Reviews For Resistance
Reviewer: Cowgirlcadet1701 Signed [Report This]
Date: 23 Dec 2015 04:30 Title: Resistance
Date: 23 Dec 2015 04:30 Title: Resistance
Crap! Scorpius' determination to resist the Borg makes him so darn likeable! I don't want to like him!
Reviewer: jespah Signed [Report This]
Date: 12 Sep 2011 22:15 Title: Resistance
Date: 12 Sep 2011 22:15 Title: Resistance
I do not believe I have ever seen anyone attempt to show, from the perspective of the one being assimilated by the Borg, what really, truly happens to you. And it makes a lot of sense. You hear the voices, you stop having control over your body, you stop seeing out of the one eye because they're removed it, you feel heavy with implants and hardware, you feel it all snaking up inside you.
I do not normally give out 10s but you are getting a 10 today. Thank you for a chilling, excellent read.