking for a quick fix solution. Her compassion and foresight is heartening.
Likewise, Icheb's solution compromise to the situation is also very clever.
Their interaction is again difficult but warming but also remaining difficult - ha! - they are quite frustrating in how they are dancing around each other and their failed relationship. Great stuff.
Author's Response:
Thanks for the review and wonderful compliment! Maren is a perfectionist, but she's harder on herself than anyone else. Relentless, really. She's also the type of person who can come off as cold when she's in "working mode," but she's actually kind of quirky and funny when she's not. She does have a lot of concern for others, but the risks of biotech are particular hot buttons for her after five years with an ex-drone. She's definitely hyper-aware of those issues.
Regarding Icheb, he's nothing if not clever.
The two of them are dancing around more than a failed relationship. Half the tension in that encounter was because of the subject matter.
Date: 28 Sep 2009 05:54 Title: Chapter 26
I enjoyed seeing the Admiral shut out of his listening device. Too bad Junior didn't see fit to permanently disable it, but that would be asking for a bit much from a Q.
I also liked the interplay of very legitimate worry and concern. I think it would be dangerous to assume this is a prank under the circumstances. It's also interesting that such a thing would bring Maren and Icheb as close to a normal conversation as they've been able to have so far.
I totally can't wait to see what happens next!
Author's Response:
Thanks for the review! Yeah, the Q aren't known for being really helpful. Just occasionally a little bit helpful. Like Q giving Janeway a way to shave a few years off the journey when he could have just sent them home.
As for Icheb and Maren, well, she really dislikes Junior, so Icheb benefits in comparison. And then there's Plan Z -- nothing like advanced theoretical technobabble to bring two geeks together.
Date: 25 Sep 2009 21:01 Title: Chapter 22
Damn the intrigues of the Admiral! They make for glorious reading. Just what is his agenda? No point asking though, right? You're going to let this one spool out for some time. Ah well. I can live with that.
Love the humour and banter of John and Icheb's conversation turning slightly more sombre when it came to Maren. I had thought John might have had a soft spot for Maren himself but not just as sure about that now with his manish heart to heart with Icheb regards in love life. Still I think his sense of loyalyty and friendship would over ride such feeligns which I doubt he'd even admit to himself.
Meantime, the Captain's away mission is getting more interesting. Hmmm ... and someone said that I was a negative moo moo for being suspicions about the captain's host. I think I've sufficient cause to be wary of their motives and what they are up to. Quite amazing technology they appear to have which means to say we really do not know what they are hiding at all.
Nice stuff on the Sol bridge with the crew reflections and the Captain's use of her empathic skills was a nice touch at this point. I liked her surmising of comparing the ship commander to the lower officer's she encounters.
Back to the Admiral, he wants to exploit either the captain or executive officer. So he wants to get an in and is in the business of courting allies. Very treacherous and nefarious. I agree that Icheb and Adele are quite idealistic but Icheb has his secrets and I feel that Adele may have some vulnerable points the Admiral will discover and exploit. Again, the question remains, as to why and what and when ...
Author's Response:
The Admiral will act when he thinks he needs to act. Right now, he's waiting and watching just like everyone else. Courting allies and angling for influence is just part of the job for him. So is knowing the weaknesses of those he may want or need to influence ...
You'll have to see what happens as far as Icheb and Maren, and John. John is in a tough spot, stuck betwen the two of them.
As I said after your last review, you're not alone in being suspicious of the Tyndorans. We'll see what happens!
Adele definitely has a few vulnerabilities, which the Admiral is well aware of.
Thanks so much for the thoughtful reviews! I've missed them!
Date: 25 Sep 2009 20:37 Title: Chapter 19
Ok, I don't know how it came about but I missed this chapter! I got the jist of what happended from the rest of the story so I didn't miss it until there was a mention of the Moega particle and that threw me a little. So I had to re-read. Glad I did. For though I followed the story, so clear and concise is your writing, I'd have missed the interactions between Icheb and Adele and between himself and Maren. Really fascinating and again agape at how much he is pushing his body and not regenerating.
From the start, cming across as looking like the Borg was always going to bite them in the ass returning to the Delta Quadrant. But it seems that rather than just instilling fear and possible ill will there seems to be someone able to hit back at the Borg with a vengence. Not a good thing for our intrepid crew.
Also, our aliens have an odd cultural way of relating to aliens. The insistence of meeting the government planet side might be a nice touch of world building but it may also be a trap. I know, I know, not a very Starfleet attitude - maybe its the Border Dog in me.
Author's Response:
Wow, clear and concise? Thanks! I'm glad you re-read, too, though.
There's a whole debate that took place back on Earth about the shape and size of the ship. Some of that will be revisited soon. There are pros and cons to looking the way they do, for sure.
The Border Dog in you is very suspicious. We'll see if it's justified ... you might have an ally in Icheb, though. Keep reading! ;-)
Date: 25 Sep 2009 10:20 Title: Chapter 26
Hi Kes!
Another great chapter - I loved the little q making the comment about it being rude to eavesdrop to the admiral over the recording! Great stuff!! and LOL!!
Icheb seems to be settling in nicely to his status as XO, taking command of the meeting, giving orders, even singling out another officer who was smirking... Interesting to see him taking on this mantle.
The interaction between Icheb and Maren seems to be getting better - their professional relationship seems to be bringing them closer, which is a good thing, IMO.
As for what is coming - can't wait to see where you're going with all of this!
Author's Response:
Thanks, Joel!
Starfleet's not quite stupid enough to put someone with no demonstrated command skills in the second seat. Icheb may be a little slow on the uptake in his personal life, but he grew up in a command structure, first with the Borg, then on Voyager, and he's been a department head before in this story's universe. He's come a long way from giving up his position as First on the cube because he couldn't control the others (but a lot of that is because Starfleet personnel will generally follow orders, unlike a bunch of little Borg brats).
Icheb and Maren are both hopeless geeks, deep down. They originally bonded over their mutual geekiness. Studying astrophysics and quantum theory together was their idea of a pretty decent date, so coming together over work is a natural place for them to start.
Date: 25 Sep 2009 06:46 Title: Chapter 26
A great segment. This was the most authoritative I’ve seen Icheb with the senior staff, and he really took command of the meeting, brief as it was. I was pleased to see the admiral off-put by the arrival of the Q, a variable that not even he can account for. We get some terrific character interaction, and what do you know… Icheb and Maren are actually being civil to one another. Wonders never cease!
As for now, it’s a waiting game. Something dark and foreboding is on the horizon, but what it is and when it will arrive is anybody’s guess.
Author's Response:
Thanks, Gibraltar! You can see my comments to Capt. Sarine re: Icheb in command. They didn't name him XO solely because he has an encyclopedia of the DQ in his head. Mostly, to be sure, but not only. As far as the meeting being brief -- there's Borg efficiency for you. Not always Icheb's strong point (thirty-something chapters on Kirk, anyone?), but he can pull it off when he wants to. I also responded to Capt. Sarine about Icheb and Maren.
As for the admiral ... not much he can do about the Q, hehe.
Thanks for the comments!
Date: 22 Sep 2009 03:37 Title: Chapter 25
Oh, my. This can't be good at all, but Q and Junior are always delightful "bad pennies". hehe! I can't wait!
Author's Response:
The incident referred to by Icheb in this chapter (in which Maren did NOT have a good time) would have been perfect for the "bad penny" challenge, and I even started to write it, but got distracted with trying to keep this story moving along. Indeed, Q is like a bad penny!
Date: 22 Sep 2009 03:31 Title: Chapter 24
I'm glad we're getting a look at some of the other board members. They seem nice, but... Everyone has an agenda, don't they? :D
I'm also glad to see Adele and Icheb butting heads. He needs to stand up to her sometimes. She is taking a big risk. I just hope it pays off. Nice tense chapter!
Author's Response:
Agendas? In this story? Why ever would you say such a thing? (Hehe.)
Icheb doesn't have a problem standing up to people, his problem is keeping his temper in check when he does so, hence the clenched fists and pissed off expression when they talked. He's a little moody, and kept a lot of the inherent Borg attitude that tempts him to believe he's always right. He didn't react to Eleanor's tantrum because he doesn't really care about her opinion -- it's irrelevant to him. But he cares about the Adele and the away team and their safety, plus she's his commanding officer, so it's harder for him to balance his reactions to her. He knows he has to follow her orders and be respectful, but at the same time, deep down he thinks he knows better than she does and he's worried. It's a tough line to walk for any XO, but especially one with his background and related abilities.
We'll see if Adele's risk taking pays off.
Date: 19 Sep 2009 23:05 Title: Chapter 25
Oh, yeah... if whatever's coming is bad enough to have caught the attention of the Continuum, it's going to be a toboggan-ride down into the bowels of Hell. Loved the Q/Junior/Icheb interaction, just the right amount of humor without going over the top. Well done.
Author's Response:
Thanks! I'm glad you liked it.
Date: 19 Sep 2009 07:01 Title: Chapter 24
It looks like the captains on the advisory board are just as enamored with the admiral and the lawyer as Oyugo is. Nice to know that Adele might have at least two potentially sympathetic people in her own personal star chamber.
Interesting to see Icheb going toe-to-toe with his captain in regards to the away mission. As irritated as he’s making her, he does have a point, and it is his job to act as a sounding board for her decisions. I hope this is part of the Captain/XO process of feeling out each other’s boundaries, a necessary first step in the formation of any effective command team.
Great stuff!
Author's Response:
Thanks, Gibraltar! I think it would be hard for any former captain NOT to sympathize with Adele's situation. At the same time, they're there for a reason, and don't want to sit there for seven years while she tries to avoid communicating with them. The board got off to a bad start thanks to Adele's poor handling of the first couple of meetings, her growing fear of Beckley, and Eleanor's horrible attitude toward Icheb. I guess we'll see if the captains can win Adele's trust.
Regarding Adele/Icheb -- they're very different. That can be good/complementary, or that can be really bad/adversarial. We'll see where they take it. Thanks again for reading and commenting!
Date: 16 Sep 2009 15:14 Title: Chapter 23
Icheb shows himself to be a creative thinker with his solution and compromise. I'm finding more to like about him every time I see him. While I wish that he and Maren could find some steady ground, I also know that after such a serious breach of trust, it takes a lot of time to work anything at all out, even being on comfortable speaking terms.
Maren probably ought to give some thought about what Duggal said about her and John. Doctors are pretty perceptive. The awesomeness continues!
Author's Response:
Icheb's always been that way. He frequently came up with innovative ideas on Voyager. As for him and Maren, they've only been around each other again for a little over a week. She's an emotional mess, and he's pretty out of practice with his more advanced interpersonal skills since leaving her, so they're both in a poor position to quickly improve the situation. Not to mention the entire reason he left in the first place hasn't gone away ... but we'll get to that eventually.
Regarding that last comment, shall I put you down for the Icheb/Maren ship, or the John/Maren ship? Hee hee ...
Thanks again for reading, and the comments.
Date: 16 Sep 2009 15:04 Title: Chapter 22
This admiral character gets more interesting every time I see him. I'm really looking forward to finding out what he's up to. I'm still on the fence as to whether it's anything *bad* or just more or less morally ambiguous. Excellent chapter!
Author's Response:
Ambiguous is Beckley's middle name, actually. Shane Ambiguous Beckley. (No, I'm just kidding. It's actually Myers, but that's kind of boring.) Glad you liked the chapter, thanks for the review!
Date: 15 Sep 2009 06:53 Title: Chapter 23
Another fantastic addition to the Tesseract saga - An interesting start with Doctor Duggal giving us a glimpse at how the rest of the crew view the relationship between their XO and Chief Engineer, followed by another tense encounter between the two officers - WOW you could cut that tension with a knife!
Love it and thanks for all your hard work, I know how you suffered for this chapter! Keep it up!
Author's Response:
Thanks, Captain Sarine!
Date: 14 Sep 2009 18:49 Title: Chapter 23
Just when you thought Maren and Icheb's relationship couldn't get more awkward or tense... heh.
Great stuff. The ongoing trials of their relationship is engrossing reading and helps uncover the inner workings of both characters.
Author's Response:
Thanks, Gibraltar. I'm glad you enjoyed it.