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Reviewer: Robert Bruce Scott Signed Liked [Report This]
Date: 12 Dec 2022 21:44 Title: New Fronts, Old War

Far too topical - a very clear vision of what happens when a civilization undergoes complete collapse. I recognize this as an outside look at one of Gibralter's earliest misadventures.

To paraphrase Kissinger - the Cardassians never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity. But the truth is far more bitter - Cardassians are punished for doing the right thing and rewarded for doing the wrong thing. A lesson that every would-be anarchist should review.

Nicely done. Thanks!! rbs

Reviewer: Miranda Fave Signed [Report This]
Date: 19 Nov 2009 23:04 Title: New Fronts, Old War

A really neat overview and synopsis of what happened in Embers - alas it seems strange to read the details without the emotional baggage and maelstrom usually apparent in a Gibraltar tale. A very convincing editorial piece on the events of Lakesh.

Author's Response:

Thank you for the review. :-)  That's precisely what I was going for with the 'report.'

Reviewer: Mistral Signed [Report This]
Date: 21 Jul 2009 07:16 Title: New Fronts, Old War

It would have been a good entry. I like the "expect the body count" bit. Fitting.

Author's Response:

Thanks!  I thought it was a fitting analysis of the post-war situation in occupied Cardassian space.

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