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Reviewer: Mistral Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 12 Aug 2009 19:29 Title: A Hate/Hate Relationship

Human nature-even in the face of the enemy jealousy will out. Good tale!

Reviewer: Terilynn Signed [Report This]
Date: 12 Aug 2009 15:32 Title: A Hate/Hate Relationship

CAT FIGHT!!!! This scene was made for television! Great action tf and snarly bitchy dialogue! *still giggling at Sam's comment* man-candy. Never heard that term before, but I'm using it for-ever. Well done tf

Reviewer: PSGarak Signed [Report This]
Date: 07 Aug 2009 23:02 Title: A Hate/Hate Relationship

Now that's a knock down drag out if ever I've read one. You have to hate somebody pretty badly to want to fight them even more than you want to get away from the Borg! You write action well!

Author's Response:

Thanks:) Action is something I can do well; it's the descriptive parts that befuddle me. It's a throwdown, plain and simple, but was fun to write.

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 04 Aug 2009 16:11 Title: A Hate/Hate Relationship

An eciting scene with chasing Borg and heroes trapped. This was good made better still by the two women choosing a most inappropriate time to have this argument. But then again, at death's door and facing the prospect of losing thier own lives to the Borg they probably feared this might be the last chance to be with Thomas. [Love how the whole time he is unconscious and unaware of the battle(s) going on around him] Nice to see some of their antagonism strongly hinted at in Ashes flashed out a little more here.

Author's Response:

*nods* Yep; poor Thomas has no idea what went on then, which is why years later in 2385, he has no clue why the two women dislike each other so much. It was just a fun throwdown to write :)

Reviewer: Gibraltar Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 04 Aug 2009 05:48 Title: A Hate/Hate Relationship

Okay, now those two really do not like one another.  Their mutual animosity was so potent the threat of the Borg nearly seemed like an afterthought to the both of them.  The doctor must be one serious piece of man candy to generate that much heat and light! ;)

A very visceral and primal story, nicely done.

Author's Response:

Yeah-The doctor, in his prime, was a man of men (though he didn't know it). The hate between the two has mellowed out a lot in the intervening 15 years, but man alive they nearly killed each other.

Also, in their defense, the stress, fear, and mental tiredness really contributed here and served to magnify their dislike to huge proportions. Glad you liked it.

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